LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

Tap Water Turns You Gay!

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 3 Episode 2

You can now join our live recording sessions every Saturday at 7PM Eastern and lend your voice to the community. This week we were joined by Ross, Hela, and Mars along with others in the chat during the live recording. In this episode we explore even more of the off-the-wall legislation surrounding LGBT+ rights and talk about the lady who almost burned down a building to burn a pride flag. We also explore some gaming topics including the new Pokemon DLC and gaming industry practices and pricing.

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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hello and welcome to the LGBT family and games Community podcast my name is James and today I am joined by hella wave hella say hi hi see Ross did it for us waved and said hi hi I've never done so much better at this class has practice challenges yep I've never had to I don't know shush anyway welcome in everybody we actually have a decent audience today uh looks like we have five or six people in the chat just as a reminder to everybody this is a live podcast so anybody can call in at any time um if you're on your phone it might not show you the option we found that out last week but if you're on a PC on a Chrome browser you should be able to hit the call-in button and ask a question or bring up a topic or if you want to say something about a topic we're talking about you can jump in and talk um so last week we went through a range of things including the LGBT topics like uh I think Tennessee band drag yeah public direct performance has happened and then we also discussed a few other things about other legislation and things that were happening but hella sent me something that I think we should start off with because I thought it was really funny and definitely worth talking about this person has been very controversial in uh in Congress this uh George Santos person and a drag queen actually did a very in my opinion a very good drag impersonation yeah amazing yeah drag queen's called uh meatballs so hell go ahead to steal the reins for a second because I love meatball I just kind of want to give I don't know I guess give meatball their background they're a huge performer they've been on Dragula which is an alternative version of drag race which I kind of like that it has its Niche um yeah and they are very performance and I love them how's that going brain fart moments yeah oh Marjorie Taylor green tweeted about it of course she did one doesn't she oh that's true Taylor green or Marjorie Gaylor team oh it's tiny on my screen okay I don't want my face to be yeah so if you're watching uh this is a quick video of what the uh performance looks like so meatball comes out on stage and looks very much like George Santos um I mean the similarity is is actually striking yeah um but they actually do a uh a transformation into uh you know like full-on drag I I thought it was really really well done yeah they transform into Santos's drag perform uh persona oh really interesting yeah because that was the whole um thing is that Santos people found and that's where the name I think uh at the top of the article you were looking at originally it said that um other it said George Santos and aikida something our Kiara I can't remember I don't think it listed the it didn't you're right uh kitara rivachi yeah I'm pretty sure that was George Santos was because I remember when the whole thing came out they would show pictures of George Santos and the Katara right next to each other for like the face comparison and it was in that red dress oh so that's like there's the whole symbolism behind the shutting away the students yeah yeah well George Santos has been very controversial all around pretty sure there's a house there's a committee that's investigating fraud on him now I it wouldn't surprise me but there's also the problem is is George Santos is the GOP candidate right like and right now in the house the Republicans have power so I don't think they would want to risk their sway by throwing them under the bus they might censure him or do something of that sort and like I said again if you're in the audience and you want to chime in on this particular topic George Santos and the uh meatball drag impersonation of George Santos please feel free to call in um and let us know your thoughts according to MPR the house Ethics Committee is investigating him yeah there's a lot of accusations about misrepresentation of his professional backgrounds education I believe and there were also some questionable I believe it was either tax or election Finance questions yeah well in other news actually something happened right after we recorded the other episode that I was appalled to see there was actually a woman who will say quote unquote allegedly she allegedly lit a pride flag on fire in front of a establishment um and there's a there's a full video of it I don't know if it's on this article that I pulled out let's see I didn't hear about this I remember seeing the tick tock of her lighting the flag on fire okay I'll try to I'll pull the video for the recording the like the YouTube recording but basically um in the video you see this white SUV pull up this lady gets out of the SUV out of the front front seat and she does she goes up to the the pride flag with a lighter and and lights multiple sections at the bottom of the pride flag it actually catches fire this happened in um New York in Manhattan and it actually caused a massive fire I think I said it took UH 60 firefighters and 12 units to fight holy classes so was this like the flag that was on the front of the establishment or did she put up a flag just to burn it it was hanging out front it was yeah it was almost part what the heck I'm pretty sure it wasn't the video of someone or it's like a ring camera caught her or something yeah it's a security camera and inside the restaurant it looks like caught it shows you know her face um and I think people did circulate her face around the internet to try to locate her and call her in but because this actually happened a while ago she was arrested on the 30th of January for another incident I think the incident happened before then but she actually she actually went to court over this and she's saying it's all fake and and she's been charged with other things like she also has additional charges for multiple counts of graffiti having written quote Jesus on a subway platform as well as quote Jesus's King on two police cars according uh to the outlet so she's saying it's all fake even though there is video footage of her doing it who is she Trump yeah apparently I thinks if it worked well it hasn't really worked for him but well her attorney suggested that uh given she had no previous history before this month perhaps she was in the midst of having quote some kind of psychotic breakdown okay according to CEOs she's been remanded into custody and will undergo a mental evaluation to see if she would be fit yeah but hopefully she's held accountable for those actions that is the same person that was in the video because that's pretty yeah burnt down the entire building like that that's like that could even be the building kind of considered manslaughter even if it's like forever now you don't potentially attempt it right so um I think there were like three counts of arseny and some other very serious charges so the building didn't actually fully burn down it did catch fire they were able to put out the fire and I believe the owner of the establishment came out and actually put up a new Pride flag before they even like repainted the building and the new Pride flag was five times larger of course it was love that that's fantastic and he was like congratulations and thank you you know we now have a much bigger Pride flag yeah your effort was in vain basically what a fantastic answer though like yeah no I feel like that is a great response yeah yeah the owner the owner of that establishment great response yeah that's what needs to happen you guys might like this um since we uh we had talked about uh George Santos so unrelated what's that in uh in Florida and only only stuff like this happens in Florida right so this guy chemicals in the water that make the frogs gay so this guy has been appointed by the Florida governor in the new Central Florida like the what used to be the Reedy Creek improvement district that um Disney had control over uh basically DeSantis came after Disney when he went he spoke out about um the uh don't say gay bill in Florida right uh when when the CEO of Disney spoke out about against the don't say Gable um so DeSantis made sure that the Reedy Creek improvement district went away and now there he has the authority to appoint I believe it's five governors of this special area that Disney is in and one of them is this dude and uh yeah you can tell by the time this is really Petty for those who are listening and not watching um the title is just Santa's appointee to Disney oversight board suggested tap water turns people gay so my question here is okay so they're going after that yet they can't seem to make it so everybody in your um state has clean drinking water hypocrisy no there's people that have issues in Florida as well I mean everywhere in the US has disintegrating Water Systems I will say this um and if you've ever seen it's an older show but uh Daniel Tosh or Tosh.0 it used to be like a Tosh he'd show like a bunch of memes and stuff but he was from Florida and he always talked about Florida uh[ __ ] water and I didn't understand what that meant until we moved to Florida right it is no joke Florida water does smell like feces probably because there's feces in it I think it's the sulfur because of the saltwater probably that would make sense um well sulfur like we get sulfur in our water it should smell like bad eggs yeah I mean that's I mean it's kind of the same along the same lines I don't think literally okay exactly like I don't I don't think anybody's like this smells somewhat similar to humans smells a little bit closer to an egg yeah yeah um as Lynn is saying in the chat Michigan has been on a road right recently and I have been very proud of living here because of it because I'm a governor she's been fighting for like women's rights uh lgbtq rights as Lynn said Michigan Senate votes to protect lgbtq rights I didn't even know that yet because I'm terrible at following the news I try to but it so much happens every day and it's posted every day that it floods my brain but I know they're also working on abolishing an old uh anti-abortion law from like the 30s or 50s it's got a three in there somewhere that after the recent abortion ban National or whatever uh the Roe v Wade had risk of coming into effect again so they're creating legislator to help get rid of that which is very good that's great so yeah I was actually reading up on this bill it looks like it actually had a couple of GOP Senators sign off on it yeah three GOP lawmakers joined the Democratic party majority in a 23 to 15 vote to do with Michigan yeah oh we have some very good very good politicians right now yeah unfortunately this isn't giving me like the details of what exactly the bill was aimed at doing it I mean it says protect LGBT rights but that obviously we don't know if there was a fine print that convinced them to sign on yeah but hopefully everything for the greater good okay wait uh Michigan centers voted Wednesday to expand the state's civil rights law to include the lgbtq community so it's expanding an existing law okay and prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation gender identity or expression so that's that's good yeah it's a big step yeah that's why I voted for Whitmer again oh Lord what's going on we got our eyes in the sky Lynn coming up with oh I remember didn't we talk about a little bit of that last week as well to do with Japan we did yeah we we talked about um how uh AOC was pressuring Japan to um to improve LGBT rights yeah uh but this sounds like it's a different the Japan's prime minister fumio kishida has been criticized for saying the country's ban on same-sex marriage is not discriminatory interesting the source of the controversy is the prime minister also reiterated his position on Wednesday that a ban on same-sex marriage is quote not unconstitutional but said his stand should not be seen as a form of discrimination okay but we'll see how that plays out I'm sure there's more context to that and I imagine there's more to come from Japan isn't there a drag race clip from like season I want to say five where they had to create a commercial and one of them was like for a perfume called delusion because someone the delusion daddy said the delusion of the Prime Minister oh yeah so he must be using that perfume illusion well speaking of uh rights and things like that I also saw this week that Europe has its first all trans football team whoa wait what all trans football teams set to make history on the pitch is this I'm assuming soccer football yes soccer football all right I thought when I said UK it would be clear but well it depends on who writes the article I'm just trying to make sure I have my backs straight but it will be a it will be a football slash soccer team made up entirely of trans masculine people uh last year on trans-day visibility trunk United FC played a historic game against um the women's FC team priced entirely of trans women so I mean it's a step in the right direction very much yeah it looks like is it trans mask only that particular team is correct okay then they played a trans fem team correct I mean which I see is a good thing so yes trans mask only for that particular team yeah you are right I'm Christine I wanna I wanna know their reasoning behind that is it because like the league says they can only be like one type on each team like each team or something or no so it was one of the founders didn't feel right playing on an all all female team I believe when they're because because their gender assigned at Birth was female but they were trans masculine well so the question is is like why aren't there trans feminine trans mask on a team together I don't know um I don't know so that's why I was wondering like if like there were some League issue or something I think they're just making their own space right and I I think that was probably just what they came up with oh once again yeah yeah we spoke about Kenya last week yeah which is okay so make sure if you haven't already um make sure to uh check out the previous episodes of the podcasts that we catch up on some of the the other um topics that we've discussed previously and um that way in the next episode you come in and be prepared know that we've already talked about something um and then just add on if if there's something new about that particular subject uh does everybody know who Rebel was Wilson is yeah of course yes yeah you got you guys are or drama people right let me sometimes perfect Pitch Perfect so um she's now engaged oh okay all right yeah I heard about that yep she is engaged with her girlfriend Ramona oh[Music] cute she's changed a lot I mean she looks completely different she's kind of complete yeah she um lost a lot of weight um a ton of weight I know I forgot I didn't realize I guess I either read it and forgot or never clicked that she uh was lesbian or whatever what is she well she had recently come to this conclusion on her own yeah sorry continue very good this is her first girlfriend I believe yeah so she had recent I think it was in the last year that she formally came out or officially yeah I wasn't sure what she came out as though if she did and I don't remember I don't know if you did have you met her in person no and also for clarification is who's daddy it's Christina I believe it is no it's Mars oh no it's Mars Mars was daddy long before Christina was okay so what I what I have found here is that she hasn't specifically stated what it is but she has just said that she is a member of the lgbtq plus Community um which is fine and has what she doesn't need a label exactly labels are dumb she just needs to you know if she's happy she's happy yeah that's all that matters We Stand yeah exactly uh as as Mars is saying in the chat I'm gonna call you Mars on here sorry um as far as the saying in chat we do stand it doesn't need a label oh this is smart this is Mars called himself Daddy okay yes there's like four people I know who call themselves daddy in This Server now yeah Mars is the original okay okay the other thing is he called himself Daddy when we were in queer cave I'm pretty sure yes well yeah but the original to me um oh yeah something that's interesting about Rebel Wilson a lot of people don't realize is because she is known for playing like really stupid characters all the time right well she's actually a licensed lawyer I actually didn't know that yeah um Rebel Wilson was what went to law school before she became an actress interesting well I also didn't know that she's 42. I mean she's looking she's 42. yeah she's 42. one of the oldest people in Pitch Perfect I could have sworn she's in her I could have sworn she was one of the younger ones nope yeah I could see her being in like mid late 20s it's kind of the vibe that I got from her but yeah I would have to agree with that but I guess her girlfriend uh family was not taking the news as well as her family did like her family seemed to be cool with everything because they actually got engaged um but her girl's girlfriend's family was was not not chill which is unfortunately okay that is sad yeah so uh Wilson said with her she's not in the public eye it's much harder on her it's so sad to see what happened with her family over it hopefully people will change their attitude about things yeah and I guess she's launching a queer friendly dating app called fluid interest called what fluid okay be interesting to see how that turns out considering we have like four million already yeah there's a lot out there yeah yeah another another app another app everybody tries to launch an app but I guess if you have that much popularity um and fame you you can certainly afford to throw some money around it something like that and maybe I'll offer something the other ones don't yeah that could be the case because a lot of people like you know the the Mainstay of the gay dating apps has has always been uh grinder the hookup app or whatever and a lot of people I don't even really consider that a dating app uh some people do it's a hookup app playing apps like Tami and hinge are more dating because their goal is getting to know the person is on another level what what are you talking about the Muslim group horns look what sniffles who sniffles yeah I was gonna say I don't know what that is Mars I think I feel like you need to call in you don't have to be on camera but you can call in and explain what you're talking about sniffles over here it's sniffies they're like lost right now oh sniffies is an interactive map based hookup web app for gay bisexual and bicurious men okay got it grinder 2.0 all I know about is MySpace that's where I met my husband so that's cute and all of that is now gone because you can use it anonymously which is interesting because I remember I think we talked about this last week but like at one point in Myspace they were saying they were going to shut down the use of it but everything was going to be archived so you could still look at all the old stuff and then suddenly they lose all the information yeah so there was a um a data transfer that went badly in I believe 2016 maybe 2004 or something like that maybe 2013. I'd have to look it up anyway a data transfer went poorly in any data before that time frame bye-bye yeah that's kind of what I was in inferring um or this was it I don't think something actually went bad I think they just deleted it I I tend to agree that it probably all got deleted um and they just didn't want to store all the data yeah which is sad I wanted to go back and find the messages between me and Andrew to figure out what we were saying to each other yeah because I'm sure that would have been all kinds of friends to look back on some of us would have loved to see that the problem with the way back way back machine is that it wouldn't actually like store that information because that's Dynamic content right so you'd have to actually log in and have to connect to a database and store all that information in a database so that it's all gone rip around these but that's it on Rebel Wilson anything else from you guys I know that there was mention of um a Muslim group warning against LGBT rights um Bill encroaching on religious liberty that's always been an argument that conservative groups have against LGBT there's always some religious faction that has some sort of civil liberty issue well I did see what's his name uh used to be Tonight Show wise his name escaping me Tonight Show Jon Stewart oh Jon Stewart he was interviewing a a congressman who was pushing for more lacks gun controls like less gun controls overall and he kept going through all these different examples of so adding more guns makes us safer but the more guns that we introduce into society we see an increase in deaths so isn't that argument a fallacy it's in a logical fallacy yeah so anyway he was like okay let's let's put that aside you know let's let's talk about because because you're talking about protecting a right that's given by the Constitution or you know the uh the Second Amendment right the right to bear arms anyway so he goes on to talk about how the drag story times are being banned and he's like you know wouldn't Banning those story times encroach on um the right to free speech of these drag queens they said well no you know that's it's protecting our kids you know they're not allowed to do that in public because it's protecting our kids so you don't think protecting our kids would involve controlling guns when guns are more dangerous to kids from a death standpoint you know kids aren't really dying for my drag show no as an educator like I'm just objectively speaking I'm not scared of a drag show no I am not afraid of a drag show because you might be in a drag show shut up you know what I mean though um but like also I am middle school as well every day there's the thought of just one of these kids just has a really shitty day and brings in a gun the next day because it the the idea that it is a possibility is insane yeah like it shouldn't be and students show the ability to like want to cause harm if they need to like a teacher the other day I don't remember what to say I feel like it was Michigan or Florida got beat up by a student for supposedly taking his switch I believe that like she I believe that could happen she the student got chart tried as an adult that's how bad he like beat her up while you look that up I am going to share uh a video that Mars one of our audience members shared with us child who performs at RuPaul's Drag events who's sponsored by Crocs and whose mother runs a kid drag count with sexually explicit performances like this no child should be performing adult entertainment for adults this is not expression this is child exploitation what kind of parent brings their child to perform with adults and in front of adults wearing BDSM gear and lingerie what kind of parent is okay with their child being sexualized and behaving in a sexual manner what kind of parent is okay with their child touching their privates and performing with an adult taking off their clothing what kind of parent allows their child to perform with the man wearing a BDSM mask how old are you they ask 13. this is a 13 year old whose childhood was stolen and who taught this child to lick their hand and touch their privates to entertain adults you see this goes beyond failed parenting this is the byproduct of a toxic Tick-Tock culture that's already sexualized our children it's not enough to protect children from sexually explicit adult performances we have to protect children from becoming the sexually explicit performances for adults we stop the exploitation when we stop the grooming yeah so there is a lot so I said on on last week's episode and I'll say it again I think that there are there's certain parts of drag that are finite face value um drag that you see in theater where you might have you know uh cisgender male play a female character for a comedy sake or whatever well yeah not all of it is is problematic but I do think that sexualized drag in front of children really shouldn't happen it's like a burlesque show yeah and half the times it is a burlesque show and children 100 should not be performing that either no they shouldn't be doing the I don't know how the tapping you'll need to join from a um a Chrome browser I apologize but we would love to hear your opinion on this I was sitting there and I'm trying to think like I'm all for freedom of expression of a child yeah but you definitely should make sure well there's a line like yeah like there's a lot like they can perform at places and whatnot but make sure it's not like a nightclub at like 10 o'clock at night actually a lot of times they perform at midnight at clouds an adult Club that's typically like 18 plus yeah yeah hi Mars welcome into the LGBT family and games Community podcast um hello hi yeah so the reason why I I posted these videos because I had a lot to say when I ran into it and the misconception with this video is they're assuming that this child which it is a child she's 13. um she's a she's a uh male to female trans woman while trying to be a trans woman eventually when she grows up but they're saying something about her performing in Drag and that's not what she's doing right what she was doing is she was Vogue which is completely different from what they were explaining she wasn't sexualizing herself because no one was forcing her to do that she's performing herself right yeah so now they're bashing the mother for being a supportive parent because either in this day and age either you support them or you don't right so if you support them you're a bad parent if you don't support them you're a bad parent which doesn't make any sense so they're they're dragging this poor woman through the dirt without knowing exactly what is happening in that video and saying that she is sexualizing her daughter for adult entertainment which is completely alive yeah yeah and that's always triggering because what because what they're basically saying is um LGBT people are like we're rapists um yeah yeah child abuse where you sexually rate like come on like like everything's sexual to us and yeah it's not make any sense and then she had a comment about a BDSM mask that was literally that was literally a face mask it was a winter mask it looked like a winky mask it was a ski mask like yeah yeah like and the bondage wear it's like honey that's a corset that's yeah not bondage where that's she's wearing a tutu yeah they were commenting on about an adult wearing um that like Mickey Mouse latex thing but that was an adult wearing that not the child no no it's like it's like walking down the street with your child and someone is wearing that walking the opposite way what are you going to do about it you can't do nothing about it you can't control what that person is wearing no no um I mean so the flip side is like I said I probably my nieces I wouldn't be comfortable with them performing in those environments personally cisgender female nieces right like I I wouldn't want them performing in that kind of environment I would try to encourage them to form in other types of environment but I understand I can understand both sides so you know especially if this is a trans female right like that makes a big difference yeah I have to say there are drag shows and drag performances in better environments yeah like there's kid-friendly drag shows yes right my college campus I used to attend literally like every month at a drag show in their theater and it was just like a normal just they played like Madonna Like it was very normal like it was nothing Madonna isn't necessarily you know you know what I meant though I mean yeah like it's something that everyone's okay with with kind of thing like yeah Society has grown to be okay with Madonna but before it was a big yeah that's because she was ahead of her time now that you bring that up the thing I find interesting is this person creates a video like this about drag but then these parents aren't being bashed for letting their kids listen to music like by Madonna or like Ariana Grande or any of these artists if you listen to it all of it has an inappropriate annotation to it like it's not so it's it's hip Hawkers it's hypocritical it's very hypocritical yeah but what what when while we are watching it all I was picking up was this is propaganda yeah no it was clearly yeah um the only dry clip they showed was when that child was performing a Vogue number for dracon that's the only drag part that and it's it's a convention it was convention where they were promoting Vogue and how the Young Generation was coming in right but they took that manipulated it and now you have all these parents shaming us like we were the ones that did something wrong yeah don't be mad at us because we're supporting anybody and everyone because that's what we're about our community is to support everyone you want to be this you can do this you want to do that you can do that it doesn't matter so now we're villainized because that's what we're doing that's what we're about so that's why I had a I had that uh that comment about the uh football league being only trans Mass because why exclude the other Trends yeah right that doesn't make any sense we get EX everyone always wants everybody always wants to have like um inclusivity right only together we're always like Kumba yeah this and then a third but the moment we get a chance to exclude someone we do it automatically it's it's horrible so and that's what they did there too it doesn't make any sense but yeah that's all I really have to say about that because I I felt I felt a certain type of way because the reason why I felt so strongly about that was because my brother reposted this and I called him up immediately and ate him up he was like well I agree with some of certain things and I'm just like no you don't because you don't understand what is happening in that video they are literally bashing your brother for being himself do you understand what's happening there they're villainizing me because I am a gay man yeah you don't get it you don't understand that oh well I didn't see it that way oh okay well I took it that way yeah yeah no I mean I can I can see it being taken both ways honestly yeah but I understand you know we got to protect our children we got to make sure that we keep them innocent we got to make sure that we keep them safe I I get it I understand that I'm all about to have nieces I have nephews I only want them to be safe at all costs but sometimes we have things like that happening so there was like one clip where she was doing like for lack of a better term I don't know what the intention I guess was but it is kind of uh yeah that's a question of taste yeah and I thought I think was it that the uh uh I don't want to call them a child because they hate being called a child but they are true they are a child she starts whether that the child performing it wasn't the child before me yeah okay was very inappropriate just maybe from they've watched because you see that anywhere like it's it's not like she was taught that it's not like she was forced to do that or to do that like she was forced to no she wasn't she chose to do that it was very inappropriate but you know I gotta look at it you gotta look at it as a parent I'm not a parent yet which I will be soon hopefully but if my child was doing that I'm stuck because what what am I gonna say I'm gonna tell her not to do that then I'm I'm going against everything I go by with myself I would say it's a teaching lesson it's a teaching moment yeah um of where like you gotta just talk to them and be like you gotta be like do you know what you did do you understand what it means but yeah exactly you have to keep doing it exactly um I work with that age range I'm pretty sure like Middle School like six through eight and these kids they are trying to be cool they're trying things out they're you know experimenting because it's the start of uh like hormones and [ __ ] for them so I do have to kind of say for the benefit of their doubt like the benefit of the devil's advocate for them and why not they don't always have great judgment no all kids have horrible judgment no yeah no it's it's our job to make sure that they steer and they stay on the right path and know that every emotion everything that they're doing there's a reason behind it and make sure that they understand why they doing such and such yeah right I understand why she did it because I am I was part of the ballroom scene I understand why she did it right it's basically the motion is very sexual but the motion means I'm feeling myself that that's what that means I'm feeling okay so you understand but yeah from an outsider's perspective perspective it looks very sexual it looks horrible yeah but there's a medium Ballroom onto why you do that move controversial controversial yeah oh yeah so I think I mean the challenge here is you know this is a situation where again the parent probably should be having that discussion with with the teenager but there's there's going to always be hypocrisy right so I'm I'm a hundred percent sure that there are straight kids on you know straight teenagers not kids straight adolescence on Tick Tock doing dance moves that are doing more sexualized than that doing this with their boobies showing you know but you know private part but like first try why are we not talking about that yeah no exactly to me they should be equally they should be deadly accounted accounted for for that why are we not talking about those parents right but you know I have to say these which is an easy target you try to tell them it's wrong they will get like we have kids who will be like why are you doing that or we'll be like you shouldn't do that and they're like why are you telling me what to do and I've seen them talk to their parents like that there's very much a sense of why are you trying to control my self-expression yeah well it's a very it's a very what's up Senate hold on what's up my response to a teenager that says something like that is you you have a choice right we all have choices um and I'll even say this to my employees right in fact I have said this to one of my employees we vote every day it's a perfect democracy so you can vote every day whether or not you want to look to come off as somebody who's you know trashy and easy or you can come off as somebody who's classy and play hard respectable yeah yeah oh yeah I'm just saying it's like what they can't have let's be real yeah it's a very thin line with kids it's but I mean that to me that that quote kind of solves things this is a perfect almost definitely you vote every day I've said that to people that say they hate their jobs this is a perfect democracy you vote every day when you come into work whether or not you want to have this job or not whether or not you want that paycheck until our rights are removed and stripped we have the choice and the options to choose and want whatever we want so no one else's fault but one one self yep but I would say you know to to a teenager I would say that like you can choose you can choose to be this person I don't recommend it yeah you can choose to be that person yeah and when you choose to be that person just know that I'm going to save every single one of those videos and I'm going to show your future spouse yeah or even if not even if we don't show them it's gonna come up yeah no just just be okay right be okay with knowing that this is going to be forever I'm going to hold this in a safety deposit box for your future if you choose to act this way I'm just saying like even the internet how it works today once you put it out there it's on there forever it's out there no matter what you do yeah so Mars I really appreciate you stopping in to talk about this you have anything else for us man no no yeah continue yourself I'll be tuned in nope I'm good I'm good I'll be tuned in we appreciate you guys are doing great yeah yeah thank you for having me bye fantastic oh yeah that was a that was a whole thing yeah yeah anybody else in the audience have anything else to to say to throw in on us to put us on our toes I mean maybe it's time that we um move on to some other topics gaming related or something um I I would move on to gaming I don't know of anything like that's coming out I do know um Hello's got some Pokemon related things to talk about okay what you got so Pokemon had just had their uh whole flute their whole lot what do they call it Pokey news event or whatever that they do whenever some big thing is coming through and showcase yeah and to say I'm very opinionated on this I'm very much a Pokemon fanatic so they were they released uh well they announced the DLCs for the Scarlet Violet games that we all were expecting well people that play the games were expecting to happen because there's a whole region that we can't see yet and it's on the map and some of the choices were questionable but what's questionable about it well it's not like I'm just saying there's nothing like controversial or anything it's just like there were things players wanted in the game that that I feel like we did not get such as so in most of the recent games in the last few years like many like the modern generation where you could change what you could wear you could like choose your whole outfit yeah and that's kind of been like you know one of the cooler part like customizable you could make it yeah no it was fun personally and this newest one you can't change your entire outfit except for like parts of it is this newest one is this a remake of one of the older ones no scarlet and violet is its brand new series okay you're in school and you have to wear school uniform and you have one for each season that you can choose from and it chooses your top and your bottom but you can choose like what gloves what hat what backpack what shoes and what socks Okay so I was kind of hoping for like when they did the update that like since you finished school you would have like a graduation or something and you could then choose your own outfit like you know that was my hopeful logical reasoning behind it but they didn't they didn't release no they added they added four new school uniforms which did not change a lot so um I'm trying to find it because then they also updated some Pokemon too so I know this is like the Pokemon company and Nintendo although Nintendo is the largest stakeholder in the Pokemon company um I know they are separate entities but this just seems to be a running Trend with that with Nintendo right now with a lot of their um titles is that I've noticed that they are starting to lack a lot of features or things like that that seem to be in your mind seem to be just an oversight on things um a great example of this is Animal Crossing New Horizons uh the game about a year and a half or maybe just two years after it first came out Nintendo said it was done getting updates to this day the game feels incomplete uh it lacks a lot of things that the previous game in the series New Leaf had in it and has they stripped the game pretty much down to having less stuff than even the original game in the series um and then they're trying to say that that's a finished product and that's wrong um that's in many ways anti-consumer I mean yeah I'm not trying to say that simple equals what am I say I'm not trying to say that simple equals battery isn't always correct just in this case the problem is is they cannot release the Animal Crossing new Leaf of all these fantastic features and things and then the uh sequel to that or the uh next game in the series to be practically empty and feel like an a uh unfinished game that's the problem so yeah if they want to take that stance great but they can't just suddenly take it on a series where they've already have a high um bar of quality if that makes sense so I actually thought New Horizons was was fine um I mean like I got my island of five stars I am thinking of the right game right you are on the right game the one on the switch okay yeah the one on the switch yeah I thought it was fine but I haven't played any of the other games in the series so yeah so it it's come out that for example New Horizons has maybe only one fifth of the furniture options from New Leaf um oh and my my biggest problem with it is there's things that just seem to be broken with it for example the crafting system like I I understand what they brought in a crafting system I think it was unnecessary in a lot of ways I in starts to annoy me having to craft a fishing rod every like 10 fish I catch um yeah see I do that too like that's the thing is I the entire point of having that there you know I never used it for that because I just end up buying it and but I understand they stripped a lot of the furniture options away because they wanted you to use the crafting system but my struggle with it is the way that you get Crafting Recipes is through random drops by things whatever and I have always found that I get the same three recipes over and over again and but also you can get recipes that you can't even make yet because they require you to have something else that requires a recipe so I think there needs to be some leveling out there needed to be some leveling out of that system that made it so if you already had something you can't get it again recipe wise or something like that because I think that's not right like I've the game came out three years ago now and I I open it maybe five times a month you know I play twice a week um and every time I as I say I get the same three recipes I may get one new recipe a month yeah and a lot of time that new recipe as I said I can't even make because it requires another recipe and so I think there's I think they Nintendo was being greedy with New Horizons I think they put the least amount of work into it possible and released an unfinished product well it's kind of a I mean that's a programming philosophy right um it's agile um agile product development where you basically uh do the minimum I can't remember the exact term unfortunately I apologize but basically you you release the minimal viable product MVP where it will function and then it gives you an opportunity to expand upon it and usually that's used to improve upon something you know with DLCs and things like that as Mars have mentioned in the chat you know maybe they are trying to pay wallet with you know expansion packs or things like that you know and certainly a choice yeah and in this case like I I fully expected that to happen and like I think the thing that was interesting was like they also were releasing free updates for the first year and a half there they added little things into the game but these were like things that had been in previous games from the beginning so it makes you wonder what the heck is about that but then I also expect it as I said about DLC is like I fully expected to receive DLCs and in the end we only received one DLC and it didn't actually change anything to do with the gameplay of the game or add anything it just made it so you could get a like home designer business or whatever um and so like it didn't add any recipes it didn't add any furniture it didn't add any actual proper gameplay other unless you want to go and own like a room designer business uh but you didn't get anything out of that in the rest of your game and that's the thing that's the problem is it's like it's very um segregated like you you would go to this design business and you could design stuff in that business but you wouldn't have access to anything unless you already owned it um so it as it didn't add anything it's pretty much Xavier in chat just said stop talking World of Warcraft is the most widely played MMORPG in the world and unfortunately the company behind World of Warcraft Activision Activision Blizzard is a demonstrative corporation that eats regurgitates and repackages the same game basically and resells it to subscribers and future subscribers in some cases getting less and telling you that it's more so basically saying this is another example of a company doing the same thing that Activision Blizzard has done with Warcraft so it's pretty much also what Bethesda does with Skyrim yeah oh no Skyrim was basically just a slightly different story for um what was the game that came before it Oblivion yeah I mean oblivion's a better game in my opinion um my other problem with that is is that Nintendo with the switch has proven with other titles that they can do better um or other first party titles I don't know how you put it so for example Super Mario Odyssey is a fantastic game yeah as much as I have ish as much as I have issues with it breath of the wild is a fantastic game uh that's arguable for a certain type of player um for a certain type of player I hate that yeah I cannot I do too we all know my opinion Fire Emblem but it doesn't so breath of the wild the thing is doesn't make me feel like it's an empty game it just isn't my type of game um Fire Emblem yeah yeah breath of the wild for me was was very hard to follow I really miss like my ideal Zelda game was Ocarina of Time I feel like that is the yeah um that has been the best Zelda game that I've seen personally but I'm biased because that's the first one that I've like played all the way through and I have no opinion on Celtic games and I mean yeah the simple equals better you know I do see times where like it doesn't work as well and where I is fine with it for example Skyward Sword HD um they did the least amount of work possible to remaster that game and then released it at full price and so there's problems with that but I fully willingly paid for it because that's my favorite game in the series yeah with um Pokemon I do have to say they are in an upward trend of getting better because they had games like sun and moon which like you were basically LED through this like game you were spoon fed everything like it was very just basic the creativity wasn't there the story in scarlet and violet I adored I love it was one of their like they're getting better with open world spawning things in that world and like they're still new at that like RCS was their first like truly that one that one was kind of like Pokemon crossed with uh Monster Hunter yeah like because you couldn't travel to each region from another region like you couldn't you had to travel through something go through like a loading screen and Scarlet and violet you could bike from one end to the other without having to go through loading the screens so before we get to that um so as far as a company just to kind of wrap up my two cents one of my favorite game franchises was uh Harvest Moon when I was a kid and they quite literally would repackage the same game over and over and over again but I would still play it because they would make some slight changes sometimes they would lessen the features sometimes they'd increase on a feature but I would always play it just for the bass purpose of the game so I do think that there's a there's a there's a fine line you know some companies take advantage of it but for me like I would be thrilled if there was a new release of a harvest moon game um I know that like on PC for example you have um uh stardew Valley I felt like stardew Valley it has a lot of similarities to Minecraft but it's not a Minecraft game because it's actually way more complex than Minecraft Minecraft at its core is a very simple game yeah and that's what I liked about so you were talking about Harvest Moon I I said Minecraft didn't I yeah multiple times oh my goodness I've had a long day y'all though oh no I get it we got what you meant um I've played Harvest Moon before and I would say they're they're very similar games yeah um with some slight differences like I don't think Harvest Moon had like combat no not at all none absolutely which star do you have but otherwise but also in Harvest Moon you could ride a horse you can do that worse I've never gotten a horse I guess I've never played long enough yeah yeah I guess I always just finish everything I want to do to me that's the difference like I feel like having a very simple game sometimes is a good thing and that's why I wasn't like really offended by um the Animal Crossing game New Horizon because it was it had a lot of those same kind of it was enjoyable yeah yeah and as I said I think the problem was it upset Animal Crossing fans and I think that was the problem there I think I said that oh sometimes they cater tried to cater the game to a newer Community forgetting that Animal Crossing just has a huge following as it is uh and that backfired in a lot of ways I mean the thing is everyone's still played it everyone still bought it they got their money yeah that's the thing is they got their money from the Animal Crossing fan base but then they also got the money from the new people they got really lucky with their release time too yeah that was unfortunately to say releasing with kovid like it was the perfect game yeah like play while you were quarantined yeah I stopped playing once covered was over yep myrona island has been um it's nice and Dusty full cockroaches yep probably um so in the chat before we move on Daddy Mars saying uh thoughts about Riot being lgbtq friendly gaming company actively catering to the community love it always love it and I actually really do like playing um uh League because you do see LGBT representation in the in the players they've definitely done I mean they even had little knots acts as their president for like a week well he wasn't really the president you know what I mean though there's a publicity stunt but like oh yeah yeah he was posting on their Twitter like you know but it worked he made a song for that like they give chances to the artists and don't don't cancel me on Twitter but that song I didn't feel like his was one of his better songs oh no not at all no I could have done better but yeah but I mean that's his choice I'm gonna get canceled Mars is canceling me you know Mars are you a hardcore isn't it other songs it's a good song it's not as good as others what other song you talking about which one sorry uh Starbucks do we need to oh I wish we could play it real quick but yeah we can't well we'll play it for you off of the uh off of the podcast yeah um yes and then oh I was just catching up with chat real quick Xavier said I also wanted to say last podcast I was asked about Destiny 2 and the new DLC lightfall I will not be buying it the destiny Community is red-faced and angry over Bungie's latest release regarding lesson two what's happening with that is much of what I Illustrated above if not more so so basically the same things that were happening with uh like World of Warcraft and and things being very wonderful okay right um that was not his best song no Montero Montero was good I actually thought the um uh the prison one was good yeah the person one was not my favorite though I guess it depends on what your kind of the themes you like in a song I thought it was good I love Montero I loved the art in it and like it was very artistic campy and gay and I loved it[ __ ] love lap dances for Satan okay that's why you liked it no I also really like like all the wigs and I don't know I like the fashion in it God I know they've been releasing games like music more expensive and more expensive my friend texted me the other day about how I think the new Zelda game is gonna be like 70 dollars yeah yeah I won't be surprised to see regular games go up to about 60 or 70 well they're already which you probably 90 or 80. it feels just so weird to me because we're buying them digitally now I mean the difference yeah the problem is is that Nintendo I mean places don't yeah no Nintendo in particular doesn't change the price of any of the products based on if it's digital or if it's a um physical copy and but then they tried the thing is like Nintendo cartridges for the e-switch are more expensive to produce which is the reason why prices went up a little bit with it other than you know capitalism okay but I feel like if people are buying it digitally yes they're not having the cost of production but that's what I was trying to say hello okay sorry was that but Nintendo is stingy that way and they do not change the price of it based on whether or not it's physical or digital so it here's the deal y'all it it costs a lot of money to make one of these games yeah a lot of money yeah I don't know like I've dabbled in some some like game making engines and holy crap holy cow there is so much involved yeah there's so much code involved there's so much digital artwork involved and animating uh 3D models don't even get me started with animating a 3D model and rigging it to a skeleton oh yeah that is it's a nightmare it takes hours to get one right yes um Mars yes and no in the case of the game that we're discussing um tears of the Kingdom their sequel to breath of the wild they create a completely new engine for breath of the Wild um and it they didn't know if it was going to work when they released breath of the wild and so they've had they did a lot of changes between that and this game to add abilities to it um so in that case I was personally okay with the game being more expensive because they did build it from the ground up how much was breath of the Wild 60 bucks something like that um yeah but I mean isn't the new game going to be on the same engine yeah no no and I'm not saying whatever but I'm just saying that there in that case it made sense but the engine also does get updated like they updated it for all those things but in the past for the before that the last maybe four Zelda games had been made on the same engine I just don't feel like I feel like games have been sixty dollars for a while before the Zelda release yeah that kind of happened like Pokemon games have been that price I remember them being 50 on like the Nintendo 64. yeah so like Thief month the point is is that Nintendo had to get the money back for paying to create that well yeah but we're paying for an experience you yeah you're paying for an experience as replay value in theory but you're also paying it's not just you know going to Nintendo it's not you know Nintendo just but not the same thing you're paying for a team of people you know a lot of people involved in writing you know this the story script yeah but I'm not understanding why this pay increases because these things have been this way when they were cheaper but also look at how long it's taken to produce this game it's been delayed four times now I think yeah they take you just came in specific yeah I can kind of understand it yeah but no I mean broader picture like games in general let's let's let's let's go outside the box of the Zelda game games in general they they have massive teams and the thing that you have to look at economically is what has happened in the last couple years yeah we have we have record-breaking inflation across the globe so what inflation causes is going to be some increase in salaries and increase in salaries means you have to pay for those salaries it's just like you know the argument for um uh everybody making 15 an hour great in concept uh you know great idea I'd love for everybody to make more money the problem is the cost of your dollar burger at McDonald's is going to go up um as you increase the wages because business owners aren't going to just say we're going to eat it all because those people up high aren't going to want to take a yeah they're they're going to replace the labor with a robot the yeah the the problem already yeah they're I mean and they're I see both sides of this um there's certain things like I'm I mentioned Skyward Sword HD earlier uh and that game literally was just an up Res of the graphics and adding the ability to play with button controls as opposed to motion controls because the original game was completely motion controlled which I never had a problem with but I understand why people did um but then they still made you pay the 60 price premium for it for a game that essentially had not been changed and was released originally 10 years before and I I understand the the problem with that because and in the Nintendo personally came out and said something like that would take them maybe three months to do um so I can I can see problems with paying a 60 price premium for a re-release of a game like that um but and I know we were moving on from this other thing but that's just an example I have um back to the riot games thing um last year they purchased a stake in a company called Hypixel Studios um who I think it was last year maybe it was the year before I don't remember who are in the process of making a Sandbox game called hightail which definitely takes lots of inspiration from Minecraft um but it's like and it looks very interesting I'm very excited to see what comes out of it um use the Minecraft mod pack turned in[Music] yeah Hypixel the the mod pack well actually the Minecraft mini game team yeah so is that game when is that game being released again we don't know um it was It was supposed to have it's like original like Beta release like three years ago and it didn't happen and it still hasn't happened um hopefully it's not one of those situations where it just keeps yeah keeps going yeah no I think I I follow them um and the last time I heard something that it was that they completely restarted development of the game because they want to start building it on a different engine so we could hide across platform yeah hightail yeah hightail not Hypixel Hypixel is the company yeah Hypixel is the company making it I said hightail yeah yeah I've been looking at this because this is this was one of the you know I had looked at multiple types of games to host as uh potential you know Community servers and this was one that I thought you know if it ever released it would be great yeah great to play as a group I think that'd be exciting and I think I think it's gonna be it's going to add a lot of stuff that Minecraft doesn't have um which will make it but still have what makes Minecraft great in it so it will make it so a variety of different types of players will have something to gravel at all right so before we wrap up does anybody from the peanut gallery the audience have uh any anything else for us today I'll give them just a second to type all right y'all well thank you for joining us for this uh second episode of season three for the LGBT family and games Community podcast on Discord lgbtfam or on our website all the links are in the description of uh the podcast and uh the video if you've posted this on YouTube the podcast audio version will post on Monday to all of the uh streaming platforms Spotify and others Apple music um and the video hopefully I'm going to try to get them out every uh a week later but they take a long time to edit because they're an hour long so yeah with all that said later