LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

Stunt-Queens, Screams, Spaceships, and Synapses

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 3 Episode 3

This week we are graced with the presence of Dunkledore, one of the LFG staff members and developers who has contributed features to LFG like Yori and Buba bots. In this episode we review some current events including an anti-trans comment from Ted Cruz, the very polarizing CPAC speech calling for the "annihilation of transgenderism", RuPaul's clap back to political distraction techniques, and the rise of antisemitism. On a lighter note we talk about some premiers including Punch (a movie about a gay boxer), Miley Cirus' new album, Scream VI, Gotham Knights, and more. Finally we take a moment to discuss the launch of Kerbal Space Program 2 and artificial intelligence.   You can now join our live recording sessions every Saturday at 7PM Eastern and lend your voice to the community. 

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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hello and welcome to the LGBT family and games Community podcast my name is James and today I am joined by dunkledorff hey guys there you go you didn't need as much instruction as hella hella kind of like froze and was like I've watched these things before it always stops yeah just just hi hello how are you So for anybody who doesn't know dunkelders actually one of our staff members in lfg um he's been with us for quite some time and um actually a few years he um he joined us as one of the moderators of another server that merged with lfg he didn't have any ownership of that server whatsoever um the joke is it's kind of an inside joke but actually Douglas owned a server had a number of people in it and one of his moderators reached out to us and said hey you know I kind of want to get out of this and you know but I don't want these people to not have a place to be um you know I want to merge things and I thought he was the owner of the server but come to find out this guy had no ownership of the server um he did like I guess what a year prior to that or something yeah he originally owned it but we kind of ran it as a three but like officially I had ownership yeah yeah the other guy yeah wink right another funny thing about that merger is that I'm pretty sure I'm the only one stealing nfg from it it's like 150 people potentially yeah yeah it was already quite an aging crowd uh yes yeah it happens but anyway um on to podcast topics I know the last two podcast episodes we spent a lot of time on some of the politics stuff uh the the LGBT political things and uh I hate to bring it to you guys there is still more uh it's it's just been a thing lately it's been in the news quite a bit and I think it's important for us to talk about these things because it's important for the community to be informed about what's going on so that we can react appropriately when it comes time to vote for people who are going to be in office or uh so that we're aware of what other people are going through in the United States because not every state is the same some states are better than others right now um but there's a lot on the national platform that has kind of come to light as a as of late and I think the first thing that I would like to dive into because I think it's absolutely uh I just don't even know the word for this I I'm trying not to say uh inappropriate things about this person but Ted Cruz I'll just say the name Ted Cruz Senator Ted Cruz was invest uh interviewing he was interviewing one of the candidates for FAA administrator and here's what he had to say well listen to this first and then we'll talk about it be clear and I you and I talked about this FAA administrator is a specialized physician I'm not qualified to be FAA administrator I have no idea how to fly a plane no one in their right mind would put me in charge of Aviation safety because I don't have that experience I suspect I I wonder why people have put him in charge of anything but yeah that's exactly my fault I was like you yeah apply that to your own senatorship yup so I start I digress I apologize for interrupting but in fact most of the members of this committee are in a similar position the American people when they think about Aviation safety when they think about I played in this committee a Southwest Airlines and FedEx plane almost colliding in at Austin's Airport they won an FAA administrator who knows why those planes crash and knows how to fix it to keep them safe and with all respect Mr Washington it gives no comfort to the Flying public that their pilot might be a transgendered witch but doesn't actually know how to prevent the plane from crashing into the ground and killing them I believe your record is woefully lacking and in fact you have zero Aviation safety experience and I don't believe you'll have the votes for for confirmation as you and I visited about earlier this week so there's a a little bit to unpack there it's one thing to say that a candidate is not qualified for the position so if this person and I haven't researched this person I'm not going to I just personally think that there should be no correlation with what the pilots identify as and their ability to fly safely yeah 100 like I'm even surprised that he's even allowed to bring up the fact that they're a transgender person it like in uh official government kind of interview to bring up something not relevant like that and obviously their news incredibly uh Choice language that's designed to evoke a motion for sure well unfortunately I mean right now most of the Congressional and and Senate hearings in the United States when they're televised when they record them it all becomes a big political stunt because they're trying to get these little sound bites for their base so I mean clearly Ted Cruz was aiming towards putting in the sound bite so that he could be justified and not confirming this candidate uh and his base there's a lot of people in the Republican base not every Republican but there's a lot of people in the Republican base that are clearly anti-trans and that becomes a sticking point for those types of people because you know suddenly they were thinking that this this candidate for this role supports trans people and I don't want to support that person yeah almost like uh Association by I forget the terminology there another thing he does as well which I actually find politicians of all sides tend to do this is um like speaking on behalf of the public when you really don't represent the public so saying the flying public get no kind of Comfort I think actually if you asked the majority of the public they would almost not have an opinion on on that obviously there's going to be lots of people who would but probably more who don't care yes no I I think most people really wouldn't mind they're not going to care who the administrator is uh as long as they have qualifications for that role and and again I there's a separation between somebody being qualified for that specific role and bringing up this other subject why do you have to bring up yeah it takes away attention from the important stuff and then even people who would it's kind of nasty really because even people who would potentially support this person is like well I don't want it all to be about that I don't want it all to be about being transgender which is not the intention of that person at all yeah and in fact RuPaul actually recently came out and talked I'm switching subjects on you dunk a little bit I apologize I know you're new to this hold on to your hat so we recently came out I think rude pool came out no RuPaul recently came out and talked about the um the anti-drag bills because obviously RuPaul's Drag Race and that's going to have a lot of implications for their show and different things like that but uh I felt like what RuPaul said in this video is just on the money for what's going on in the United States right now hey look over there a classic distraction technique distracting us away from the real issues that they were voted into office to focus on jobs health care keeping our children safe from harm at their own school but we know that Bullies Are incompetent at solving real issues they look for easy targets so they can give the impression of being effective they think our love our light our laughter and our joy are signs of weakness but they're wrong because that is our strength drag queens are the Marines of the queer movement don't get it twisted and don't be distracted register to vote so we can get these stunt Queens out of office and put some smart people with real solutions into government by the way a social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote so Queen was a good line oh yeah no that was packed full of these little I actually really enjoyed kind of all the little knocks but basically the the premise is just saying this is a distraction politics right like this one this is a tactic so they can blow up something about a minority and they know that the minority itself doesn't have enough power to pull them out of office right and that's I mean quite frankly that's why it's cowardice right because we went over the statistics 7.2 percent of the United States identifies as LGBT and of that I want to say 10 identifies as trans very small percentage of the overall United States yeah I'm not going to add the Rupal said uh everything I could possibly say then yeah and I I know you have some some Choice uh some Choice words about uh Ted Cruz so we won't go into that much detail but I don't think that's our next subject so uh speaking of trans people I am very concerned about this rhetoric there's been a lot of really strong rhetoric against trans people um so at CPAC which is the the basically this conservative conference it's for the conservative politicians in the United States so a lot of Republicans um this film that Michael Knowles uh the daily wire was saying that quote transgenderism should be eradicated so I'm going to go ahead and play this clip there can be no men little way in dealing with transgenderism it is all or nothing if transgenderism is true if men really can become women then it's true for everybody of all ages if transgenderism is false as it is if men really can't become women as they cannot then it's false for everybody too and if it's false then we should not indulge it especially since that Indulgence requires taking away the rights and customs of so many people if it is false then for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely the whole Preposterous ideology at every level this is the type of rhetoric that's going on in the United States right now um and I know you're from Canada so you probably don't pay attention to a lot of this but oh it comes it usually comes in a a bit of a smaller form six months later that's that's how Canada works well and that's the problem right is this will have ripples across the world uh for transgender people and unfortunately everything that that gentleman said was incorrect um he said it in such a he used such a uh a tactic like a polarizing tactic in that it's it's either everything's either yes or no or right wrong and completely ignores any anything in between and so anybody who even has a slight portion or hesitation towards the subject is like well I must align with the no then I must align with the negative only assist deals in absolutes yeah Star Wars reference exactly yeah that's the problem that's the problem is both people on the right and left of the political Spectrum liberals and conservatives tend to deal in these extremes and a majority of that the average person I think understands some of the gray area or would be willing to compromise but because the rhetoric is becoming so extreme now more and more people are speaking in those extremes and it's just honestly it's sad in my opinion yeah it's kind of like the excuse of um what are we going to do about school sports when there's going to be mismatches and it's like a completely you're taking one like obviously that's something that needs to have an answer to somewhere but you're taking one teeny teeny tiny portion and completely invaliding the whole thing yeah and uh and on the topic of sports um you know there's we talked about last week that there is now a trans masculine football for soccer for people in the United States team in the UK so perhaps that's the solution I don't necessarily like the idea of having to do like separate but equal but you know if we are splitting uh different types of sports by gender and we feel that it's necessary I personally think that it'd be great for everybody to play on the same teams um but if if we feel like we're we're splitting uh by by different types of identity then I don't think it would hurt to have all trans teams actually I think that would be empowering because then those all trans teams have sponsorships and money and funding and different sources of revenue and can uh become even more popular perhaps than other teams I certainly agree with that um but there is another point there in that if you take chess for example um women have always been able to compete in the um male chess competitions which should have been traditionally dominated by males um and it wasn't until um that they had dedicated women's competitions that the women were able to advance and progress to eventually start becoming more represented in the mail competition so while the thing about having um trans only teams it's I guess for me I see it as a stepping stone in that it gives gives visibility gives people a chance to progress but ultimately I don't know I still understand it ultimately is that an anti-am Maybe I don't know you know I don't know what the answer is what my hope is is that we can maybe perhaps in the short term come to some types of compromises because progress can't and doesn't ever really ever happen immediately it's usually like small stepping stones that we take to get there so I think maybe that's one of the small stepping stones and as more visibility happens and comes about from those teams playing against each other and being televised and things like that maybe that opens people's eyes to what trans people are like right because in the current situation like that did definitely make sense to have those also yeah give people a space so many positives I just would want somebody to feel empowered to also make the decision to play in a non-trans team if they are trans correct yeah and I can agree with that now I will say this you know some of the the science behind gender transition says that in the actual diagnosis and prescribing guidelines or gender transition they outline when certain characteristics begin to take effect and when certain gender you know the gender dominant characteristics start going away so I believe when a trans woman starts transitioning I want to say it's probably about one to two years before a lot of the effects would take place that would give them a quote unquote advantage in a sport so you know perhaps the trans teams all trans teams are a stepping stone in between you know initiating um gender transition and then finally achieving gender translation at which point would be recognized for you know the gender team that they wish to play for yeah I've never even thought about it like that just understanding that it's not an instant process and yeah and I think scientists say like as early as three months those effects begin to take place I do think that there's probably some lingering benefits that you have just based on how long you've you know been a certain gender and and before you start transitioning so you know if you're later in your adulthood it might take longer for those characteristics to fall off and for them to be replaced with other characteristics but I think it's you know certainly something again this is talking about finding a middle ground instead of having these polarizing views of it just can't happen right like yeah and even if like let's just take it to a complete extreme and say that we all agreed this isn't true but let's just say we all agreed that those issues in sport are massive and unsolvable what what that's still such a small part of life that shouldn't like discourage the rest of it I agree like what is something like just because we can't figure out sport what and the other you know so another one of the the talking points is going to be the bathrooms right yeah because there are currently bathroom bands going across the United States and in fact one politician I'll have to pull it up I'll probably add it and post but one politician I saw he actually got a bill that was on the floor it was it was they were trying to pass a bill that would make it a sex crime for a transgender person to be in the bathroom or the sex that they the gender that they identify as while a child was present irregardless of what they were doing in the bathroom at the time so for example if a transgender female was washing their hands a child walks in they are immediately guilty of a sex crime yeah of sexual assault against a minor it's wild I wonder how that plays into high schools as well when like everybody's online yeah right so does that mean that a coach can't be uh in in a locker room yeah yeah uh or a parent so some countries they just don't have gender bathrooms at all and you're gonna do business you're leaving you wash your hands well I kind of wish we would start going that way I know the infrastructure like the infrastructure in the United States there's no way there's no way that could happen I think even men would prefer to have their own space there's a there's an old video on YouTube about the rules of the male bathroom and it's an animation like somebody actually went and this is back in the day when animating things was way more difficult than it is now but somebody actually went through the process of animating like when you go into a bathroom and the Stalls are all open you can choose any any urinal but if there's a person here you must choose the furthest urinal away you may not choose the one right next to them and you cannot make eye contact and you should not speak to somebody that is a foul and if if somebody speaks to you while you're in the bathroom then somebody might fall over and die and then it would cause the chain reaction of death and oh anyway it's all toxic masculine here that's finest so you know that God made okay it's kind of really bad right but it is humorous that go made into a game called how gay are you and it was like you would be given a set of urinals with dudes at them and you'd have to pick which one you would go to oh my goodness if you pick the ones that were like it was like an iPhone game that was literally called out gay it's so stupid yeah but the point is the urinals are the problem because you know on public whatever just make it all stalls make it all stars or even you know like full Stars where there's not a space underneath so that it's more of like a private sure yeah you could do what you were and who's in Stoppers yeah fine dining restaurants in the United States have those for the the Stalls and like the men's bathroom and stuff like where it's regular walls like you don't have any spaces underneath I prefer privacy I don't know maybe I'm weird I I don't know North America definitely has like and I don't know there's always like gaps as well I've noticed since coming to North America in public yeah just gaps between the doors and they'll be like this far off the ground yeah it's very awkward going to the bathroom I hate public restrooms yeah but anyway so this type of rhetoric that we were talking about like the CPAC speech the problem with it is it's so extreme and it's so reminiscent of the type of rhetoric that happened around the Holocaust yeah where we're talking about eradicating entire people from from existence right like they don't want transgender people to exist transgenderism should be eradicated well there are people who identify with that yeah this language is just pretty or I think it's like just every single word that he picked was as Extreme as he could possibly be to generate as much emotion as he possibly could yeah which is very unfortunate and and speaking of the Holocaust recently Steven Spielberg spoke to Stephen Colbert and talked about how not since Germany in the 30s have I witnessed anti-semitism no longer lurking but standing proud with hands on hips like Hitler and Mussolini kind of Daring us to defy it I've never experienced this in my entire life especially in this country I will actually give this a listen young Sam and I assume young Steven Spielberg is bullied and feels alienated by his jewishness and you've said it took years for you to embrace your your heritage and not doing so fully until you are actually CR making Schindler's List with the prophets of the film you created the showa foundation and I'm curious as someone who's examined his his own jewishness in the in the place of Jews not only in the United States but but around the world do you find it surprising the rise of public anti-Semitism not only in the United States but in authoritarian countries all around the world now I I find it very very surprising because anti-Semitism has always been there it's it's either been just around the corner and slightly out of sight but always lurking or it has been much more overt like in Germany in the 30s um but not since Germany in the 30s have I witnessed anti-Semitism no longer lurking but standing proud with Hands-On hips like Hitler and Mussolini uh kind of Daring us to defy it I've never experienced this in my entire life especially in this country sometimes I mean that's students feel heard right and that's the problem that we're running into we're seeing a lot more divisive Behavior across the board I'd really like him to um like obviously you have no doubts in his what he's saying but um it'll almost be it'd be really good for them to almost narrate some of the experiences he's had because I think a lot of people would still maybe not even believe in even after hearing this um yeah but I reckon he's got some crazy stories oh I'm sure and I and I'm sure that there was more to I mean this was only you know a 30 second minute long maybe video outtake of this interview so I'm sure that there was a whole lot more to it but uh I I've seen a lot more myself there's there are a lot of people speaking out against Jews against black people against transgender people against gay people you name it all these minorities are getting everybody has to align or yeah everything's becoming just super polarized and just get in your group and our group Southern your group well and so here's the flip side right so a lot of this has been aimed at some of the conservative talking points right you know we talked about CPAC and and how concerning that was and we talked about Ted Cruz who's obviously conservative politician but the problem is is we have similar issues with people that have more liberal ideology and cancel culture and two episodes ago we talked about the Hogwarts Legacy game and how people were canceling each other over playing this game understanding that JK Rowling has made some horrendous statements that are anti-trans statements and there are undertones in the game that that could be associated with anti-Semitism in relation to the goblins and um some historical events that had happened in the past so understanding all that but the fact of the matter is you know this whole canceled culture right like saying you have to act a certain way you have to behave a certain way so I do relate and understand some of these conservative talking points as far as like freedom of speech and and being able to be your own self without you know walking on eggshells to try to please everybody I think we need to get to the point where we're not there right like on both sides uh there needs to be a lot more give and take a lot more forgiveness a lot more understanding and we need to like work towards common ground yeah um I think you know pretty damn liberal um but you are you have to yeah um but that being said I also sometimes take a position of you have to convince the people that you don't like so when people come at me with homophobia I often try to approach it as like ignorance rather than just bringing hatred and like discount them as a person it's more that I try and view them as it's unfortunate the the collection of events that you've had in your life has led you to this point hopefully one day you'll make a different decision yeah right that's how I that's how I try most of it like obviously there's lines drawn where people get violent when people start to seriously infringe but um that's always how I've dealt with verbal issues is just it's almost it's not it's almost sympathy for them in the I'm sorry that this is like you haven't had the right thing revealed to you well yeah it's unfortunate that that person hasn't interacted with at least one or two gay people or what have you any type of person that they're discriminating against to understand that they're just people too yeah and so when you get often yeah sometimes gay people have a really um harsh reaction to certain things when it's like that reaction might even be justified but you're not going to win like that well no and that's the point right but I I completely agree with that I 100 agree with what you're saying there and I again I think we talked about this related to um the Hogwarts Legacy game and JK Rowling and all the things around that when people start so when people in the LGBT community start sending death threats to people or saying it would be better for you to get hit by a car if you know if you're going to go buy that game you might as well go out and into the street and get hit by a car it's one of the tweets that I pulled up in relation to this that is such an extreme view in my mind and I can't believe that people would be okay with going there yeah it's so it's so unproductive it's like you're actually doing the opposite of your intention you're you're concreting these people's opinions I agree with that I agree that we are doing ourselves a disservice when we when we become violent protesters ew because with words too yeah official yeah violence with words too it we cannot cannot cross that line we need to be better as as a community as a whole and approach these situations with compassion and try to understand things and and people yes we have I wonder what the number is now I know it's over 5 000 people are banned in lfg right you know that's just a reality that we're going to have to deal with 6660 bands outside of it that's actually a stupid number but like I've been on the other side where I'm having a discussion with someone and then like I might even have realized that I'm wrong but they've angered me or they've irritated me to the point of which I'm just gonna Double Down anyway yes and it's like they've engaged in this in a way this made me so unhappy that I'm just like even though I know I'm wrong I'm not gonna like I'm not gonna give you that exactly and I think that that's another problem right I think that's a fallacy in the in the thought process of how we approach things you are never going to convince somebody to admit that they were wrong by making them look stupid yeah and you're also not going to do it you're never going to get somebody to admit they're wrong like immediately in a discussion it's never going to happen they're gonna need to go through their own long-term transition and they also like for a lot of people you have to swallow pride and that takes time and that like some people just need to be allowed to do that silently and some people won't ever want to do that right so sometimes we have to you know maybe pepper them with certain smaller Concepts right like on the big picture they're never going to swallow their pride and that they're wrong I know plenty of people that are really smart people and they they you know still believe certain things um that might get fed to him by a news organization and they don't research right you know there are a lot of people that I know who are conservatives that will say you know Republicans don't care about the LGBT issue anymore you know that's off the table that's settled and that's done with over 400 laws are being circulated now in the United States since the fall of Roe v Wade to restrict LGBT rights yeah it is sad though because you if I take how I was how my brain worked five to ten years ago I was like yeah we're pretty much getting that now like yeah there's still more to do but we're like almost almost done and it's really not that it's that's really not the case oh no no no no no and that's the problem is is progress is like a pendulum right so we swing forward and we get somewhere but then we we will inevitably come back quite a bit before we move forward again so it's it's always it's like a rocking motion we go forward we come back we go forward we come back and it's the same thing with politics like usually what we see in politics is we see uh you know like a liberal so for example in the United States we had um Clinton bush and then we go to uh Obama right so Democrat Republican Democrat and you know then we have a further swing conservative with Trump and then now we have you know Grandpa who's asleep at the switch I'm not a fan of Biden right he was asleep and he was crash like deliberately driving the car off the uh the highway yeah he look if he's asleep at least maybe the car will keep going forward yeah yeah no I mean I mean see he has done some good things but I you know overall he would not be my candidate pick I really like Pete budiches personally um and by the way as a disclaimer because LGBT family names is a non-profit this is not uh an organizational uh endorsement of a specific political candidate this is just my personal opinions and you know people are free to choose how they wish yeah I actually haven't read up a lot of his opinions but uh I do think he could present himself a little bit better which one um uh Biden as well his way of talking I don't find particularly inspiring oh he's extremely old as well we could talk about the Aging problem yeah no I mean that's actually that's part of the problem that we have right most of the politicians are extremely old compared to compared to their base right yeah yeah and we have this whole baby boomer generation too one you've also got the well the ages partly reinforced by some of the positions until death type thing right correct especially in the Supreme Court which by the way which by the way there was actually a group and I heard this on NPR so I'm going to bring it up and I think it's important because a lot of people don't pay attention to the Supreme Court until something like the Roe v Wade that happens but uh justice uh Thomas Clarence Thomas his wife is actually a lobbyist she she's she has a lobbyist group and she is very influential in Washington and there is a whole question of Ethics when it comes to her and and him residing over issues that she might have interest in as a lobbyist so actually it is that's such a complicated issue because you would never want to suggest the spouse should be like aligned politically with that partner but like the fact of reality is that you like you do to a degree like you live together you taught together you clearly have alignments and yeah you're like it's just it's such a hard thing to avoid yeah well I mean so the reality is these justices don't have a code of ethics the United States Supreme Court is the only Court in the United States that does not have a code of that of ethics well all the lower courts have codes of ethics and so now I think two organizations came out with drafts of uh possible codes of ethics for the Supreme Court the problem is the Supreme Court rules itself so the Supreme Court would have to actually um enact its own photographic unless Congress came in and passed legislation or increased the count of Judges but we don't necessarily want more judges that have lifetime roles I personally don't like the idea of them having lifetime roles but I understand the purpose of it the purpose of that was to prevent people from being swayed because they have to do um they would have to rerun right so it was supposed to prevent political influence from the outside yeah but it's all I mean all of it is just surely though you did actually mention that you wouldn't want more I actually I don't know if I felt like a lot of the time you do have strength in numbers but I don't necessarily want more people in in that particular position just because it's a lifetime role I don't know that I want that many people in a lifetime role I mean maybe that dilutes their power so I could understand it from that perspective but I'm not a huge fan of Lifetime appointment going to more people and I know the problem the problem with the lifetime appointment as well is just um almost like fundamentally it's it assumes that people do not change which is that it's not true that's totally not true correct well and so the other issue is if Congress were to uh increase the number of justices right like so if legislatively they passed a bill and said uh we're gonna add three more justices to the Supreme Court the problem with that is that sets up a precedent for the next Congress to do the same thing if the alignment wasn't in their favor so then they could pack on more people so everybody it would basically like every presidency would be like let's get three of our own and every single time exactly well and actually that was that was one of the strategies of the Republican party when they were in office and they you hear them talk about it a lot about how many justices they confirmed in both the Supreme Court and in the lower courts so there's a lot of federal justices that were appointed by Donald Trump that have Trump views right yeah I've actually not looked at the equivalent just coming from the UK like the Supreme Courts don't seem to have anywhere near is the influence that they do in the states and I wonder I wonder what the differences are there as to why like we don't have like you would you wouldn't hear in the news about anyone being appointed in the UK I don't even know if they do like like I'm pretty sure they don't have lifetime appointments I don't even know how that works I'd be interested to look at it as well well we have talked at nauseam about politics and we we do that every week but hopefully hopefully that dies down a little bit as things hopefully level out but I think it is we're in a rough patch for the foreseeable future and I think it's people to know that stuff skip to now if you don't like politics so uh yes good to know if you don't like politics maybe I'll add that um so one of the things that I wanted to bring up there were there were a couple releases coming out that were of no I I sent you a little thing on on punch I have not seen this it just came out yesterday it is a movie about Jim a 17 year old boxer who lives in a small town his father is raising him to to be a great boxer his father Stan is treated like a joke in the small town but he's trying to basically prepare a sun for brutal world he meets another boy named wetu who's gay and he spends a lot of time with him and things happen from there so limited release in theaters only this does have Tim Roth in it he's actually a great actor he was in I think it was Lie To Me is the TV show but this is a great little LGBT movie they're not very common they're usually pretty low budget I do enjoy supporting these um I do really hope though that they haven't because what I'm saying from the kind of synopsis is this film is there's kind of like two things going on here there's like uh a guy and his dad and the relationship there and then there's also the kind of like being gay as a boxer and just problems with being Youth and gay so it'd be interesting to see how they marry those two together and if they do like a half-assed job of both or if they do a good job of one that's interesting to me that's always the challenge right so I actually I read a lot of um LGBT books right and so one of the things I try to look for when I'm picking out a book or a movie in this case right is it a movie that's about being gay or is it a movie about a person who happens to be gay right and that's that's the question is it is it just focusing on that or is it focusing on just them living their lives and this happens to be part of it I actually prefer the that part right like I prefer hearing a story where it's about whatever the story is about like you know how like uh Star Trek is about Star Trek right Captain Kirk and he happens to be a narcissist you know but it's not a movie about a narcissist who happens to be Captain Kirk yeah this film could certainly go either way um like they do obviously have the shack which is gonna be a whole thing so probably is more of the first category of a film about LGBT life um as opposed to one that just happens to include but um but uh I hope they don't completely make that the the subject matter well I'm I was encouraged to at least see one actor that I knew in this film the fact that Tim Roth is in it um I think that he has a great great Style of acting kind of like the characters that he's done in the past who's in Pulp Fiction yes he was in Pulp Fiction I've always been a lot of Quentin films actually yeah oh I remember the Planet of the Apes as well yeah yes I don't I actually don't remember him in playing the games I saw that he was in that but I don't remember him being in it I'm pretty sure I remember maybe I'm getting myself confused but anyway that's that's just a little bit about that release not gonna go too much further into that we'll see how it brokeback mountainy it is wow um a couple other things uh some premieres that are happening next in fashion season two premiered on Netflix on March 3rd if hella was here they bailed on us for game night but if hella was here I'm sure they'd be talking about this emphatically um I don't watch this show so I have nothing to say about next in fashion and giving your pink hair and gray t-shirt I think you probably don't have anything to say about it either um are you saying this isn't fashion no um I actually I like fashion but a very small subset I really enjoy Timeless outfits that you can like I pretty much have a wardrobe that would have worked in the 50s and will work in the 2050s as well pretty t-shirts they're not all great teachers just checking but that does work there's a statement right it's um it's kind of like uh somebody who doesn't like the line like they say like dress to be uh unnotable but not so unnotable that you are in self in itself notable like a guy dressed in a white jacket a white tile that Guy is gray I mean this is too great that's too great yeah well most of my wardrobe is black t-shirts is what is no longer destroyed for my childhood I I probably don't fit in half of the stuff I have in my closet um but also Miley Cyrus released an album uh on the 10th so yesterday I don't really listen to music all the time but she is a talented singer there's no doubt about that and um I think she's she's art well I think she's doing all right I think she has a cool voice but I think her like I actually listened to the entire album I was playing a little bit of League before recording the podcast I listened to her entire album while playing a couple arams and it all kind of sounded the same Yeah well yeah maybe I should give it a listen yeah maybe at some point give it a listen and tell me what you think because I'm not like I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan but I figured and this is something to talk about and thought you know maybe I would like one of the songs and and be like this was a really cool song you guys should check it out but there was like one main song that has the most listens it was uh includes flowers or something yeah to be fair actually it is her covers and her kind of like one-offs that are um the Rooney seem to have the town yeah like she had the record you know wrecking ball yeah flowers flowers has 663 million plays on Spotify and the next highest was 3.8 million oh well I'll listen to it I'll uh get in a mighty mood that's your uh that's your mission for next week when you join us back on the podcast I like your pink hair I do too you know so I got it professionally done and it was three and a half hours 250 bucks whatever but I enjoy that it's uneven it's like it didn't take you know something like that yeah I don't know I'm not usually one well first time I'll dyed my hair in like seven years but uh I'm liking it they don't do a solid they never really do a solid yeah I just wanted uh something fun yeah it looks good you watch the Scream movies by chance oh actually it's horrible with horror movies so like jump scares they always get me so like each other films jump scare films they're okay but I don't know I don't enjoy jump scares that much and then the creepy ones I I just tend to not find them creepy and just boring to like Paranormal Activity I've watched a few I've watched The Strangers that was a different enough The Strangers was all right and then what about like The Conjuring those types I'm really going to show my lack of horror knowledge here now I avoid them I avoid them oh you avoid them that much I really just avoid Horrors yeah it's not my thing well I've I've noticed for some reason it's it it seems to be a trend that um gay twinks as far as I've noticed it seems no I'm not calling you that okay good you'll see where I'm going I I what I've noticed is gay twinks love horror like the more effeminate guys seem to love horror um and I think from what I've noticed is more masculine gay guys really don't care for it I could see that I'm just kind of like going through the people that I've met in life and that seems to be a matching stereotype right yeah like it's been an observation of mine yeah he does he loves horror movies and in fact we watched um it wasn't The Conjuring it was Insidious uh we were watching it when it came out and we were at my parents house he fell asleep in the middle of it wow but it was so scary that I had to watch the entire way through so I could go to sleep so that there would hopefully be some type of resolution at the end because that's that's another thing for me is like if there's no resolution if it's like still kind of like hanging out there like my mind doesn't like that like it needs some kind of closure I don't think I've seen that like you know what it is though right like saw one to five oh saw sorry British accent I heard Soul yeah no so Seoul are you talking about a cartoon most of them don't bother me but there was just a couple of scenes that just I don't know they just sat with me and then I just they just kept playing themselves in my mind they are pretty trash films but some scenes stuck with me I think I became immune to those I I intentionally watched all of them because again I noticed the stereotype that you know kind of the more effeminate dudes liked uh these scary movies and saw was really popular when I was like really really into dating so I made sure that I watched them so that if I got asked to watch them with somebody else I wouldn't be freaking terrified I think about the thing with those uh those those twinks here referring to um they also enjoy um uh like meta documentaries oh yeah true in fact I have told people that if I go missing it was probably Andrew you're right yep I feel like he's watching those as like instructional videos for what do I do if I'm trying to get rid of games yeah hopefully it never comes to that I hope so but I figured I'd bring up uh Scream Six releases in theaters on March 10th so that was yesterday uh By the time this airs on the podcast channels it'll be a few days ago um we talked about punch that was also released on the 10th in Select theaters limited theaters um and on the 14th Gotham Knights is going to premiere on the CW and I actually watched the trailer for that it looks interesting that's the one where uh in in that series it's the first season this is not a spoiler it's in the trailer uh Batman is killed and his adopted son is kind of framed for his murder and rested in a bunch of other things uh groups up with other people to kind of figure out what happened to to Bruce Wayne and why he was murdered um so that looks interesting I might try to watch that yeah I'm looking forward to that for sure um there was the game as well right like in yes yeah yeah it was a game yeah the TV series it's probably going to be more enjoyable than the game I would as well it looks pretty good it sounds like we can do quite a lot with that it actually looked pretty good it looked like they had decent Graphics like DC has been failing and failing and failing on their movies but maybe they get a serious right consistently which is sad because I was a huge like when I was a kid I was a DC fan like I had Batman figurines I loved Superman I had a stuffed animal that I tie a little red handkerchief around and I called it like super cat or something my dad showed me a lot of the Superman films throughout the 70s 80s and 90s and um they were golden Sarah so good but it seems like like the Jack snyderco of um the Justice League was better than the original even though it was like way too long but everything else it's just like there was no cohesive Vision right like nobody actually like mapped out what they were going to do it seems actually like BC they almost not kind of like not necessarily that I felt like it is because they've got to make movies that people want but people's attitudes have changed and Marvel really got it right with the visuals and the kind of uh universe and that kind of thing whereas if you kind of look at the the storytelling and the visuals of the old Superman films like they were visually spectacular even for the time but they They Carried themselves still and it seems like maybe DC didn't adapt they didn't adapt um I have noticed like DC seems to be kind of on the darker end of the spectrum um and I feel like if if they're gonna go with that right like if they're kind of known for that they've really got to roll with it yeah yeah yeah they should get they should do like I don't know like a villain film what like the whole thing is the villain that you end up like really liking them or something well I feel like they were starting to kind of understand that I I do think so I will I digress a little bit I do think that the um Batman begins with uh what's his name Christopher are we talking about Nolan era yes those were good I think I think that's the right person but um were they had the first one was the Joker second one was um uh had been FIFA like the Batman films they did fairly okay but they it wasn't they haven't really captured the whole universe like the ones where they brought in Superman and stuff just garbage I really didn't enjoy the one with um well Steve um like the the female captain no the the female or superhero the gargler dot Placer um oh you didn't like her um one of her individual films I could go into some detail there but the ones that she was in the film that she was in with Batman Superman and her like Justice League that was just this thing that was what it was called yeah I didn't like the one where um there's like a house party and she goes down to the kind of the basement and is doing some kind of reconnaissance and stuff yeah that film did not carry well with me yeah I've I feel like her individual films were pretty good but they're certainly some issues with the new ones but I don't know I I don't think they're going to be able to fix that anytime soon they really just have to kind of completely redo things it's just not again almost yeah yeah and start fresh but last couple uh premieres things uh good trouble don't know anything about it season five premiere on freeform on March 16th Yellowjackets season two premiere on Showtime on March 26th and Riverdale season seven premieres on the CW on March 29th my nieces loved Riverdale I thought it was kind of cheesy and annoying but it's basically like the Archie Comics come alive I'm with him yeah and they were watching Supernatural like the supernatural horror series which one is something different man Riverdale is not supernatural horror at least okay that's too cool Riverdale but yeah no I'm with you now okay so you said something about a recent release that kind of bombed right like a game well it's got a mixed really so Kerbal Space Program too um for those who don't know coal Space Program one uh incredible game holds a special fight in my heart the whole idea of the game is that you or build spaceships and you put them into space sounds kind of boring but they executed the game really really well and they balanced physics with um kind of actually being able to play the game and then not be really really difficult they balanced it really really well and it actually taught me so much about how orbits work and how I'm like transitioning to different planets and slingshotting off different planets really really interesting you can do stuff like build a space station dock with it you can do space walks with these little cut they're called kerbals and they're like these tunnel or slime ingredients uh yeah they're green dudes uh and then you like progress and you unlock um you unlock science and then your ships get bigger and bigger and you get further and farther away um very great game they also had mods they really appreciated their modding Community which just opens up a whole lot of potential uh but kermals program um Space Program 2 was meant to be just all the weaknesses of number one which was its difficulty even though they did make the signs understandable it still was brutally difficult um they're also adding multiplayer they're adding uh setting up bases on different planets and they're also adding into standard travel so all of that sounds incredible and they're adding a really good tutorial that is meant to teach people how to do because actually uh rendezvousing in space within orbiting capsule is insanely difficult if you actually try and do the math and you try to do that yourself it's so hard but they've apparently got a really good tutorial which is meant to make it easy and understandable for people to do that kind of stuff but like a lot of games recently they released it too early and it can only play on the most powerful PCS and even then it's still pretty much unplayable from uh crashes and stuff which is such a shame I hope that they don't just take the money that they earn from it and um move on to something new but their whole studio is about this game so I do trust in them and uh they've hired like a larger town but you know hopefully they make it right um maybe Elon Musk will come in and buy it so that he can try to teach a whole new group of scientists on how to get to Mars honestly if you want a fundamental knowledge of a really fundamental of like what happens if you increase speed as you're orbiting a planet one happens if you change pitch and that kind of stuff it it's really cool it's and they've got a lot of effort into like not everything's totally accurate but the stuff that is inaccurate doesn't really matter it's like speed and distance but the general premise of how things work super accurate interesting but I never played that one I played um was it X4 was it but it's not merely the same type of game right like it's it's more of like a space Sim where you I kind of try to build an Empire you start out with one chip and then you try to do like missions and stuff and build up but completely different concept but I did I did see the release video that like their trailer video and it looks pretty cool um I don't know if it's one that I will play um afternoon is is um more fictional right yeah I say I'm sure it is oh yeah so in terms of the style actually they're both very cartoony so if you like the astronaut Style cobal Space Program isn't quite so saturated like there's a lot of popping colors in afternoon um but if you like the start of the characters and stuff it's pretty similar um astroneer was more about your work on the ground um worse color space room is very much to do with your wife in the sky and then action is great game love it but it's not accurate at all it's not remotely accurate it's uh well no because like you I think I've watched you play astranish a little bit with uh Xavier and other people in the server and like I think you were talking about like as long as we have this one oxygen module here you can sit on a seat on the outside and you'll be fine yeah so that's that's true and actually I'm covered Space Program you could so yeah actually it doesn't really take into kick out physics so if you've got somebody in a seat on the outside doesn't care about whim resistance or whatever terrible Space Program while you're flying um you can take your um curable and you can get him out of the ship and he'll be able to hold on for a certain amount of speed and then eventually the air resistance will get too much and it will like blow them off oh that's cool yeah but you don't have to worry about things like oxygen like they're just in a permanent space space suit oh okay so you don't have to worry about like a finite resource Like Oxygen but it's more about managing wind resistance and yeah is about characters that go into spaceships cover spacecraft program is about spaceships that you can put characters in got it okay that's good that's a good comparison I actually appreciate that well speaking of nerdy [ __ ] let's talk about your Bot Mr Bubba yeah so it's been in the news you've heard about chat GPT right um yeah it's all over the place it's all over the place and we could do a whole episode in that but tons of different tons of talk about there with different ethics and all kinds of fun stuff well well do me a favor let's we're going to continue to talk about baba but at some point you and I let's connect and let's do a segment on chat GPT recorded segment uh we'll talk about chat gbt introduce some topics and then um we'll play that segment during one of the next podcast episodes and then our guests and stuff at the time can talk about that yeah for sure there's some really interesting stuff and they've got actually and now they've recently released like a lab so you can quite easily go online and experiment in different things and be good for good for a demo um well they've done recently though which is kind of relevant for us here at lfg is we've got a bot already it's called Bubba and it used API for those of you don't know an API is just how you talk to it so they had a thing called completion where it would you give it a prompt and it would give you back an answer that's great and that's fun um but that's not really what chat GPT is that is just GPT and the thing that people go online and they have that conversation that's what is GPT GPT is a language prediction model so I don't know what it stands for but essentially the all um GPT predicts the next word in the sentence that's all it ever does it doesn't it doesn't think and then chat GPT uses GPT to do a chat but it's the same fundamental technology they've just kind of like wired it up differently to do conversations but all it is it is not thinking it is not doing anything really remarkably special obviously the technology is incredibly impressive but it is it's consumed a huge amount of the internet and it just uses that and says what's the most likely word to appear next in the sentence and that's all it is last week they released their their chat API so what you see when you go to their website and you have that conversation as of like last week or two weeks ago they've made that available to other people to use programmatically so you don't have to go to their website to use it so what I'm working on at the moment is adding that to our bot so that not only can you respond to things that people will say but it'll also be able to maintain a conversation with multiple people nice so yeah basically you're taking the API right is is a way for us to interact with what they have available on the website in a different way do a Discord yeah they've got really powerful computers and before to do the chatting the way that you would communicate with the computers was going to that website now you can do it from programs like programming from code so you pretty much at that point that'll labels people developers to turn it into whatever they want and for us we're going to make it into on the list called bot nice can can Bubba solve world peace for us Bubba will do his best but uh that one might be a bit tough what type of personality is Bubba gonna have rubber is a I guess he's a southern American or the one tooth and a red calf that's Bubba does it just have one tooth okay does he have two I think he has two okay I can't remember we we might have used uh we might have used AI to generate the image of Bubba we did actually yeah think about actually think about the symptoms who's the guy who lives in the trailer park in The Simpsons I don't know actually I was never a substance guy well there's a guy in The Simpsons who's like Charlie Park dude go to Southern accent lack of teeth this is almost like that guy Cletus please Cletus yeah that is exactly what I was thinking of when when we talked about when we talked about Bubba and what Bubba might look like I was definitely definitely thinking about this guy yeah and what I'm trying to go with him is like I don't know how well I'll get it to do this but um he the way in which Bubba will reply will be almost kind of like dumb but the things that he'll be saying will be quite intelligent that's what I was I'm hoping that that's the case because I think that'll be freaking hilarious we'll see they still need to work on their API and like you know this is gonna take off it really is I will hold my tongue for our um our future snippet well earlier today I asked Bubba should I ban dunkledor and he said good Bubba Bubba was tired oh I said I am going to ban dunkledorff Bubba Bubba Says good and then I I asked him how my farts smell and he said good too Bubba's confused at the moment Bubba's still Bubba's still in school okay well hopefully Bubba learns quickly and we can release that to the community and you said contextually like you can learn about potentially uh he can like learn about lfg in the future and like answer questions about elephants the ability to before when you were talking to gbt you were able to say give information but only in your message so you could say to it you are your name is Bubba what is your name and then it would reply and say my name is Bubba but the problem with doing that is one you're gonna have to understand it with every message and two it unfairly weights that information in that if you say um kind of like you're an LGBT Discord bar every single message it says it says Hey I want LGBT about hey I'm Barbara LGBT Discord bar so this is not quite so smart so what they've done now hopefully is able you to give it context but for it to know that context and use it appropriately but not just completely take it as the priority got it so it knows that it's called Bubble and it knows that it's a Discord but it's only going to bring that up if it's relevant only if somebody says like what's your name what are you doing and then I'm hoping as well you can give it context information for example I could say like certain rules like how do you get verified in nfg and then it would know how to get verified in nfg so no matter how you ask that question it will be able to give you the right response but that would be still I'm still working on that takes time any kind of program takes time and they also like the the like I certainly do not have the talent to build anything like jgpt so I'm very much using that tools so as they get more and more advanced then I'll just take those benefits I think you're smart enough to build build a uh I've I've built something that will like take pictures of shoes and tell you if it's a shoe or not but um AI is actually its whole other beast and um it's it's it's a it's a just because you're good at computer science you need to that probably means that you can learn it and you can adapt to it but you're gonna have to put in thousands of hours like it's it really is a complex piece at the moment so how does um big picture right like talking to somebody like they're a dummy me how does AI from a fundamental level work oh uh wow well that actually depends on what that really depends on the definition of AI right so artificial intelligence can be exceptionally dumb like something that responds to um set responses is some level of AI like if you give set responses and then it just says when you say what's the weather and it tells you what the weather is that is a form of intelligence and even just kind of if you are something to like pick between different things but you gave it weights but based on certain information that is a form of artificial intelligence the thing that's really big and popular now that's made a lot of technological developments which is what most people are calling AI is language prediction models yeah and they use something pretty complicated which I actually should probably come back with uh explain like I'm five um explanation but I don't really have one at the moment and it's basically predicting the next next word using something called a neural network which is like an imitation of the cells we have in our brain so it takes tons and tons of inputs thousands millions and millions of inputs processes them through a million fake brain cells and then gives you certain outputs that the processing through those millions of brain cells is not something that we can understand as um kind of like it's almost like a black box well I think that's the that's the rub right um how much of this are we doing without understanding what exactly we're doing and how much trouble are we going to get ourselves into yeah and then yeah that's all to do with the ethics which is is definitely going to be a certain conversation if you like hearing about gonna like chat gbt and AI Rob miles from computer file does incredible videos um some of my concerns open some of my eyes uh and he opened some of my eyes opened my eyes and has a is a really good three eight um it's got a really good understanding of um just how AI works and a lot of the problems oh well again I think we need to do a uh we'll do a separate segment on that at some point um in the meantime that's all we got for today so I'm gonna wrap it up there make sure if you did like this podcast episode to like And subscribe on YouTube or follow our channel on the many many different podcast networks that were on we're on Spotify app music I heart media you name it we're there so pick your favorite search for LPC family and games and we'll be there um all the links are going to be in the description and in our Channel information so make sure to check those out join us on Discord you can actually be part of this conversation in the future you can talk about whatever subject you'd like to we actually have a form in the Discord that you can fill out and submit a subject that will bring up some of the subjects that we brought up today were submitted that way and more obviously in the future and be done that way you can join us in the live recording you can talk to us just in the text chat in the live recording to give us your input or you can actually call in live to the show and either be seen or heard uh on our podcast every week we will be posting this on Tuesday and then the video version should come out the following Friday and or Saturday just depending on how long it takes to edit and until then