LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

Will Trump be in the same prison as Tiger King?

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 3 Episode 4

This week we are joined by Hela again to talk about Mike Pence's homophobic comments towards Pete Buttigieg, the potential Trump indictment, religion in politics, and Tiger King's presidential bid for 2024. We also recap some of the Qweerties Award winners, Strange World and other cartoons with LGBT+ couples, and the new Super Mario Brothers Movie.   You can now join our live recording sessions every Saturday at 7PM Eastern and lend your voice to the community. 

Features clip from Bruce W Bracket on Instagram:
Features clip from Jolly Good Ginger on TikTok:

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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hello and welcome to the LGBT family and games Community podcast my name is James and today I am joined by welcome I'm peaceful Zen peaceful sin yes we could be peaceful and kind to each other right that is reminding that's giving me the Vibes of that one instagram account that I sent you a link to I can't remember their name I'll have to pull it up oh that the one that you said reminded uh you of me yeah they're very like uh they have kind of like a non-binary Vibe Bruce W bracket or BWB dot positivity on Instagram I was just trying to give you a couple loves my goodness here drink up enjoy it's all for you holy buckets I also just wanted to ask how you were you're about to scroll on by how are you really how are you so Helen you weren't at the uh try not to laugh challenge yesterday know I was a I was drinking alcohol partying sweet living you actually have real life friends yeah I know it's so strange right I'm always online oh wait you actually have a life what what I know my life exists outside of work college and Discord yeah barely it's there but barely yeah my life exists too it's called yard work and work that's why I live in an apartment we actually considered a condo because I didn't want to do yard work anymore but I'm glad we have a house my roommate was like let's get a house so the dogs have places to run and I'm like you're gonna do all the outside work oh in other news we do have other events and uh hella reminded me that we could announce those on here so let me let's do our honor roll of interesting things yeah so uh happening now is the podcast recording we do that every Saturday at 7 pm Eastern and then we release the podcast every Tuesday and then every Sunday we have selfie Sunday where you can share your selfies in the Discord I already got mine planned and then this Friday at 8pm Eastern is the another live recording of you laugh you lose or the try not to laugh challenge basically we watch a funny video on YouTube and all of us try not to laugh if you laugh you lose and I'll try to be there this time because I really do enjoy making those it's great when you're on those what because I laugh a lot uh yeah and you'll make silly comments that get other people to laugh so I actually enjoy having you on those that's one of my favorite things is getting uh because I already know I'm not gonna win like I already know because I'm gonna laugh on the first video I I try to win I'm I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to those we're also doing two other events that are unique which is the personal activity challenge that's going throughout this month it's actually like when you're in the Discord anytime you chat in the text chat or you're on voice call with others you're working towards that activity Challenge and you gain points and the more points you get it ranks you in a higher tier the higher the tier you get the more rewards you can get you get two points for every text message and 15 points for every hour that you spend in voice plus if you participate in events you get 100 points per event and then there's the different ranks you can get a random steam key once you get to gold rank the premium Discord role for the Platinum ring plus all these lfg coins which you can use to buy colors in the future and then we're doing a month of Discord Nitro for anybody that gets to conquer rank plus a hundred dollar coupon for the lfg merch and the lfg shop for anybody gets the ruler rank so um not impossible to do there's still time anybody can actually accomplish this goal throughout the month um all you have to do is go to the leaderboard chat channel in the Discord you click this join challenge button and that would add you to the leaderboard we update this periodically I'm not sure if staff can win Awards but if not I would still be gunning for that staff don't get the monetary rewards but if you were able to get up that high I would probably do something I probably because I still want an lfg hoodie I want to wrap us at work and we do have a stand-up comedy night on March 31st at 9 30 p.m that one is a new event we haven't done it before but I think it will actually be pretty funny yeah I probably won't be any good at it because I'm only good at making what other people say is funnier oh you can always try comment I mean sometimes I'm a commentary person sometimes the the fun of of comedy and watching comedians is watching them fail sometimes that's more funny than them having a good set sure is that like uncomfortable awkwardness of them not really being good I could tell funny work stories you have to figure out like a punch line or something but you could try well not every joke has to have like a punchline punchline uh all my punchlines are gonna be use birth control birth control yeah well I mean that is solid advice especially with uh the way things are these days oh God moving on moving on So speaking of this week so a lot has been said this week about Mike Pence and his comments towards uh Pete gurdaj it's pretty homophobic comments towards I I will say this it supposedly was at a dinner that you're supposed to roast people at so he said quote I mean people which is the only person in human history to have a child and all the rest of us get postpartum depression quote when Pete's two children were born he took two months maternity leave which come on maternity leave it's paternity leave for you know yeah the male he's allowed to do that he's allowed to do that whereupon thousands of Travelers were stranded in airports the air traffic system shut down airplanes nearly collided in midair let's be clear that had nothing to do with people to judge that had everything to do with the fact that Southwest Airlines had an Antiquated system that they did not update for years and years and years because they were prioritizing their profits and they didn't want to invest in a system that would improve their infrastructure to handle more customers isn't sitting there like having meetings with these flight companies every day plus yeah it's not his responsibility right you're a business they're a business I mean he is the Secretary of Transportation he does have some oversight of that industry yes but the reality is is if if we're in America and we believe in capitalism and free markets and things like that a lot of the leeway goes to these companies to run their business the right way mm-hmm so Pete's husband chasten had some things to say in response to Mike Pence's comments so this is what chaston had to say about reactions when you heard this and have you heard anything from the former vice president do you even expect to no and I you know I think it's not woke you know to to say that something is homophobic or misogynistic it doesn't make it woke you know it doesn't make you a snowflake to to tell someone that they've made a mistake yeah and you know I spoke up for two reasons uh one I'm always going to stick up for my family especially my kids yeah and uh yeah I don't know if you have that picture there of Gus in the hospital but yeah I know we all struggle to find a balance between work and family life and I've never seen someone work harder than my husband to find that balance but I think Republican or Democrat we can all agree that when your child are are prematurely born child barely five pounds when your kid is connected to a ventilator you don't want to be anywhere but at their bets that's where you're going to be yeah yeah so and watching Gus in the hospital for anyone who has ever experienced having a child in the ICU or NICU it's very difficult when their tiny little hand is gripping Around Your Finger you know I would watch Pete have to peel Gus's fingers back and and duck into the little bathroom in his room so he could do a zoom with a virtual background so nobody would see that he's in the hospital wow uh you know and the other reason I spoke up is because like I mentioned we all have an obligation to hold people accountable for when they say something wrong especially when it's misogynistic especially when it's homophobic and I just don't take that when it when it's directed at my family and I don't think anybody else would especially when you bring a very small medically fragile child into it yeah I tend to agree right like if somebody had those comments about my husband taking off teaching dance classes or me taking off work to uh to deal with a a family issue like you know sometimes the things that we do at home are more important than the things that we do at work whether you know you're in the government or not and it's like it's two weeks anything he could do would take more than two weeks to go into action I will comment on this right so just related to like this comment of of woke I think that it's been a theme of this podcast for me to say there's a line because there is a line the way that you approach responding to things is important in my personal opinion chaston saying hey you know this kind of crossed the line I think that's appropriate I think if he were to take it further and say something like you know Mike Pence is a scumbag or you know start throwing insults that's retaliating he didn't retaliate yeah you can't retaliate you just have to say hey this wasn't cool I I get that you were making a joke just know that our our kids were on ventilators so we we had to be there for each other and for our kids and we would hope that you would do the knowledge and teach yeah we hope that you would do the same and we would not hold that against you we think that it's important for anybody to take leave when dealing with family the most definitely yeah and it's like as I said like acknowledge and teach you don't let those things dig into your skin and hurt you yeah make you like you take what you get me to from it and you make it a moment where you're the better person well as an example you know I work in a very uh masculine field right and there's a lot of good old boys in my industry uh professionally um you know including the the owners of my company you know they're they're very traditional in their views very Republican conservative individuals when we have discussions and I will say they have uh both of them have been very respectful sometimes we disagree about things but usually we're able to have a discussion and talk through things that we might not agree on right yeah and and actually have a dialogue and I think that to me that's one of the the reasons that this podcast is so important just to emphasize to everybody we all need to be very aware of the way that we treat other people as a minority I think that we need to because because things are getting rough let's be real like I know uh hell you were saying something about like let's not talk about all the new stuff but we gotta talk about the new stuff well yeah well you you know what I meant by that like I didn't want to know what you mean to be no I know exploded yeah I know but I'm sure there's some people that are listening they're like oh my God news stuff like we already see it all the time it's important y'all like we've got to talk about this stuff somewhere um and I think the important thing is to figure out how we're going to respond and if you really don't want to hear it just kind of skip ahead a little bit we won't hold it against you don't hold it against people who we get it but yeah I I try to listen try to take some things in you know what's going on in our world well speaking of things going on in our world I am going to probably butcher this This Woman's name I apologize in advance I doubt she's ever gonna watch this podcast so I'm probably covered there I think it's Michaela Michaela we we're killed on this Michaela I am so sorry I told you I was going to butcher it Democrat Michaela Kavanaugh is in her fourth week of filibustering every bill that comes before the Nebraska legislature and this is to protect LGBT individuals she's doing this just to basically advocate for us in that state Abby swathsworth executive director of lgbtq advocacy group out in Nebraska said Kavanaugh's effort has been greatly appreciated by the LGBT community we really see it as a heroic effort it is extremely meaningful when an ally does more than pay lip service to allyship she is really leading this charge yeah and it's neat right now I will quote Kavanaugh she says quote I don't care how sick I don't care how tired I am I am not going to look back on this moment in time and say I didn't do everything that I possibly could to fight for children especially almost vulnerable children children which are trans youth mm-hmm because they're going through one of the hardest things they ever could at that age in my opinion it's a tough age and it is a very vulnerable age for Trans youth the prescribing guidelines the the diagnosis guidelines and the treatment guidelines for gender dysphoria and uh gender transition are very specific they're very drawn out they generally speaking do not recommend any type of surgery without multiple consultations by multiple experts and and hours and hours upon counseling and others and years yeah sometimes years of counseling and then also a ton of other supportive actions you know gender confirming actions or gender affirming actions that don't have irreversible effects including puberty blockers you know something that a lot of people I think a big misconception in the general public is that puberty blockers are permanent there are some potential negative side effects but in most cases the puberty blockers are reversible once the patient stops taking those the effects reverse pretty immediately well you sent me uh this video of uh representative oh the thing I posted okay yeah the Kentucky in Kentucky an Abomination that the Bible is used consistently on this floor people are crying tears about God and then when we tell you what the Bible says love your neighbor do for others follow the golden rules thou shall do this you don't do it as far as I can tell when I read the Bible said go out and love people the way I've loved you and I'll take care of the result he says take care of the least of these help the people need them help the widows love people they're the word love is mentioned over 500 times the greatest of these is love I've got opinions about everything which is not why we're here before the people buy the people to Serve the People now I would feel a little differently if you had evidence that you'd let the government come in your house and tell you what to do if you let your neighbors come in the house and tell you what to do but nobody on this floor lets anybody tell you what to do let alone the DMs how dare you use my God for things against his people I promise you all the preachers in here talking about God's love he he sort of wants you to show it and not talk about it he didn't say love everybody except the people you don't like except trans people except children that people have come except the disabled he didn't say that he said love everybody and then we spend a whole bunch of time trying to destroy everybody and if it wasn't destruction why'd you do it in the Heat of the Night why can't the people of Kentucky who put us here have the right to vote and know what's in this addendum if you don't want to have an abortion don't have one if you don't want to be bothered with trans kids don't how dare you tell other people other parents that bear the responsibility for their children what they must do according to your wishes and not God's very good point there on like one the hypocrisy of the people and yep two my kind of take from that I like very first thing is the use of the Bible on the legislative floor yes I'm a very firm believer in separation of church and state and to me that means all religion and all state it's fine if your opinions are based in religion but those are still your opinions at that point you can't be saying because the Bible says this this country can't do this though there's the whole point like no it's technically it's technically a mythology I tend to agree I tend to agree I I you know my personal philosophy is um and I've said it before on on this podcast if what I'm doing is not illegal or immoral you know that's an Xavier quote uh it really shouldn't have um any impact and and the problem is is obviously in legislation in government you're defining whether or not something is legal and I I don't necessarily think that religion should be the precursor to that I I and if it is it should take the form of the base principle of that religion most religions teach to treat others with kindness and respect I think we can all agree that most religions have very outdated uh rule sets within their their texts whether it be Christianity or Judaism or you know Muslim teachings a lot have some outdated rules that just would not apply to modern society yeah like exactly that's exactly what I was thinking it's like think about when these texts were written and how long these religions have been around what was Society like back then do you want a society like that or like what we have now you also mention the hypocrisy I mean the hypocrisy of picking and choosing the different parts of the religious text to yeah Implement you know there are some statements in the Bible that say that men should not shave and there are very strict rules for women in the Bible so if we're going to to implement some of it you know why are we not implementing all of it literally also the Bible most people interpret it which means not everyone's going to see it the same way and and it has been translated from its original text multiple times and the translations have different meanings incorrectly in some cases yes in some cases they have been translated incorrectly there's there was a discourse about it a while ago I remember with the King James version because before it apparently the word gay never appeared in the Bible and then after it a word that meant something completely different was translated to the word gay well the the Bible actually never really at least none of the translations that I've read actually mentioned the word gay uh most of that is a man live with another man and it's in context with within Leviticus which is actually discussing incest yeah ancestral ancestral relations and so the the problem is is when you take something out of context it completely changes the meaning and that's a problem you sent me a link a while back about a guy on uh Tick Tock and he talked about Leviticus so we'll go ahead and show that video on the YouTube I was waiting for somebody to bring up Leviticus 18 22. and I was waiting for somebody to bring up the King James version trust me you want to wait till the end of this video to talk about the King James version of the Bible but first let's get past the boring part Leviticus 18 22. as you can see the comment includes the verse thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind it is an Abomination now that definitely sounds like a very direct condemnation of homosexuality so now let's look at the real context of Leviticus 18 and figure out what it really means first things first verse 6 says no one is to approach any close relative to have sex with them and that sets the standard for the whole rest of the chapter it's talking about incest you can't have sex with your father's wife your sister your daughter your daughter's daughter your son's daughter your father sister your sister is talking about incest and then all of a sudden in verse 22 he just talks about men having sex with men nothing to do with incest that seems oddly out of place that's because in the original Hebrew text it uses the this word here that I can't pronounce because I don't speak Hebrew but this word only appears in two different contexts in the Bible in Leviticus and in Genesis and in both contexts it's surrounded by context talking about incest and so when you do an actual linguistic breakdown of what that word means especially in conjunction with the prepositions around it you'll find out it's actually talking about incestuous male male grape not consensual same-sex relationships sorry to burst your homophobic bubble basically the the other thing to know about the King James version of the Bible is King James was actually gay he had you know multiple male suitors so that would be the last person to commission a translation of the Bible that would you know just disallow homosexuality as somebody who's actively partaking in homosexual relationships now let's get to the fun part let's talk about King James and why is this so important because where I come from and all across the country you'll hear people say if it ain't the King James version I don't want to read it you got these people with the NIV and the ESV and the nrsv and a b c d you know what I mean if it ain't the KJV I don't want it my whole life I heard the King James version the only version of the Bible you can trust boy okay then I guess it's time to talk about how King James was a homosexual man you homophobes are not gonna like this in the summer of 1614 King James met a man named George Villiers who he nicknamed steeney why did he nickname him staney because it was short for Saint Stevens and according to the Bible Saint Stevens had the face of an Angel King James fell instantly in love with George or steeney the next summer he knighted him and they spent a few days in Farnham Castle later George would write in a letter to King James whether you love me now better than at the time which I shall never forget at Farnham where the bed's head could not be found between the master and his dog he's referring to King James as the master and himself as the dog and the bed's head could not be found between them because they were having homosexual sags King James and George stayed together for many many years and the two were notorious for kissing and caressing each other in public so the King James Bible was commissioned by King James a homosexual and consensual homosexual sex is never prohibited very unlikely but I I absolutely agree I think that religion has no place in politics I I think those two things should be separate um I personally believe that you know churches if at a certain point if they're getting involved in politics that they should start paying taxes because then you know that that would have an impact on you know if they're trying to influence politicians then they should have to pay taxes because I believe no non-profit should should I don't think non-profits should try to influence the politicians you know maybe certainly you can talk to people but um I've um I've debated reporting a church near me to the IRS because they'll have signs in their lawn talking about like different propositions and what to vote for and how to vote and now so technically the law technically the law states that you can talk about certain like we're doing now but what you believe is right and wrong what you cannot do is endorse a candidate okay so if a church were endorsing a candidate then that would that would be against their non-profit status you can say that we stand for LGBT rights or we stand for women having the right to choose or we stand against those rights yeah but the minute you say we don't support Trump vote for this person that's a political endorsement and then that would you know or we don't stand for by vote for this person you know that would be a political endorsement and and you Tech you can't really do that um I don't remember what their sign said I never ended up doing it because yeah I didn't want to think about it I doubt much would change from that uh because I I think there's a lot of people are guilty of those yeah those types of activities but speaking of Mr Orange Mr Orange he's kind of a creep the twitterverse is exploding about hashtag Trump indictment is now trending on Twitter and there are people that are up in arms about it and Trump has released a uh diatribe on his true social that reads quote now legal leaks from corrupt and highly political Manhattan District Attorney's office which has allowed new records to be set in violent crime and whose leader is funded by George Soros indicate that with no crime being able to be proven and based on an old and fully debunked by numerous and other prosecutors fairy tale the Far and Away leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States of America will be arrested on Tuesday of next week protest take our nation back that also seems like an incitement very much so uh I would agree with that and and honestly that's the result that he's getting on Twitter he's getting a lot of his followers and people that support him to come out and say you know we're gonna burn the land and you know yeah I I have a feeling it's going to be a similar to the situation as January 6th um unfortunately like wherever he if he does get arrested and wherever he's held there's gonna be some sort of we're gonna see like huge security setups most likely because they're probably going to anticipate especially after that tweet I guess I should say tweet but social media post because it was not on Twitter yeah it was not on Twitter that that was on true social yes because he's refused to return to uh from what I've heard he's refused to return to Twitter and I don't really blame him so it it's it's been trending for some time it had been trending for some time it had many many views here's an image with the Teresa so the other controversy around this is the Elon musk's response which is quote if this happens Trump will be re-elected by a landsat in a landslide victory that's kind of confusing because if he gets arrested he'll never be able to run well so he knows he has to be he has to be uh continue yeah yeah he actually has to be thinking he would actually have to be convicted and so the the commentary from Elon is basically honestly it echoes what happened with Hitler because Hitler incited a riot I would have to look up the exact details to get everything right so I apologize in advance if I leave anything out please feel free to fact check me write comments and join us in the next episode we'll cover um our mistakes made yeah I will definitely come back and cover it but for my recollection of history Hitler had inside cited a riot and actually it failed very similar to January 6th failed he was then put on a very public trial and was convicted went to jail for a very short amount of time then was released isn't that when he wrote Mein Kampf yeah I believe so and and and basically that gave him more popularity with his base and then he was able to spin off of that and then criticize the existing government once the economy started to fail because then people a lot of times people follow the money right so if if they're having a hard time economically it doesn't matter who's in office if it's hurting people economically the person in office is going to go and that allows somebody else to take power and you see that kind of stuff nowadays too yeah yeah very much so now uh with the issues that we're seeing with inflation and things like that of course you know Biden and the Democrats that are in office were put to the test with the midterms and you know they lost the house but the thing is that I that I always see crazy about that is that that type of stuff happens all the time no matter who's in power and it's not always necessarily that person's fault yeah there's there's a lot so and there's a lead up right there's a delay between what you do in in any kind of job or political appointment there will always be a delay of your actions and the results so sometimes those those things get separated there are sometimes things that feed into what's happening now that happened two years ago and it's just now uh for example the the the derailment in Ohio there was legislation it was either legislation passed or Trump issued an executive order that uh prevented trains from having to break as frequently and so now we're seeing a lot of derailments because it's a safety issue they're going too fast and the rails are heating up and they're jumping off the tracks yeah but if you want a phenomenal candidate are you gonna bring up who I think you are I am this is a this is a meme I don't I do not think that I'm not I do not thinking phenomenal candidate no I'm not being serious at all because there is a oh well we can't really say much on who yeah like but but everybody uh during the pandemic I think caught up on the uh the Tiger King so there's a new message from Joe Exotic this last week that he is running oh you never watched it never had an interest in doing anything with that man honestly I didn't either but I ended up watching it and I can see why people got addicted to it because it's kind of like it's it's crazy it's it's very off the wall it's it's it's uh it's documentary style right yeah I mean it's very much documentary style um because I love documentaries but Joe Exotic has released this whole age he ran he ran in the the prior election that's even allowed to run you actually are technically allowed to run even if you're in federal prison I don't know what kind of logic that has but so what kind wait so what kind of law would it prevent Trump from running then if he gets arrest like convicted theoretically none because there was something I remember the only thing that could have prevented him from running is if he had been impeached fully okay and convicted of his impeachment okay is the conviction of impeachment okay yeah because then that bars you from holding any political office in the future I think that's one of those things where it was taken out of context and people just took the conviction part yeah um okay okay he's been impeached twice right but the the Senate did not convict him of his crimes because they weren't able to get enough of a vote yeah no and it's a very political process and it was definitely at the time very much uh Republican versus Democrat thing it still is it still is I mean there's you start seeing a few people kind of cross cross the aisle um to work with each other but it's it's still very politically divided yeah well I mean like there it was kind of like if you're a republican you better vote for him yeah but man imagine imagine like just a striped like fur rug on the floor of the Oval Office with like mounted animal heads on the wall uh you know so so Joe Exotic tiger Joe Exotic says quote so put aside that I am gay that I am in prison for now that I use drugs in the past that I had more than one boyfriend at once and that Carol hates my guts this all has not a thing to do with me being able to be your voice the best thing you have going for supporting me is that I'm used to fighting my whole life just to get by I am broke they have taken everything I ever worked for away and it's a time it's time we take this country back preach you know more power to them if if that's what he wants to do I personally think you know it's a waste of his time and I'm surprised that people would vote for him like the guy who wears a boot on his head that runs like every year every time I don't know who that is there's never some guy who calls himself like the great wizard or something wow he gets like maybe I think like a few hundred votes wow ah well speaking of votes did you know you did not because you actually brought this up to me the queerty awards happened I'm on the the Reddit page for Rupaul's Drag Race they had a very good summary of this so I was going to just page through and announce the uh the query Award winners of 2023. what was that or you do I want to shout out the website just because there's a bunch of stuff on there and it looks very good it was very well put together it also lists all the runner-ups too so please go out look at it see who's in the community for the music Parts maybe listen to some of their music support some uh queer artists yeah check out their music in this case the first award was for a podcast the The Sibling Rivalry podcast with Monet exchange and Bob the drag queen it's on my list of uh listen twos of when you're done with your current one listen to this one yep they are a Duo they're funny oh they're great I'm sure I'm sure they're comedians Bob the drag queen they're huge activists they're a great person so they're gonna cover some pretty good topics and the reality docu-series goes to Trixie Mattel Trixie Motel she had a TV series where she renovated a motel oh I didn't know she runs a motel in either Florida or Southern Cali I think it's Southern Cali I will say that she has a very entrepreneurial spirit and sequence too really go all out for things she has made a name for herself she has done what she needs to do to get herself out there and she's not afraid to try so the best web series went to IMHO the show it's an acronym I don't remember what it stands for I feel like they were trying to do a play on words too a little bit I'm a hoe yeah so I've seen these two pop up on Tick Tock they're funny they will like watch episodes of drag race and comment on it they'll comment on random things and they're good I don't know I haven't watched too much of them so I don't have too much of an opinion but they seemed good from what I saw I'll check them out obviously they won so best documentary went to access all areas the AAA girls tour a so you want to shout out the three queens who are the singers of this so you have Alaska her full name's Alaska [ __ ] you complete but if you want but that's her full name we have Willem bellai and then we have Courtney Act they have all been contestants on drag race some more dramatically so than others Willem their music it's fun it's fun music not all of it's safe for work but it's fun very Clubby very just so this was a documentary about their tour yes where they're doing okay yes it's the tour of their music and whatnot and it's it's I'm sure there's a lot of shenanigans oh so many especially so the next award was future All-Star cornbread oh her full name is cornbread the snack or cornbread Jetty the snack it's an interesting she was on drag race as well I think season 14 I want to say the season that Willow pill won okay also they're an act tour actress they're an actress they're trans okay they have featured in YouTube videos uh made by uh Brandon Rogers who is comedic they're comedy videos and they're very out there I don't really know how to describe them in simple terms they're very artistic okay maybe avant-garde a little bit they're comedy avant-garde okay he has some series or whatnot that have like multiple episodes and like they kind of like TV shows almost now one of the ones if you ever remember the fine clip or Tick Tock clip where like what's worse than predator and they pull off and it says child underneath and the guy turns and says a child that's a Brandon Rogers video and it's comedy like it's just it's good they're good cornbread was amazing on it made it so much funnier I love cornbread they definitely deserve it they are a future All-Star no matter what they do they are gonna succeed I have to keep an eye on them and drag royalty went to Raja not surprised they are honestly one of the most they won season four or five so I don't really remember it's an early season that's probably her real hair for the most part they got gray hair and they are very they are avant-car drag they're art they're art I love Raja that's all the results that were on that page I think there were more results on on the query website um so make sure to check that out and they they do they have a lot on there I'm sure they have more uh what a shout out one or two of them real quick sure what you got so the queerty's award for the badass went to jinx monsoon yep I didn't see this one I love her she's on Chicago the musical I've been seeing my favorite musicals yeah she's she has been selling out shows yep like she's been to bottom she was a badass well I think they extended the they extended the dates yeah they had to because they they kept selling out I think that was really the main one I wanted to shout out Oh there's uh one more at least is the groundbreaker award which went to Dylan Mulvaney who has been very open with their transition over the past year yeah so Dylan Mulvaney we talked about this in one of the previous episodes um Dylan Mulvaney has been controversial because there's some trans people that find Dylan Mulvaney to be disingenuous and problematic because of the way their content on tick tock belittles women cisgender women so I I'm I'm not sure if I agree with that I personally think that I've I've seen multiple people talk about Dylan levaney and kind of break down um their thoughts both trans women and women that didn't like kind of what they were doing and I I tend to agree with the points they made um the whole comment about you know like normalize the Bulge when you're trying to transition and become a woman and be accepted in women's spaces to say normalize the Bulge I feel like is a little tone deaf a bit I kind of see where they're coming from in the sense of the people who aren't lucky enough to get the procedure like don't discredit them for what they are I certainly wouldn't discredit them right no I'm not saying you are I'm just saying I can see why they said it they might not have said it in the best way yeah it could have been done much better yeah I I feel like saying normalize the Bulge that that is tone deaf I feel like they were just trying to say something catchy and it just didn't work yeah energy I feel correct and I I feel like you know again like and I'll share the video with you hella um after this but I'll share two videos with you um but there was a lot where they talked about kind of the female stereotypes that Dylan brings up a few times you know in day two of transitioning and you know some of it show for tick tock perhaps is and again is it tone deaf yeah I think it's tone deaf and I think that's why there are you know what what some people will label as turfs pretty automatically right oh Trans exclusionist radical feminists that's it yeah so I I feel like some women mistakenly get labeled as Turfs trans exclusionary when they have in some ways legitimate concerns about some of the you know some of these types of things the portrayal of Womanhood or uh you know female abilities or stereotypes um by people that were gender assigned at Birth male transitioning to female and kind of not respecting Womanhood yeah in a sense I I don't know everyone's transition is different and how they want to present is different and I get that right like I I get that it's very it's a very slippery rope I I can understand yeah but I I also know that as a minority right and and things have changed for for gay men right it's different now than it had been 10 years ago but as a gay male when I was growing up I had to understand the fact that I was a minority and that my actions and my behaviors would impact people a certain way so if I behaved a certain way in public that would reflect on not just me but the entire gay community and so I had to be careful about how I acted yeah and how I presented myself and I think we've gone putting it as a community we've gotten away from that right because things have opened up a lot more right same-sex marriage is legal we've forgotten and I and that's part of the reason why we're doing this podcast because I think it's so important to remind people we are still a minority people are it's still not the norm for somebody to be trans it's still not the norm even for somebody to be gay it's only seven years now it is somewhat safer that's what I'm saying like it's yeah and at least in the trans spot like you don't have them killing themselves like they feel like there's more safe areas that they can go to talk about it there are certainly more resources I think things but yeah it's still a minority it's still you're still having to fight for who you are like it's not something that you can just say and then everyone will just move on you have to stand up for yourself I think it's important yes we have to stand up for ourselves but I also think again we've we've got to think about what we're doing and how we present ourselves and yeah what we're saying and I'm not trying to say that people shouldn't be themselves you absolutely should be yourself right but you have to understand what is acceptable in society in general frame it from that perspective like if a straight person did this would it be somewhat controversial if the answer is yes then as a gay person or a trans person or okay maybe we should rethink that right like for example straight white male goes around in really tight pants saying normalize the Bulge would that be acceptable so I I know I'm picking I'm picking Dylan Mulvaney a lot but I apologize I would just say I don't think everything they've done has been bad certainly not because I feel like it's almost they're trying to make it like seem like a normal thing yeah and I don't I don't ever want to on on here on this podcast We're Never Gonna Cancel somebody right like this is not about canceling Dylan Mulvaney no um I I just I do wish you know personally that some of their decisions were slightly different and I think there's others that do so I do think it's important to bring it up I don't want to have that rain on their parade more power to them for getting that Award right um but I I think it's important that we talk about it and at least acknowledge those concerns well yeah obviously to be open about concerns and let people give their feedback yep thank you on query were there any other Awards I just want to say once again I've started listening to some of the music people uh under the breakout musical artist okay uh I've started listening to them it seems pretty good okay and they're kind of cute what's their name the two top ones is Omar rude but they're both named Omar really insanely yes it's an interesting coincidence we have Omar rudberg and Omar Apollo okay well I'll have to check them out unfortunately it's probably copyrighted music so I don't want to play it on here but yeah definitely check don't worry about it um go listen to those people go listen to the other people too that were in the category go watch all those TV shows support queer culture yep let us be out there don't let these corporations take these TV shows down because they don't get good ratings so we did have a a chat message uh come in from Xavier it says so far biological women have been quiet I think of them as a community like a glass half full and over the last few years I've seen the glass fill slowly more and more and more eventually what I expect is more biological female will be more verbal about things like uh this from their point of view as the blueprint yeah it'll be important to listen to their point of view because it's valid I yeah I absolutely agree regarding building mobile yeah yep I think also in regarding in general sense too yeah well and I she who must not be named for controversial reasons which we know because based off of how you said that no uh JK Rowling um was actually in the news last week again for more controversy comments yeah uh making com making a comparison between uh and I think some of this is a stretch but making comparison between Death Eaters and trans people I think look the reality is is JK Rowling is a female and will have certain points of views as a female who was assigned that gender at Birth I don't necessarily think that all of her points of views are correct but I do think that it's important to pay attention to some of the concerns that she is bringing up because I am sure that there are other females that have those concerns and I think it's important for the community to be kind when they have those conversations there has been a lot of hateful rhetoric towards JK Rowling I understand people are frustrated with JK Rowling I am to a certain degree frustrated with JK Rowling because I feel like she's not doing herself any favor in the way that she's approaching um her statements but the point is is we we need to we need to pay attention because again we're a minority 7.2 percent of the United States identifies as LGBT and of that 7.2 percent there's only a small percentage that identifies trans and it's a very vocal percentage but we cannot alienate everybody on the face of this planet we have to figure out a way to talk to people with kindness and compassion and to address the concerns of cisgender females it's got to be a discussion everyone's got to be able to talk to each other about it and both sides need to make sure to word things carefully yeah I will say again JK Rowling stupid I I feel like that was stupid to so she's kind of ruined her own career because she'll just tweet it very bluntly I think not unfortunately any context unfortunately again we're a minority right and and trans people are a minority within the LGBT community so I don't think she's ruined her career I think unfortunately people are still going to support her and there are some people that share her views and that's a reality that we have to understand as a community it's not it's not something that people like to hear but it's a reality that we need to be aware of I don't necessarily agree with it right I personally think that people should be allowed to do whatever they please um I think some of the issues that we get into are going to be those public spaces right so uh restrooms and prisons and I can understand some of the concerns that a cisgender woman would have about uh people in prison being incarcerated next to somebody who has a history of raping their gender I think that's a little circumstance yeah well and I do think it's not a generalization correct well I think it's important for it to be person specific right so offender specific especially in prison if somebody's convicted of a sex crime they should not be put in a situation where they can commit that crime again in prison yeah I think honestly and the people that commit a sex crime once they're in prison they're not going to care what gender really no they're still going to have that perversion they're still still gonna have that want and need yeah so and they're going to fulfill it any way they can yeah well and I I also think there's some relativity too right so if somebody is identifying as trans one month after being convicted of a sex crime convenient let's be real right yeah if somebody has fully transitioned right and they have been transitioned for five years or have been openly that's a little that's a little different like before they commit the crime before people are suspicious of them have been like talking about it and yeah sometimes people can't afford to quote unquote transition yep into what would look but they might still be like oh if they're on hormone therapies during during transitioning then yeah so moving on to a more happy subject um hella you brought up a movie that I had not heard of you want to give us a little intro and then we can watch the trailer or do you want to watch the trailer and then talk about it well with my terrible memory I'm already forgetting the name of the movie uh strange world stranger world um I haven't fully watched the movie yet but that's because I don't watch a lot of movies unless I watch them with someone like I don't like to watch movies alone I feel weird I get that yeah um I mean I don't like watching movies my roommate for reasons that James knows um or will but let's let's give the let's give the trailer a watch real quick yeah it's a good movie from what I've seen and Disney kind of did it dirty let's see the trailer well so In fairness I will say this before we start the trailer I think the reason why this one has not been publicized as much is because Disney has been going through some things with the state of Florida I feel like it was going through those things after this movie was like coming out yeah well so but I can understand like the movie came out in November there have been a lot of things in the State of Florida since then so I I would understand why they haven't publicized it so this was I mean at least five months before the movie came out there weren't like trailers being posted all like that you weren't seeing it pop up and push yeah like their other films would be they're probably testing the waters there there has been I I know that it seems like the waters is putting it a good way and I guess it helps rationalize that yeah I think they're testing the waters and I'll be real Florida right now is not LGBT friendly so if they try to like really push this I feel like they would have a lot more pushback than what they've already even had in Florida so um and they they had the pushback probably I think in August so it does make sense why we haven't seen a lot of this but yeah here's the trailer[Music][Music] what kind of Airship is that I've never seen anything like it baby clay what is the president doing in our front yard our entire world is in grave danger I want you to come with me on an expedition I'm not my father he was the Explorer I know you were just a kid when he went missing but now you're all we got Mr Clay I'm a huge fan thank you [ __ ] your dad do you do you think you could Forge his autograph what[Music] where in the world are we Ethan you brought the dog sorry that's the gay character Ethan in Uncharted Territory[Music] oh hello you probably don't understand a word I'm saying of course I understand you huh dad dad Grandpa I'm a grandpa what is this place and the waters dissolve the flesh off your bones everything down here is trying to get so the sun is gay yes do you have the boyfriend okay do you mind not that Splat you just kind of give me Splat vibes I guess I deserve that seems awesome he is not awesome you gave me a machete for my birthday I was too I'm loving this family reunion oh come on we got a world to see we have two two is a little young for me I need you to figure this out otherwise we're doomed we are doomed wait seriously no I'm just messing with you and I think it's kind of like didn't see that coming it's not like part of the main plot yeah I can see that it's not like something trying to make it seem like it's just there it's very like normal so it does uh Xavier to answer your question in chat uh is this a Disney movie or is it a movie Disney is Distributing it looks like it is a Disney movie because it's from the studio that uh did Encanto and to your point hella it does look like it's a subplot that there is a gay character which I'm all for yeah I'm like I'm kind of glad it's not yeah so this is owned by Disney Yeah we actually talk about this in the the last week's episode I am all for Content um books movies shows where characters happen to be gay and it's part of the story not the story is about them being gay like I actually have not seen that one gay movie that everybody talks about I don't remember what it is it was the high schoolers or whatever I love you Simon yeah I love Victor love Simon I haven't watched a TV show yeah uh yeah that Reddit post I sent you also has other lgbtq uh couples and uh one or two of them are also like Disney Channel shows okay like um The Owl House I did not see those in the post the owl house was the second picture okay by Western cartoons they mean either American no okay I see I see now this was a slideshow so let's let me uh let me share that slideshow and we'll go through a few of them um just to see the ones that have those characters real quick and if you're listening we will just read them out so this was the The Strange World Ethan and diazzo were the couple uh loose and Amity from The Owl House very cute by the way very cute show is so that's a lesbian couple right yes cool and we have Barney and logs from dead in paranormal Park I don't know what kind of relationship it is I haven't watched dead end and we have Cora and Esme from Legend of Korra Randy and Ty from close enough that Dude Looks Like Joe exotic he kind of acts like jokes that's kind of point he's it's a funny show he's not even the main character and Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from Adventure Time I never was a fan of that show William and Rick from invincible yes Adora and car Carta from Catra from Shera and the Princess of Power Shera Shira Shira Shira I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a nerd you are a nerd Sharon Curtis from Voltron legendary Defenders he's missing an arm yeah he lost an arm in the show and Harley and Ivy from harlequin which they delve into that couple more in depth in season two ah yeah we get together at the end of season one that show a I like it it could be better you're not you're allowed to not like it that's your opinion eh that's your opinion yeah it was it was okay it was okay it's okay I guess you know what else is coming out that I'm excited for what um I found this when I I had a leak in my sink and I was searching for a great plumber I hate your dad jokes guys this one guy named Mario and this other guy named Luigi I hear they're really great but unfortunately they only serve as Brooklyn uh no you're terrible I am terrible yeah I know um judge people by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin some people don't have the luxury to do however those that probably should judge people by their character even if said persons are character themselves in media someone is a part of LGBT community and that's all that one sees of them this rough definition of what it should be when that's all that somebody would see a lot of characters we showed those aren't like their main character traits yeah no I most of those uh the shows are about way more than that but it happens to have a gay character which is yeah again it's nice to see representation because it's not something that I saw much of growing up I think one of the only examples when I was growing up was Will and Grace and I wouldn't say that that's the best example of a gay character right it's a dramatized example yep because it's a drama show so but moving on to Mario uh the Super Mario Brothers movie is coming out I thought it was funny because I I saw in one of the trailers they mentioned this website it's actually a working website the um they have like an about us page they have a little commercial they have all their reviews does the live chat work the live chat does work um I think they are they might be doing some kind of tour thing but I haven't paid much attention to that um I'm I'm sure that it's related to that but I did want to go ahead and play the trailer for The Super Mario Brothers movie because it looks very good I don't think I'm gonna watch this movie I don't know where am I oh watch it just for the lumos you will watch it just for that just for the star guy yeah he's for the star guys for death whoa I love it I love it[Music] yeah whatever those things are what are those things they have a name I don't know they're called like shell Bros or something I'm not afraid yeah I'll do anything for my brother we're going to save him I just don't know how I feel about you asked for it this is fun here we blue let's get this very uh what's it called yeah they're bringing back rainbow rooms I mean and true form[Music] I mean it's gonna be a good movie yeah out April 5th I just don't know how I feel about some little voice acting look I can get past like the voice actors actors it's the decisions that they made with how the voices would be done like how Chris Pratt just sounds like Chris Pratt I think he just sounds like Chris Pratt I don't know I don't hear Mario I saw an extended version of a trailer they give us more of an accent a little bit like on certain parts um I thought it was during the first trailer I saw where he said it's me Mario I think that was for comedy really yeah I think that was probably for comedy it wasn't funny[Music] I know everybody's everybody wants it's a me Mario I know that's what okay I I don't know I think that's its own I think that's a little bit extreme I mean I thought the I was nervous about the Sonic voice uh for the Sonic movie at first but I felt like it was fine people love racial stereotypes I know I I think that's taking it a little far too like let's let's relax a little bit and realize that and let's celebrate some of the differences that we have as a society because I think we if we box each other in so much but you know uh Xavier brings up a good point hasn't gotten canceled yet yeah if uh if Chris Pratt did that would would would it get canceled for racial appropriation I don't know from all the uh what is the Italian yeah Mario's Italian I mean I'm Italian around for like over 50 years I I'm excited for this movie I think just the visuals alone everything looks so crisp so well done you know I've seen extended trailers it it looks like it's going to be really well put together hopefully it's not done poorly and the storyline is really solid because that's what's most important for me but it looks so far it looks great it looks like the game is popping off the screen hella does not agree with me yeah no it's not that I agree that it it's portraying the game very well in the games in the industry in the franchise very well my only issue was some of the like directing choices yeah like I'm actually kind of excited for Seth Rogen to be Donkey Kong is that who I think it'll be funny yeah that's Seth Rogan that's actually pretty sure it was I wasn't I was actually more concerned about the Seth Rogen voice as Donkey Kong then because I really I didn't think the voice fit the character but um I think my my biggest issue honestly was kind of the way Princess Peaches face was done I thought it looked how does she look I didn't really see it she looks kind of um the way her face looks is a little oblong or something like something's off proportionally it's hard for me to describe let me look it up real quick maybe it's like an eye to nose to mouth ratio that's that's a little weird I don't know how um I can see what you're getting it it's because it's animated and so now we're seeing some like Expressions that we're not used to I would also have to say the image you showed she has a helmet on no I know that I I I've just seen her another it's the shape of the eyes it's the shape of the eyes I think it's the shape of the eyes flash eyebrows and then the way they're fine the way they moved her mouth the way they animated her mouth the mouth looks kind of yeah it's almost like what was a Wreck-It Ralph some yeah exaggerated mouth movements very exaggerated that that was my only gripe was like her mouth looked a little weird but I felt like everything else like looked great the scenery is phenomenal I feel like they they stayed through the whole franchise uh it even with like the Mario Kart racing stuff yeah really cool but with that being said Helen did you have anything else for us this this afternoon or did anybody in our audience want to chime in with anything they've heard this week well that being said Thank you guys running for the LGBT family and Community games Community podcast I said that way wrong thank you for joining us for the LGBT family and games Community podcast make sure to like subscribe follow check us out on Discord where you can join in the conversation all day every day and submit topics for the lfg podcast and even join us when we do the live recordings every week Saturday 7 PM Eastern and then we will release this episode in audio format on all the podcast streaming uh platforms Spotify Apple music you name it will be there I Heart Radio app that thing too also check us out on YouTube usually we'll go ahead and release the episode every Friday after the Tuesday release of the audio version make sure to like And subscribe on YouTube you get to see all the contacts for a conversation we'll show the videos that we played in this episode and you'll get to see my lovely face because I'm so beautiful gorgeous darling we're all gorgeous darling thanks y'all yes later toodles[Music]