LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

LGBT+ Family & Games [EP 1] - DC Comics, Among Us, and More!

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 1 Episode 1

From Batman and DC Comic to Among Us and Halloween Costumes we cover a lot in our debut episode of the LGBT+ Family & Games podcast. Want to be part of the discussion? Give us a like, subscribe, and follow:


What happens when you put 3 LGBT+ people in a remote recording session? We talk about everything under the sun including tv, movies, music, current events, drama, LGBT+ topics, gaming, and more!  LGBT+ Family & Games is a nonprofit organization here to create safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals online. So join the fam and enjoy the podcast!

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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[Music] so hello and welcome to the lgbt family and games podcast my name is james i'm joined by alex and jay uh jay actually was the one who got this thing going off the ground so jay why don't you just tell our viewers and listeners what this whole thing's going to be about yeah 100 um so i mean for the most part we're going to be talking about all sorts of things anything that really concerns the lgbt community anything that's just in the general news that might pop up with whatever it may be so we may even have some covert talk in there we may have anything else um movies tv shows anything like that you can think of that you might have seen or want to see or just general conversation and then otherwise going from there i think any gaming news that we've got any interest in or anyone's got any excited for we can definitely bring that up as well then we also have the comedian over here alex who's just adoring themselves yes yeah well and once okay it's it's a weird phenomenon once we start recording alex just goes into full ham like yeah you can see it you're calling me a ham i look far more like a swan and i will not accept anything less so uh what are we talking about today we're gonna talk about lfg first or talk about some i think we should talk about lfg i i i think we should try and talk a little bit about where we came from so not everybody knows this but uh lfg is a community and lfg is short for by the way somebody didn't know this even today jay lgbt family and games it's a nod to gaming because you have lfg looking for group we originally started out as a community called gamers on discord and we've expanded with a wow gay mers we've expanded since then because we found that the community was really helpful for the members they were able to meet other people that were lgbt it was a safe space we had a gaming server set up so you didn't have to deal with trolls um and a lot of security for you know the discord so we've since expanded into a non-profit our goal here is to create more safe spaces and more resources for lgbt people online um at the same time we get to do really fun stuff like set up minecraft servers and also do a podcast or streaming uh program which uh or content creation program i guess it's more more accurate um yeah so that's really where we're at now uh as of right now we're at you know just just over 3 000 members on the discord server itself and we have plans to expand that even further in the future so uh that's just a little bit about us 100 alex has been around lfg for how long now i think around two years i think i'm coming up on my third i joined i believe in 2018 october august region so lsg is four years old this next month i don't know i almost feel like you've said it's four years old before it was uh we i mean yeah and actually it's what's funny what's more funny is kind of the evolution of the like server icon or the logo that we've had for for lfg because it went from being a sword with rainbow wings it was like the first iteration of the logo and then we have it had a giant shield with a big white g in the middle for gamers okay and then it switched over to lfg you know the name switched over after about a year um and we started that out with the big wings as like an echo back to the original like sword and wings thing um and it's kind of evolved ever since then now it's just you know lfg with rainbow around it and you know pretty simple but well actually right now it's whatever halloween thing we're doing this is being recorded on halloween time true yeah and i i've done that every year i switch it i still have a uh pumpkin in the shape of trump's head with like the trump hair that i'm going to put as the icon for like a day but i don't want to do that like right away because i know like there's probably gonna be like three or four people there's gonna be people who are against it yeah there's gonna be probably like two or three people that leaves this community and we'll have to be like no wait it was a joke come back yeah risky game risky game but i've i also have put the logo as a chicken wing before[Laughter] and you would i can't say i remember that uh it only lasts for like an hour at a time but you would not believe how many people start talking when you do that like people like freak out when you switch chicken wings and then they're all like mad because they're like i want chicken wings now colonel sanders well that's what started the kfg thing where somebody superimposed my face on the colonel sanders thing and put lfg instead of kfc what if colonel sanders is bernie sanders 20 years in the future from a war that was started between republicans and democrats in which he a libertarian of the future is the one who saves us all so bernie sanders isn't in the race anymore so uh it would appear his plan has failed and the future is really 20 years 20 years what from now yeah i don't even think bernie sanders will live that long to be completely honest not to be rude i feel like if bernie sanders gets hit with covert he's gonna have a rough time at the moment let's say if he gets hit it's not just slap in the face that is a tsunami that's a nuclear missile death coming towards unless unless it's like futurama where they put bernie sanders head in a jar but then he'd have to be president first they don't put the people who don't win elections senate[Music] well they put popular figureheads yes i mean there was um leonard nimoy but i kim kai would get one basically really yeah yeah i don't even understand i'll be honest i'll get lynched for this um in popular culture but i don't even understand the kardashian thing i don't think a lot of people do anymore i think that was actually somewhere between actually no senate your generation is the group of people who would understand it the best if i remember correctly clearly but i never even followed it people in their 20s yeah i'm when i heard of it like the first time i heard of it i was decently young it's not my generation and maybe the generation in between but it's it's decently old now yeah i mean mtv i remember growing up have done a lot of these kinds of shows this is the first one that's kind of gone like crazy with popularity they had uh the jessica simpson one yep they had the hulk hogan one they had the osborne tv cribs that's the one i do now mtv crib mcv crips was a great show but it definitely showed a lot of weird hey guys welcome to my crib if i were to turn my camera you would see a gold unicorn like the game's house or something and he'd just open a box and at the time weed was illegal when he'd just have like a ridiculous amount of wheat well i mean that was just to show off all their money and stuff but they have done a fair few shows like this over the years is just either the person that was in the show has gone completely insane uh i do remember the aussies was that amanda bynes well yeah the aussie osborne one was really good it was really good i actually really enjoyed that show yeah yeah the jessica simpson one i don't remember too much of what's his wife's name i always forget her name um sharon sharon jessica sharon's made herself pretty uh famous at least in the uk she did uh she's done very well x factor i think over the year and she did she does a show now called loose women which is kind of like a um i think they just talk about really anything to be honest it is almost like a podcast platform i actually started a show recently that i wasn't sure about halfway through the first episode um it's called love country lovecraft country it's hp lovecraft stories um or sort of inspired by him you know cthulhu all of that sort of stuff the very gothic horror the first episode i heard was good but then the rest of it from what i can tell don't hold up to the first episode but i've also only seen her like a review of the first five episodes um i've not seen it and it's not for me to say well i recommend at least the first episode um it did have a slow start but i felt like it really picked up in surprising ways and kind of took a turn at a point where i at least expected it okay it has juni smell it belle i think that was her name she was in birds of prey as um canary i feel like we're going to go down on magneto patrol keep on this line talking um no but uh it i think it's also very timely because it does speak to um where a lot of racial tensions came into play um okay and a very uh you know as a white person in a very surprising and uh well not i don't want to say surprising um but a very uncomfortable way which i think is good i think it's good in the united states for um white people to understand the true depth of that history with people of color to understand and acknowledge it like it's not that long ago we think about all of these things that happen the first actress to receive the best leading lead actress in a role to be a black woman was halle berry in 2002 i learned that today that is that is actually kind of crazy way later than i would have imagined she's the first black woman to receive the best leading actress oscar okay i i didn't i was surprised by that i was thinking really it took that long for something like that to happen but i mean women in acting is an entire topic of its own when you get to a certain age they tend to kick you out or you get or no unless you're betty white or if you are oh lord what's her name um incredible we're going to hear some kind of random role that she was devil's she was devil where's prada she was mama we just we talked about her like a couple weeks ago yeah i can't remember meryl streep there we go thank you meryl streep she gets a lot of good work i hope she continues too i'm sure she will yes she's one of those high statured actresses sorry you know who else is really good maggie smith she was i don't think i've heard of maggie how oh she is excellent she was um professor mcgonagall in harry potter well not just that she's in downton abbey she's in what she wasn't using a good comedy movie that came out a few years back she's great i love her to death i haven't seen down snappy but i have heard a lot of people liked it um i don't even know what it's about i should definitely look that one up i actually i was going to say uh completely sidestepping that um i recently finally saw some of the dc movies like the like um batman vs superman justice league aquaman i still haven't seen them all but that's how far behind i was on it it took me getting hbo max i saw one wonder woman actually really early on actually um good wonder woman i saw did i see it in theaters either shot in theaters or that's the one to have seen well i know that i saw um uh captain marvel in theaters yeah but i that one was really good and i liked it because sometimes when they write a movie with a female as the main character in an action movie they put so much um i suppose they put so much emphasis on wow she's a woman but she fights captain marvel felt like a superhero movie written for a superhero regardless of their gender and i really enjoy i don't know i don't know how i felt about it i mean sometimes there were some things of that but well i mean a lot of people don't necessarily agree with her character either a lot of people are not necessarily a huge fan of that type of miss marvel or captain marvel sorry but you know miss marvel speaking of miss marvel um they've announced to the actress that they're having for the show and she's of the correct um heritage race everything like that and that's definitely good kamala khan the current miss marvel uh they've got her set up for the tv show i'm excited for that she's a fun character so peter parker is a high school student and you see a bunch of that definitely fun she's sort of like peter parker if he was a fan girl of the avengers she is incredibly uplifting she is incredibly hopeful um and she looks like i don't know where does this fall miss miss marvel is this the same as captain marvel or okay captain marvel used to be ms marvel captain marvel the original captain marvel was a man i'm pretty sure and she is actually an islamic character and that's huge and they have they have the right actress for it it seems at least yeah it's always great to hear about representation so the right actor what do you all think about robert patterso i'm kind of down for it i've liked everything he's in um to be honest like i haven't had an issue with him at all so i mean i at this point will probably take anyone to play batman as long as they do it consistently dc is getting a whole revamp at the moment in general so we'll see i don't think he will though the thing is the thing about robert pat robert patterson is it patterson or pattison pattinson that's it thank you i was looking for that i knew i was doing it wrong pattinson robert patterson okay um i was thinking of writer but no the thing about this movie that they're making it looks great incredibly artful it follows a similar idea to the noir detective side of batman sometimes in cases more than it needs to i think um but i think it looks incredibly artistically made i think it looks very beautiful it looks like a comic book that's something huge that you want to go for in movies like this but you're talking about continuity he's not going to be the new batman to stay at least not in their main continuity if anything he'll be a sort of elseworld story that continues because i'm sure they're already working on a continuation of um joaquin phoenix's joker movie unless he says no which i would i would get but if it does well they'll probably make a sequel but it shouldn't be thought of as much as i suppose is he going to become the main batman he definitely won't they're making this too different and unique to be its own thing they're putting in a lot of risks which is a great thing but they don't want to risk everything with their entire main group so what they're doing i think it's he might even appear and from what i hear they're doing a flashpoint movie and which there are different universe ideas that they play with he might appear in that in the main continuity and he might continue as an elseworld story which if you don't know or if people don't know watching this it is a different continuity i will say this what i appreciated about it was that it instead of having this stereotypical beefy big guy batman they have a guy that's you know not freaking massive just a normal guy well that's an issue of its own though because you think about it this is supposed to be a man of optimal health in the sense that even though he doesn't necessarily beat superman and strength he looks like he could at least handle a fight with his other things added on and to be able to fight anybody like that to be able to fight a large amount of the villains he has to fight he would probably have to be decently strong like that and not to say that people need to be that beefy or anything like that but when you think about it out of the different types of superheroes there are batman is a prime example of a human pushed to their strongest possible limit and because they're human they work so hard to be at the same height and level of the super powered beings well you know he he does have a superpower though he's rich again his superpower is he has unlimited money essentially yeah i'm rich that's still not that's still not necessarily special ability yeah that is iron yeah but they're basically the same guy growing up i was a batman fan but i will say iron man does it better from the uh spending money on being a superhero point well well that's just because marvel got to all of those things first and got to all of them first better when we see all these great movies a marvel has had all these continuous flukes not to say dc hasn't been working on these things but marvel has been trying again and again and again continuously and they finally got their footing and then once they had that they found out what formula worked repeated it and started making changes so that they didn't lose what was most important and they kept i understand why i can agree with that yeah i i understand now why people didn't like um some of the the dc movies like i felt like batman versus superman had a lot of confusion in the storyline like yeah like it felt like they should have had a separate movie for a batman origins for ben affleck and then you know then did a separate movie for batman vs superman i think a large amount of the difficulty with that though is when you question these things that are going on with which movie came out when a lot of this is done because of competition they were going to be the people to get to it first they didn't civil war came out but they still did it worse and so then they look like an even worse movie and marvel kind of kicks them down at every turn that they can i told you about the flashpoint movie that's a large point to why they're doing doctor strange multiverse of madness because they heard okay you're doing a multiverse movie we're gonna see about doing our own multiverse movie and both of these things have been in the plants for like a long time i think it can be creatively awesome for studios to be competing with each other but at the same time it hurts one to the point where they sometimes well that comes are unable to recover in a way that they need that comes down to the executives though the the people that are actually in leadership well shareholders executives the people in leadership that are making the decisions to push something versus actually having a really true creative vision um the thing that i admired about the marvel movies is that it was clear that there was a pretty decent creative vision up front that they were going to go down a certain path that that might not have been the case to start with i actually don't know the players behind the scene that was largely kevin feige he had his okay so kevin feige is basically he basically runs the marvel movie department and he's a decently big comic book fan and that's part of why it works out so well because he generally understands a what he liked about the comics be what other people liked about the comics do like about the comics and will continue to like about the comics and is able to put that into screen whereas a lot of the times like look at the cwdc shows oh edgy dark and that's fine but not every single thing needs to be um i have a lot of things to talk about with comic books i could talk about how to the topic of or have we did we have we covered everything we want to in the sense of what we want to accomplish with this podcast i think we did am i missing something i know that we started out with it it just i suppose i thought it was no i mean we'll definitely bring on uh guests and stuff um you know for now we'll have conversations between the three of us um i do have plans i'm hoping that i can get my brother to come on and talk about um his his field of work um because he he's working with the clinical trials in relation to covid um and a few others that we're networking with um so yeah there's there's gonna be a lot of fun stuff on the podcast i was just excited to talk about dc movies because i finally finally finally saw justice league and i was surprised oh have you seen aquaman i was actually you were i was i was very surprised about aquaman i thought it was going to be a terrible movie um i was not happy to start watching it andrew was like hold on we got to watch this movie i was like fine you never want to watch superhero movies so we might as well just watch this one and we both enjoyed it that's the thing though with that movie they killed it one of the things that dc has done well is i mean some of the actors do a great job in their role and they act the role very well the thing they did right with that they didn't keep the original arthur curry they went with jason mamoa they went with all of the things that he does and the characters he plays and they fit him into the role and it worked beautifully and not to say that the original comic book character is bad at all he's about all these different interesting things these aspects of being a king but what they did if they had tried to do that with jason momoa it wouldn't have worked but jason mamoa a is already an incredible he's an incredibly fun and charismatic person and actor they used that to their advantage and that's part of why they succeeded and they didn't just do that they adapted the world around arthur curry to being one that was not only not necessarily more believable but i suppose more interesting than the sense of everybody used to think oh he's just the fish guy that movie took the steps needed to say this isn't just the fish guy this is jason momoa who is with this super hot redhead water bender and he's got this wacky evil blonde brother who's trying to come for everything i thought they did a phenomenal job the graphics were great the storyline was great it moved along it wasn't it didn't get overly convoluted and watered down and confusing i felt like there was a very clear path through that movie but it uh yeah they covered a lot of ground i will say i was surprised because i watched it out of order on accident i watched um justice league before i watched aquaman actually i i wish that i could have said don't watch justice league because the they originally had a certain director but he had to step off the project but he's stepping inside yeah and it looks really good what everybody was hoping for that they missed out on is what we seem to be getting in this i don't even remember this like third act of that movie i don't know no they haven't it's going to be released soon and it's going to be released uh in four parts of which like i think it'll be a weekly thing one part two part three part and then eventually you'll be able to watch it as one full thing but it's in the justice league league movie that they put in theaters i don't even remember the third act i seriously don't it i remember some colors and it was dingy and dark and gray i thought it wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen in my life but i did feel like um certainly there were opportunities for improvement yeah i mean the the justice league is going to be very much like the um the watchmen movie we watched i think um i think when we were going through that you even said at the time it was kind of like very well filmed but almost in a comic book style even though it's the real world i think that a lot of the environment um so it will be very dramatic that film was quite um brutal to be honest i couldn't stand the watchmen but it was kind of to the point really yeah we've not finished it but this is the one with the um uh blue guy right dr manhattan yeah yeah yeah no it's it's an incredibly interesting story it's incredibly human um i mean obviously dr manhattan's a different case but i mean still it's such a it feels so grounded in reality it feels like these are actual emotions people go through these are actual issues people face and the reactions aren't always i'm gonna do the right thing because they aren't always i'm gonna do the right thing and i mean that's a sad thing to think about but it's true and i mean in comics you see it more than you see in a lot of media but heroes in most cases are just as much people as they are anything else i'm sorry i wanted to let you talk and i started talking i really like superhero stuff we can tell it's fun you want to get alex talking let's talk talking i mean yeah it's it's a very raw very very raw movie um that one as you said yes it does apply to people in such a way that you know they'd show kind of like the people that had passed and what their lives have now become after the fact um but there was one thing i did realize when you were talking about aquaman obviously um that's got a linking to the mariana trench i feel like ever since they've found that there's been like 10 different movies made revolving around the mariana trench i even watched one earlier today so there's a movie i watched earlier today called underwater which is basically to do with big big company drilling into the mariana trench which has got kristen stew in it it was interesting but it wasn't amazing to be completely honest with you i don't want to spoil it because i think it's relatively new um but yeah aquaman had a part in that uh meg had a part in that there's so many different things that's got it in it which don't be wrong like it's a very very interesting thing but once they actually figure out what's in there it's gonna ruin all of them well actually you talk about trench the first thing i didn't think of a place i thought of the creatures like okay so in aquaman i don't remember exactly what it was but it was very dark in this scene and all these creatures that is something that they might make into a horror movie like you know how the x-men movies did all those different genre twists logan was a western and new mutants was a sort of horror-ish thing by the way i thought it was really great i didn't know that um roberto roberto um was supposed to be darker skinned i in the comics and they had a lighter skin actor i didn't know about that but it was a really good movie i thought i thought it was acted very well annie taylor joy killed magic um but no they're i'm pretty sure if i remember correctly they're going to show how they became that like they're going to make a horror movie about that like i think that was one of the ideas that stemmed from that movie and that would be really cool because that i mean that was a really scary scene in that movie like looking at those creatures it's like yikes i don't think i've seen mutants oh new mutants was really good oh that's my list i i liked it for the characters i definitely don't think it was as much as it could have been in a horror movie but it told a comic book story which was decently horrific and the idea i mean one of the ideas is that one of the mutants is one of the mutants dreams one of their fears is part of their mutation causing like fears and nightmares and stuff like that to become reality it's it i think they could have done more in the sense of horror but i don't think it was bad in the slightest i think it was a really good um genre mixing movie oh and of course um what's her name uh maisie uh izzy williams uh she was arya and uh is williams i don't remember you've lost me oh uh in game of thrones arias yeah it's maisie williams yeah maisie williams is wolf spain incredible i mean i've always loved her acting you couldn't finish it you didn't it's very interesting but it's a very long story so i'm the type that i get invested in a character and if i feel like that character was wronged for example killed off too soon so what you're saying is you really liked ned stark i don't even know who that is we weren't happy to see that happen ned stock was the first man to die yeah uh probably i head of house stark oh yeah no i liked him but that yeah and i even stuck it out after that thinking okay wait who was your person who died i wanna know there were a lot i just spoiler warning there were just a lot and i i just i got to a point where i was like i'm just gonna keep watching episodes and getting more depressed about somebody i kind of like got attached to dying i just included my most painful loss in that show i think my most painful loss was either um the mother stark i can't remember her name i really liked her i said spoiler warning um isn't game of thrones done i mean have they finished that series or yeah it is okay but no um she she was a painful one and i'm sad that they didn't bring what they did in the books because apparently in the books for that sort of robin hood like tribe she was sort of like a judge for them like they had brought her back but she couldn't speak so she sort of just pointed at whoever of the two was like the guilty person i think that would have been really cool especially if like if that was when arya had seen her although i don't know if she was dead yet but it was her and marjorie tyrell i really thought that she was an interesting character i would have loved to have seen her before there's actually a really interesting video a couple of videos actually of tywin lannister and marjorie tyrell and their different sorts of how they influence people with tywin being the i am stronger i am more rich i have an army anything that you could possibly be will not be greater than me and i am honor and how he used that whereas marjorie used i am your friend i am here to help you i am empathetic and i know your needs they were both two sides of the same manipulative coin and that was so interesting especially with how marjorie handled things yeah yeah a hundred percent um yeah i think to be honest i i never really got attached to characters i like ned stark to start with and then he died and i was just like okay this is how this sort of thing's gonna go now i'll just settle in um santa and arya i think were the two i was sad um i was sad when the viper died uh to the mountain in the fight oh yeah that yeah he was he was he was he he was definitely boy at least i panned somewhere in there yeah he was he was in the mixture zone this was an attractive person yeah and there was so much passion going on there and the guy's a really really good actor he's the same guy that plays the uh mandalorian yeah i was kind of surprised to find that out because it out because and the scene that he takes off his helmet in the mantle he doesn't look like it yeah yeah and i don't think there's anything wrong with that but i think they did him dirty well i think like he could have so much trapped in a suit essentially as well i mean yeah but you can make that look you can make that look gorgeous so you're saying that actually attractive in another oh 100 yeah he he also[Music] he's done some good bits i mean i kind of felt bad thinking like wolf when they took off the helmet but no no he's he's a good looking guy um let me send you a quick picture but yeah i know that scene i if you've ever watched it senator which from the sounds of it you haven't it's it is it's very emotional and it's very very gruesome i can see by the look on your face yeah it's just the way he dies is horrible like everyone else gets their head cut off or something his death is literally pain and suffering okay it really was yeah he doesn't look bad um i don't want to talk about it that much but i did not do him any justice oh and the show does it better his well i mean not even just that he's got such charm to him too when you see him as a character uh it's everything is done to make him seem like a very appealing i mean he's not my type person but no no that's funny have you ever i'm not saying he's mighty i'm not saying exactly although that that looks kind of like a cosplay costume i'm being honest the the picture that you're saying is that okay you know yeah okay well that makes sense i think if you looked at anyone separately in game of thrones they would look like a cosplay character yeah that does look like cosplay you know who i really liked in that show daineris i haven't seen season eight and i still need to yeah she i i think part of it is just i i've always enjoyed the women who were in charge of things i've really enjoyed women in power in different things women female empowerment as a whole is something i enjoy um i love her character in the sense that she she feels like an accurate portrayal of how a woman would have to try and go about remaining feared loved etc by her subjects and people her enemies everybody and the type of world she lives in i mean you see that in cersei as well though and as much as she's a villain cersei's a topic well i mean not to say that she is an incredibly interesting character but the way that she got things when you think of uh daenerys you think of yeah she was technically born in that family but that was also such a huge thing against her for a very long time a heck for all of her life the fact that she was born in that family had people trying to kill her and of course the same was could be said for cersei but cersei was in a kingdom for a majority of her life cersei yes she sometimes came into contact with people trying to do really bad things and sometimes people did really bad things to her but at the same time she was far less exposed to people and i think that's actually part of her downfall i mean obviously she was always very selfish but the most interesting thing about her character was her motherhood the way that she reacted with her children was one of the strongest examples of love that i've seen in this show and i mean of course um the mother of house stark was also incredible i mean she had her hatred towards john but i mean that makes sense uh just to explain something sennith cersei is a character james no you said senate i said james that's gonna rebrand alex that's an online come on give me the schedule um but no james uh cersei was originally married to the first king of the show the king died her son became king another spoiler warning um just i'm gonna reveal a brief thing i'm not gonna go into huge detail but her son became king and she became queen regent her son's assassinated her daughter she sends off to i sent you the picture of the viper she sends her daughter off to be married to i think his nephew um she's assassinated because he dies interesting her final son is going to be king and she is queen regent he her mother wants to stop actually the character i mentioned earlier marjorie um the one who was very kind and friendly and her manipulation of people she doesn't want her to marry him she kills her like this huge explosion she kills her the entire family or at least all the family that was there and her third her final son her youngest son kills himself jumps out a window because of everything that's happened she has no more of her children her entire reason of living gone this is why i couldn't watch this show because everybody died anybody that i got attached to would die and it would just happen next week it's the characters who didn't die that i think are the most interesting because of what they've had to go through so you know the two daughters of the house stark i've not seen the last season so i can't say anything about it but up until the very last season the two dodgers i heard they were chopping off heads left and right in the last season well i mean of course they are it's the last season but i i don't even don't even don't even i've not seen it i don't know anything about it i don't know the name but what i'm saying the two who've survived the those two daughters the older one who always wanted to be queen she learned about how terrible people can be how people would want her for her beauty and all these different things and how she was so tired of that she went through all these terrible people like that first king who got assassinated he was a sadist a masochist i can't remember the exact term he enjoyed watching people feel pain he enjoyed that no not the first king who was executed the the first son of cersei who was executed that king when he was king i mean it was a good thing but he was terrible he would make her look at her father's head on a spike and thank him for it then the next myth[Laughter] um oh oh if it's not clear i'm somebody who's interested in psychology and sociology but i i find a huge interest so since it's the season the halloween season um what do we think the top costumes are going to be this year harley quinn as it is that's a good question it's is it real serious well i mean that's definitely going to be a big one it's been it has been for a little bit but the thing is who else is it going to be i don't know it's more difficult to say for this year because this year hasn't produced the things that it should have that would have led to costumes black widow if that movie came out i guarantee would have more halloween costumes wonder woman her movie was going to come out this summer that would have had probably more costumes than i predict a couple i think that we're going to see some among us costumes i think we're going to see some hazmat oh yeah yeah i i'm curious if there would be following you just dress up as a jelly bean you're either one of them true you know um a couple of things could come out of it um i mean katie is coming back and that's not a huge thing for everyone in the world but for a league but for league which is a large part of things there's probably going to be people who are interested in that as well as when you think of video games and characters that people like to cosplay and stuff like that there's hyrule warriors a new game is coming out and a lot of interesting characters that people already liked from breath of the wild are making appearances um and you've already had interesting costumes for them these are nerdy these are these stuff i have a feeling we'll see some black panther things i'm not saying that i'm going to see that everywhere what i'm saying is for the people who put work into their costumes because most people wear them to events there's no events really going on there's there's going to be a lot of people trying to do like the sexy costumes like a lot of women are really cool they're like guessing angry and things like that oh you know what you know what i bet we'll see about we'll see some animal crosstalk stuff animals this year i thought we'll see i don't think so it is still huge they have an entire halloween event going on i just can't see someone else dressing up as a character from it i could see somebody putting on like khaki shorts and t-shirt when running around with a gnat yeah they could equally be a pokemon catcher maybe you know yeah i know some people do like the pokemon cosplay yeah pokemon's an easy one some nerds paint a tennis ball why would you do that i don't know why not you can just go and buy a pokeball from a freaking thing i've got that money who do you think i am[Applause] wow that's rough so we we were talking about a lot of video games um what's coming out in the video game world or what's out right now that that's pretty hot aside among us which oh wait before i forget that reminded me um uh aoc is inviting people to play among us with with them on twitter okay it's you don't know who aoc is no i'm getting the look from jim oh i know who aoc yeah i'm getting the i'm getting the i'm a uk look right stare she is i'm gonna miss uh she's a part of the government in the u.s she's been on drag race she's incredibly personable she's got out of a lot of politicians she has an incredible public figure she is somebody who's played league she does all these different things well she had a very she's getting a lot of she's very personal not gonna go anywhere in life and she really kind of built up her own platform on her own i mean she she did a lot of things on her own so um whether or not you agree with her political policies or you know opinions she's done a lot for herself but i thought it was funny because um we were talking about among us and how that trend trend's probably going to die and i saw a thing today about her putting out that tweet and uh some pretty big names for talking about joining i can't remember um oh pokemane i'm sure yeah yeah i like it's sad though there is always a cycle of these games that people play on stream they get really really popular like the thing is though among us has made it into like the general population like i know people that i'm friends with that don't gain whatsoever and they're like have you played this game and i'm like okay all right here we go like because you can get it on mobiles people just playing it kind of like wherever whenever yeah um that's the big thing i've been trying to convince uh my husband to get this game because he's not the type of kind of like the people that you're talking about he's not the type of person that will play video games he plays a couple of mobile games mostly like the bubble pop kind of stuff or like candy crush type choi games uh or balloons tower defense that's one of his favorites yeah i had him do the adventure time balloons i had him get that there is but that's the kind of games that he plays and he won't play like a regular video game like he told me he was like i i have something that you should really play it it's it's a really funny game and i was like okay he's like it's yeah i'm ways to die this game was like three years old three years old that was a game when i was 12. okay no not even though i was getting a little game it's a really old game and he's like you should play that that would be funny for halloween i'm like and it's a public service announcement about not getting hit by trains and this is the kind of game that he's interested in so but yeah i mean he he may pick it up who knows but i think the way fall guys fell off is insane uh i think i was talking to you the other day just about the pure numbers of people even just watching it yeah is like minimal well there's people playing games that have not really been relevant in like the last year they're now overtaking on the matter in general um well they made a lot of mistakes i mean when they launched they did not predict how popular it would be from the get-go and they had so many start stop things i turned i think that turned a lot of people off plus i think their price point was too high for what it was yeah and i don't believe it's cross-platform either as of yet yeah it's on playstation you just can't play with people on pc oh really yeah yeah i didn't know that yeah so the thing is so if you get it on playstation to my understanding you have it within that whole playstation plus package sort of thing so you don't actually pay anything for it but yeah i need to make cross-platform a thing but to my i'm pretty certain that is something that is being planned i don't know if that'll save it though uh probably not it's probably too little too late um the thing is fortnight as much as i'm not a big fan of the game um they completely shredded it like they were on top of everything that was going on consistently well they've been like that for a while keeping it relevant that's what i mean since the start they've been like that i will say out of all the people you choose daredevil like i love the blind representation but daredevil i mean there's there's better characters i mean there's better characters than wolverine i guess he's just iconic but no i wish that they would do it yeah they brought in daredevil they brought in wolverine they brought in a bunch of different marvel characters yeah they brought in a whole bunch of things they brought in galactus as well which i think was quite a cool touch but like this for fortnite or fortnite yeah yeah yeah they have they they always know these skins they bring out all guys was trying to do that they were trying to do that with the um uh there was like an indie game um it's very pretty oh they had a skin one of their things they had um team fortress 2 they had the team fortress 2 outfit of scout for one of their things that you could get for a certain limited time that i remember happening but i don't think that's a model for a game to be successful i think the game play itself has to be good and the mechanics aside from running you know and trying to survive trying to do like the football thing and or sorry soccer thing um the mechanics weren't there i enjoy them well i think one of the issues that they have with fall guys is fall guys as it is right now should be one option of multiple different things to play i think it's sort of like right now they have mario party and well no not a story mode they don't need that it's like the mario it's like the mario party shuffle button where you can play any sort of little mini game but it doesn't really do much it doesn't really matter to anything not necessarily having to be a story but maybe playing a certain version where you do multiplayer with specific people you form specific teams that you work on of like 10 v10 and you do these 10 v10 things or you do i think that's probably i mean yeah for sure they get they could do all sorts they could bring in modes where it's not just you who wins the game it's you and your party could win the game of however many yeah they do all sorts really to try and revive the game but i think more so what we're getting is is too little too late yeah um the bandwagon's moved on to among us and they'll move on to something else sounds mobile too right yeah phasmobia is popped up that will probably be a temporary game horror games generally are but i could see that coming back next year i i could see that maybe i could see phasmobia maybe keeping i haven't played it yet but from everything that i've seen either everything that i've read about it it sounds very much kind of similar to the concept of dead by daylight where you're cooperating in a smaller group so i could see people continuing to play that even outside of like halloween time and then it you know just get brought back and be a little bit more popular when halloween comes up yeah i mean um like until dawn for example really really big game at the time um that was like a horror game decision making kind of thing the story could go in all sorts of different ways um that was really really big then that went pretty much silent for however long because obviously it's a story mode game there's not much to go on after that and now they've made madame dan and now they're making other things so it's kind of like a yearly event it seems like it's more so turning into now um different story different actors but i mean what i heard about cosmo was that there there wasn't a story that it was just purely objective yeah yeah exactly right which is what i feel like sorry are you good on the um on the subject of dead by daylight actually that game i thought that it was going to be more relevant around right now but i feel like it's not necessarily gaining any momentum compared to what i would have expected during a halloween season it's like constant it's a game that just is always yeah and i think they do a really good job they're one of the publishers i think does a really good job of keeping their game relevant by having um kind of content that's new and unique released on a regular oh yeah they're dlc their dlc is incredibly well done i mean stranger things i don't know when that dlc came out but that was part of what sold me on the game um when i wanted to play dead by daylight i was like oh you can play nancy wheeler in that game i really liked nancy wheeler when i watched season one i kind of want to play that now i play it and i play it a large amount of the time funny enough nancy wheeler is the main person i play i've almost got her to prestige threes at this point um speaking of which dead by daylight has it's not necessarily just a really good game but it's got a lot of creative people who play it like a lot of the artwork that you see is very good a lot of the like there was a cosplay i mean i love jessica nigri i'm going to i'm probably going to talk about her another time at some point in this podcast jessica negri did a pyramid head cosplay partially imfacted by the fact that he was a dead by daylight killer um that was partly what affected her design choices yeah yeah i saw that cosplay and that was actually really well done oh well she's she's great she's been doing it for years and she's um she's very good in her craft she's actually what inspired me generally to make a definitely risky choice to spend around 300 on my first cosplay that i'm still working on um when's that yeah no we're talking about popular it's doing from russia right yeah uh i uh speaking of oh the most popular characters for store-bought things i'm actually for my first cosplay that i've technically bought in that sense i'm going to be doing although i'm probably going to do something before then i'm going to be doing harley quinn funny enough a male harley quinn from the animated series not the animated series in um the original which she was incredible she's incredible in a lot of different things she's a very interesting character uh specifically the self-titled show voicing haley kyoko i i really enjoy that character partially because a lot of the things that i see in that character i see in myself in a lot of cases i mean that's something that sells a lot of shows in general but i loved watching her grow from not only being somebody who was in an awful relationship to being in a healthy relationship and telling that harley quinn story well when it doesn't feel like they've done that necessarily whenever it comes to a lot of things like love margot robbie but there wasn't enough distance between her introduction to her splitting up there wasn't it didn't really even happen like it was just she was with him and then she wasn't and they were never together we never even saw the joker for like more than five seconds i gotta say that's been the weirdest thing about like the suicide squad and all that yeah you know why they don't you know why they don't have him you know why they didn't make a batman movie because they need to do it right batman is the one case out of dc aside from maybe superman and partially wonder woman that we've had multiple exposures to and not just that incredible exposure to the christian bail movies had some phenomenal performances like um i feel terrible because i can't remember his name um heath ledger heath ledger did an incredible performance he lost his life for it um which is partially why i think if they wanted joaquin phoenix to do another movie he might not because it might not be a healthy decision those characters have been done and they've been done well and if they're going to make it again they need to make sure that they're not going to disappoint people they if if they if they see this new ben affleck movie and they're like this isn't as good as those movies i honestly thought they're not doing things right but i didn't hate ben affleck he's fine yeah i thought i thought he played the perfect uh bruce wayne and i thought they did a good job changing voices batman i think he's decent that they can do better always change i don't know if he was better than christian i thought the voice of batman was better than like the christian bale like what are you doing okay well i mean that's an entire idea of its own of like the whole voice can sound goofy you know one interesting thing in the bat family they always do these different things every superhero has this thing and sometimes it's like how the heck don't people recognize them like they are so obviously this one person how can you not tell that this costume how can you not tell one thing that i think is ingenious that one of the characters in dc does is have a wig batwoman and the bat family she has that red hair but she has very short red hair in her bat mask it's connected to a long red wig and that i think is one of the smartest things that you could possibly do to hide your identity you i i mean you don't necessarily directly connect hair to people it's harder to do but it's even harder when your physical appearance the length of your hair like if i were to look at myself and i had a mask on yeah that's alex if i had different hair it's harder to tell it's me even if it's already incredibly difficult i think that's an ingenious idea that i should i don't know if the hair does it kind of think of more yeah well no i if you were a superhero your hair was exposed your hair is exposed that's not a direct thing that's going to point at you but if something were to happen in which things did seem to be you if something pointed at well okay this person has similar motives they act similarly they sound similar but no i don't know their appearance just seems different enough because of that influence of hair being something that needs to grow to be longer or shorter can make that difference i think it's incredibly smart no he still has that when he leaves it though if he does that to his own hair it's going to be like that in or out of a costume no it must have been here it is interchangeable look james can just dye his hair every time no i can't yes if that were to happen that would even more so point to it think about it if oh so this one superhero changes his hair color every day to the same color as this one random person on the internet yeah or oh uh superman he's a blonde now that weird clark kent guy did a bleaching hair dye yeah i you know i i think it's an incredibly creative idea and i feel that you're rude for discounting it i think it's smart no we're not discounting yeah yeah i'm just poking fun i think jay's discounting no i i literally just reversed all that she's done that's all i did he's from the uk he makes fun of everything fair enough uh we've just come back we had a bit of a technical problem there but it doesn't really matter too much we're a bit over it now um the good thing is i think we recorded most of the time that we wanted to record for anyway um so we're just going to upload it as this quick outro though generally speaking lfg has got all sorts of social media we've got twitch we've got twitter we've got the discord anywhere you want to come hang out it's all going to be put on the screen just a minute um so feel free to follow we will hang around and voice chat every now and then so if you guys do want to talk hang out suggest anything you want to hear about us talk about the podcast trust me that will be helpful yes any advice you want to give will be helpful we will take anything on board that you guys want to do um yeah no idea is a bad way to 100 um but anyone that's made it to the end thank you very much for being here um thank you wrong made it to the end you make it sound like it looks like trust me podcasts are a weird one people fall asleep watching it people yeah watch it to the end or they listen to one topic and they want to move on things like that it does happen i fall asleep all the time listening to podcasts it well not so much anymore i do audio books i skip around so yeah i know yeah i listen to family guys used to listen to school of rock for like two years consistently weird one anyway thank you all for watching guys have a good night and like actually jack blackout oh yeah