LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

LGBT+ Family & Games [EP 3] - Lactose, Salmon, and LARP - What do they all have in common?

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 1 Episode 3

We talk about the science of lactose intolerance and how salmon sperm is the answer! Our first guest, Chris has a lot to say on the topic and we were fascinated just listening. 

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What happens when you put 3 LGBT+ people in a remote recording session? We talk about everything under the sun including tv, movies, music, current events, drama, LGBT+ topics, gaming, and more!  LGBT+ Family & Games is a nonprofit organization here to create safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals online. So join the fam and enjoy the podcast!

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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[Music] 0:00:08.480,0:00:11.920 uh welcome to episode three of the lgbt 0:00:10.320,0:00:14.559 family and games podcast my name is 0:00:11.920,0:00:18.400 james i am joined by alex 0:00:14.559,0:00:19.760 and jay and today we actually have a 0:00:18.400,0:00:22.960 very special guest 0:00:19.760,0:00:24.560 joining us uh christian or chris 0:00:22.960,0:00:27.599 whichever you prefer 0:00:24.560,0:00:28.880 and uh let's get started uh give us a 0:00:27.599,0:00:31.679 little intro about yourself 0:00:28.880,0:00:33.120 tell us uh what makes you so special and 0:00:31.679,0:00:35.440 important and 0:00:33.120,0:00:36.640 not completely boring so hello my name 0:00:35.440,0:00:38.960 is 0:00:36.640,0:00:40.559 i was about to say that emmett to take 0:00:38.960,0:00:43.200 away all my puns 0:00:40.559,0:00:44.800 my name is christian i'm 21 years old 0:00:43.200,0:00:48.239 i'm from germany 0:00:44.800,0:00:49.120 and um currently i do a lot of biology 0:00:48.239,0:00:53.120 related stuff 0:00:49.120,0:00:55.600 i do lgbtq related work 0:00:53.120,0:00:57.440 and help spread awareness about certain 0:00:55.600,0:01:00.640 lgbtq topics and 0:00:57.440,0:01:04.640 you know stuff like that so 0:01:00.640,0:01:07.520 so wait jay is this the salmon sperm guy 0:01:04.640,0:01:08.720 yes yes this is the man of salmon spa 0:01:07.520,0:01:11.280 yes okay 0:01:08.720,0:01:12.720 um i think you should probably divulge 0:01:11.280,0:01:14.080 into it more than that so we don't end 0:01:12.720,0:01:17.360 up calling you now 0:01:14.080,0:01:19.119 um probably a good idea but 0:01:17.360,0:01:20.720 after the initial conversation we had 0:01:19.119,0:01:21.439 obviously that was most of what i got 0:01:20.720,0:01:23.920 from it 0:01:21.439,0:01:24.640 so yeah feel free to lay that out for 0:01:23.920,0:01:28.080 sorry 0:01:24.640,0:01:31.439 yeah indeed i do stuff with salmon sperm 0:01:28.080,0:01:33.439 um what i'm trying to do currently is to 0:01:31.439,0:01:34.960 genetically modify electrobacillus 0:01:33.439,0:01:38.320 ramensis 0:01:34.960,0:01:41.759 with salmon sperm dna so 0:01:38.320,0:01:43.759 that i can incorporate gengens from e 0:01:41.759,0:01:46.240 coli bacteria so that 0:01:43.759,0:01:47.360 those certain bacterias will be able to 0:01:46.240,0:01:50.320 part 0:01:47.360,0:01:51.680 lactose into better glucose and alpha 0:01:50.320,0:01:55.439 galactose 0:01:51.680,0:01:58.079 and this could potentially be used later 0:01:55.439,0:02:01.119 in persons with lactose intolerance to 0:01:58.079,0:02:03.920 get rid of their symptoms or maybe 0:02:01.119,0:02:07.119 well get them to have milder symptoms 0:02:03.920,0:02:07.119 out of their intolerance 0:02:07.600,0:02:10.800 okay so like a half of that went over 0:02:10.080,0:02:13.920 jay's head 0:02:10.800,0:02:16.000 i think uh my main worry is 0:02:13.920,0:02:18.640 if you're not careful they'll over toast 0:02:16.000,0:02:21.360 on all of these different things that 0:02:18.640,0:02:23.599 you'll find in there so all right let's 0:02:21.360,0:02:27.840 start the pun pal over toes 0:02:23.599,0:02:29.599 is that like a covered comatose yes 0:02:27.840,0:02:31.120 i think that one was too high for me 0:02:29.599,0:02:34.400 okay all right moving on 0:02:31.120,0:02:36.080 whatever um 0:02:34.400,0:02:38.080 so basically what you're doing is trying 0:02:36.080,0:02:38.879 to negate lactose from dairy products 0:02:38.080,0:02:40.319 essentially no 0:02:38.879,0:02:42.080 that's not what we're trying to do we 0:02:40.319,0:02:43.200 try to get people who 0:02:42.080,0:02:44.239 what are you doing tell me what you're 0:02:43.200,0:02:45.599 doing i want to know i don't want to 0:02:44.239,0:02:46.480 know about that well i tried to get in 0:02:45.599,0:02:49.280 the announcement 0:02:46.480,0:02:50.480 i don't know science i want to so in 0:02:49.280,0:02:52.239 your small intestine 0:02:50.480,0:02:55.760 i just assume that you are able to eat 0:02:52.239,0:02:55.760 dairy products are you jay 0:02:57.120,0:03:00.560 um i had a bad time some ice cream the 0:02:59.200,0:03:02.879 other day okay but 0:03:00.560,0:03:03.680 but like in normal days you're able to 0:03:02.879,0:03:06.480 like drink 0:03:03.680,0:03:06.480 milk are you 0:03:07.519,0:03:10.319 yeah i had cereal this morning it was 0:03:09.120,0:03:11.840 working okay that was all right and 0:03:10.319,0:03:13.440 you're not like sitting on the toilet 0:03:11.840,0:03:15.360 right now 0:03:13.440,0:03:16.720 trying to give birth to no not this very 0:03:15.360,0:03:19.280 long okay good 0:03:16.720,0:03:19.840 um so what i try to do schedule around 0:03:19.280,0:03:23.040 that 0:03:19.840,0:03:24.560 what i try to do is uh help lactose 0:03:23.040,0:03:27.280 intolerant people to 0:03:24.560,0:03:28.400 eat dairy products again and they do not 0:03:27.280,0:03:30.959 have to search for 0:03:28.400,0:03:32.959 dairy free prod alternatives they can 0:03:30.959,0:03:35.200 just straight up eat the dairy again 0:03:32.959,0:03:37.599 so we try to take the bacteria that then 0:03:35.200,0:03:38.720 act as a lactose enzyme that those 0:03:37.599,0:03:40.400 people lack 0:03:38.720,0:03:42.799 and incorporate that into the small 0:03:40.400,0:03:44.720 intestines and the reason why you can 0:03:42.799,0:03:48.000 part lactose is because in your small 0:03:44.720,0:03:49.599 intestines like in the philia in there 0:03:48.000,0:03:51.440 there are actually enzymes called 0:03:49.599,0:03:54.239 lactase that 0:03:51.440,0:03:55.920 will just break down lactose into 0:03:54.239,0:03:58.720 glucose and galactose 0:03:55.920,0:04:00.239 and those sugars can then be just 0:03:58.720,0:04:03.040 resolved by your body 0:04:00.239,0:04:04.879 however if this is not made all of those 0:04:03.040,0:04:06.640 sugars will just go into your big 0:04:04.879,0:04:10.000 intestine and the bacteria 0:04:06.640,0:04:11.680 there will feed on it it will bind water 0:04:10.000,0:04:14.319 to it and 0:04:11.680,0:04:15.920 when we look at what lactose is doing in 0:04:14.319,0:04:16.720 an environment like this we get all of 0:04:15.920,0:04:19.519 the some 0:04:16.720,0:04:20.880 symptoms of lactose intolerance so you 0:04:19.519,0:04:25.759 get in 0:04:20.880,0:04:29.040 well but how do you call it uh 0:04:25.759,0:04:31.680 when something is uh hurting 0:04:29.040,0:04:31.680 it's uh 0:04:33.280,0:04:36.639 you get an upset stomach let's call it 0:04:35.040,0:04:38.240 that yeah i'm i'm not 0:04:36.639,0:04:40.960 good enough at english to explain it in 0:04:38.240,0:04:43.199 a way that is scientifically accurate 0:04:40.960,0:04:45.120 you get an upset stomach you get 0:04:43.199,0:04:46.479 diarrhea perhaps and there is like a lot 0:04:45.120,0:04:49.199 of gas 0:04:46.479,0:04:51.199 gas being formed and of course you don't 0:04:49.199,0:04:53.440 want that so if we have this bacteria 0:04:51.199,0:04:53.919 incorporated in the small intestines of 0:04:53.440,0:04:56.320 human 0:04:53.919,0:04:58.960 who do not have the lactose enzyme in 0:04:56.320,0:05:01.600 them we can get the bacteria to act as 0:04:58.960,0:05:03.280 the lactones enzyme for them so they can 0:05:01.600,0:05:06.240 just eat dairy products 0:05:03.280,0:05:06.880 again if everything goes right could be 0:05:06.240,0:05:11.840 that it's 0:05:06.880,0:05:11.840 gonna be a complete failure 0:05:14.479,0:05:19.440 um what persuaded you to actually start 0:05:17.680,0:05:20.639 doing it in the first place so obviously 0:05:19.440,0:05:21.759 i think it's quite rare for someone to 0:05:20.639,0:05:23.039 come up with the idea of doing that 0:05:21.759,0:05:25.759 considering i guess it's not 0:05:23.039,0:05:27.280 something that's been done so so how did 0:05:25.759,0:05:29.280 you end up coming across wanting to do 0:05:27.280,0:05:29.759 it i've seen i've seen people who tried 0:05:29.280,0:05:33.199 to 0:05:29.759,0:05:35.280 do zen gene territory on their 0:05:33.199,0:05:37.520 own like they try to do it do it 0:05:35.280,0:05:39.840 yourself gene therapy like 0:05:37.520,0:05:40.639 genome therapy they try to alter their 0:05:39.840,0:05:43.520 dna 0:05:40.639,0:05:45.440 okay in order to like produce lactose 0:05:43.520,0:05:48.240 again in their small intestine 0:05:45.440,0:05:50.080 they try to do that with aad which is an 0:05:48.240,0:05:53.039 arduino associated virus 0:05:50.080,0:05:54.639 that is uh the go-to standard in most of 0:05:53.039,0:05:57.280 genetic procedures 0:05:54.639,0:05:58.960 so basically you take this virus that is 0:05:57.280,0:05:59.919 known to like mold with your cells all 0:05:58.960,0:06:02.479 the time and then 0:05:59.919,0:06:03.280 incorporates its dna like it's a viral 0:06:02.479,0:06:05.840 rna 0:06:03.280,0:06:07.600 with your dna sometimes and what they 0:06:05.840,0:06:09.680 were trying to do is like take 0:06:07.600,0:06:11.039 big amounts of those virus incorporate 0:06:09.680,0:06:14.720 the lactose g 0:06:11.039,0:06:16.560 like the lag z gene into it and then 0:06:14.720,0:06:17.919 just get it into the small intestine 0:06:16.560,0:06:21.120 somehow and 0:06:17.919,0:06:23.199 just hope for the best 0:06:21.120,0:06:24.960 and i was like so basically you've seen 0:06:23.199,0:06:27.120 people struggle with it yeah 0:06:24.960,0:06:28.800 i mean i mean i'm not lactose intolerant 0:06:27.120,0:06:29.520 but i really love cheese and i think it 0:06:28.800,0:06:31.280 would be 0:06:29.520,0:06:33.440 awful if i couldn't be able to eat 0:06:31.280,0:06:35.600 cheese anymore i really enjoy cheese 0:06:33.440,0:06:38.240 pizza and lasagna and all that 0:06:35.600,0:06:39.919 and i don't know like the best kind of 0:06:38.240,0:06:43.440 cheese is of course the american kind 0:06:39.919,0:06:46.080 yeah absolutely no no 0:06:43.440,0:06:46.479 never no in burgers yes everything else 0:06:46.080,0:06:48.000 no 0:06:46.479,0:06:49.759 not even in burgers they don't deserve 0:06:48.000,0:06:51.440 it they 0:06:49.759,0:06:53.520 don't deserve that poor treatment 0:06:51.440,0:06:54.240 americans are better by far the best 0:06:53.520,0:06:58.319 cheese 0:06:54.240,0:07:01.680 ever ever orange things 0:06:58.319,0:07:02.080 i personally am not a fan i mean the 0:07:01.680,0:07:04.000 american 0:07:02.080,0:07:05.280 cheese i have is an orange over here so 0:07:04.000,0:07:08.400 i don't know 0:07:05.280,0:07:10.960 um but yeah i mean if you watch any 0:07:08.400,0:07:12.639 like high-end chef making a burger 0:07:10.960,0:07:14.000 they'll be like i really apologize for 0:07:12.639,0:07:16.400 this but it is actually the best thing 0:07:14.000,0:07:18.080 to use for this um 0:07:16.400,0:07:20.160 and everybody agrees generally speaking 0:07:18.080,0:07:23.680 it is actually good for those so 0:07:20.160,0:07:25.039 yeah um you'll probably catch some using 0:07:23.680,0:07:26.960 different bits but that's just because 0:07:25.039,0:07:28.479 they don't want to be caught out using 0:07:26.960,0:07:29.680 that kind of stuff 0:07:28.479,0:07:32.720 if you're looking for actual flavor 0:07:29.680,0:07:35.840 generally is the best um 0:07:32.720,0:07:38.560 anyway moving on hemming 0:07:35.840,0:07:39.120 or chris christian what would you want 0:07:38.560,0:07:42.400 me to call you 0:07:39.120,0:07:45.680 you can call me chris that's fine yes 0:07:42.400,0:07:46.479 okay i'm going chris um i also know that 0:07:45.680,0:07:48.560 you do 0:07:46.479,0:07:50.000 laughing which is like um live-action 0:07:48.560,0:07:52.240 role-playing 0:07:50.000,0:07:53.840 so what what does that actually entail 0:07:52.240,0:07:54.639 i've seen it in the movie role models 0:07:53.840,0:07:56.240 and i know i mean 0:07:54.639,0:07:57.759 um james been talking about it in the 0:07:56.240,0:07:59.599 past 0:07:57.759,0:08:01.840 um obviously it's put in a bit of a 0:07:59.599,0:08:04.879 funny comedic light but 0:08:01.840,0:08:06.240 um if you want to just break that down 0:08:04.879,0:08:08.479 for us because i didn't even really know 0:08:06.240,0:08:10.000 it was something that actually happened 0:08:08.479,0:08:12.160 um don't be wrong i'm sure there's 0:08:10.000,0:08:13.680 groups of like 10 people that you know 0:08:12.160,0:08:14.879 play lord of the rings and hit swords 0:08:13.680,0:08:16.160 against each other but 0:08:14.879,0:08:17.919 i didn't realize it was like a 0:08:16.160,0:08:20.160 professionally done thing 0:08:17.919,0:08:21.599 um so yeah if you want to just tell me a 0:08:20.160,0:08:24.720 little bit about that 0:08:21.599,0:08:26.879 so i happen to be in europe and we have 0:08:24.720,0:08:28.800 like a lot of these medieval landscapes 0:08:26.879,0:08:31.039 like castles uh 0:08:28.800,0:08:33.120 buildings that are basically older than 0:08:31.039,0:08:36.159 america sorry to say that james 0:08:33.120,0:08:37.919 um i currently live in a house that's 0:08:36.159,0:08:40.959 actually older than america 0:08:37.919,0:08:42.560 and um this is deemed something normal 0:08:40.959,0:08:44.000 here in europe like 0:08:42.560,0:08:46.000 you can throw a rock and you will hit a 0:08:44.000,0:08:46.320 castle or some fragment of castle that 0:08:46.000,0:08:49.360 has 0:08:46.320,0:08:53.600 stood there like a few hundred years ago 0:08:49.360,0:08:54.959 and so given that we have like this uh 0:08:53.600,0:08:56.640 historical background 0:08:54.959,0:08:58.240 uh we're kind of obsessed with medieval 0:08:56.640,0:09:01.600 times here in europe 0:08:58.240,0:09:03.279 and it doesn't really seem to 0:09:01.600,0:09:05.040 be that much of a surprise that people 0:09:03.279,0:09:05.680 get the idea to dress up in medieval 0:09:05.040,0:09:07.600 garb and 0:09:05.680,0:09:09.440 uh try to reenact those certain things 0:09:07.600,0:09:11.519 but that's called reenactment 0:09:09.440,0:09:12.959 and people who are not like that into 0:09:11.519,0:09:15.440 historics uh 0:09:12.959,0:09:17.440 basically just thought well i love 0:09:15.440,0:09:20.000 fantasy i love medieval stuff 0:09:17.440,0:09:20.560 uh let's just mix all of that and well 0:09:20.000,0:09:22.800 why not 0:09:20.560,0:09:24.640 reenact that like in real life why not 0:09:22.800,0:09:26.640 have this a lot of the ring feeling that 0:09:24.640,0:09:30.320 i get when i read a book or when i 0:09:26.640,0:09:33.279 watch a movie getting that in real life 0:09:30.320,0:09:35.360 so i think some nerds in the 50s they 0:09:33.279,0:09:36.959 started to dress up and 0:09:35.360,0:09:38.720 meet each other and there were probably 0:09:36.959,0:09:40.240 like groups of four people 0:09:38.720,0:09:41.839 walking through the forest protecting 0:09:40.240,0:09:45.519 their elves and [ __ ] like this 0:09:41.839,0:09:45.519 sorry um 0:09:45.600,0:09:49.200 but it has really grown like the 0:09:48.160,0:09:51.760 standard has 0:09:49.200,0:09:53.200 risen especially here in europe like you 0:09:51.760,0:09:55.279 can't really compare that to your 0:09:53.200,0:09:57.440 american larp a lot everywhere else 0:09:55.279,0:09:59.760 germany seems to be like the capitol 0:09:57.440,0:10:02.880 next to like poland and russia 0:09:59.760,0:10:05.600 when it comes to garments uh to 0:10:02.880,0:10:07.200 armories and uh providing of certain 0:10:05.600,0:10:09.360 things 0:10:07.200,0:10:11.040 and we have one of the biggest labs like 0:10:09.360,0:10:12.000 three of the biggest labs worldwide here 0:10:11.040,0:10:13.680 in germany 0:10:12.000,0:10:15.279 uh they're called the drachen fest the 0:10:13.680,0:10:16.720 epic empires and there are like 0:10:15.279,0:10:18.320 thousands of people from all over the 0:10:16.720,0:10:20.720 world coming together 0:10:18.320,0:10:21.440 uh just getting into this character that 0:10:20.720,0:10:23.120 they 0:10:21.440,0:10:25.040 like wrote their self designed their 0:10:23.120,0:10:25.839 self and provided garment this helped 0:10:25.040,0:10:29.360 for 0:10:25.839,0:10:33.600 and was act character for 0:10:29.360,0:10:36.959 24 7 just for the fun of them 0:10:33.600,0:10:39.279 really yeah we like so all day long 0:10:36.959,0:10:40.160 now all day long we we you've mentioned 0:10:39.279,0:10:43.360 a week long 0:10:40.160,0:10:44.240 before right exactly like we we live in 0:10:43.360,0:10:46.560 tents for that 0:10:44.240,0:10:48.079 time we we don't have like certain 0:10:46.560,0:10:50.000 access to like 0:10:48.079,0:10:51.360 of course we have more than toilets and 0:10:50.000,0:10:54.320 uh showers 0:10:51.360,0:10:55.200 that's like a luxury like person from 0:10:54.320,0:10:58.320 the 21 0:10:55.200,0:11:00.079 century not like to miss 0:10:58.320,0:11:02.399 but i actually know of people who go to 0:11:00.079,0:11:04.959 larps that actually do not have like 0:11:02.399,0:11:06.880 real showers like they bathe in like a 0:11:04.959,0:11:08.640 stream or something they 0:11:06.880,0:11:10.560 they go to toilet in like a little hole 0:11:08.640,0:11:11.920 in the ground and i think that's a bit 0:11:10.560,0:11:14.800 extreme 0:11:11.920,0:11:15.519 i don't do that certainly but um i 0:11:14.800,0:11:18.880 really enjoy 0:11:15.519,0:11:20.720 the immersive nature of like 0:11:18.880,0:11:22.320 sleeping in a tent for like a week 0:11:20.720,0:11:23.519 acting as a character not breaking 0:11:22.320,0:11:26.880 character 0:11:23.519,0:11:30.160 um that really has like it's 0:11:26.880,0:11:30.160 it's quite interesting yes 0:11:30.320,0:11:35.040 okay so i i mean obviously um so you do 0:11:33.200,0:11:36.160 it yourself so what role do you actually 0:11:35.040,0:11:37.760 play when you do it 0:11:36.160,0:11:39.680 like what's kind of like the background 0:11:37.760,0:11:41.200 or basis of your so 0:11:39.680,0:11:42.720 character i guess i borrowed my 0:11:41.200,0:11:44.720 background um 0:11:42.720,0:11:46.720 i play a character from the witcher 0:11:44.720,0:11:49.360 universe 0:11:46.720,0:11:50.399 i used to read the books like five years 0:11:49.360,0:11:53.279 ago and i'm 0:11:50.399,0:11:55.279 obsessed with them like i provided 0:11:53.279,0:11:58.000 guides for other larpers and my books 0:11:55.279,0:11:58.480 basically looked like this so that i 0:11:58.000,0:12:00.560 have like 0:11:58.480,0:12:01.680 all the info about certain topics in 0:12:00.560,0:12:03.920 there and 0:12:01.680,0:12:05.200 marked it all out like i can answer you 0:12:03.920,0:12:08.639 every question about 0:12:05.200,0:12:10.000 uh the witcher universe um 0:12:08.639,0:12:12.480 they're great books by the way i can 0:12:10.000,0:12:14.320 just recommend them 0:12:12.480,0:12:15.920 uh most people only know them from 0:12:14.320,0:12:18.320 netflix or the games but 0:12:15.920,0:12:19.600 like the books behind them are yeah just 0:12:18.320,0:12:22.720 chef's kisses 0:12:19.600,0:12:23.519 i play my ma i play a mage from banard 0:12:22.720,0:12:27.360 and i'm 0:12:23.519,0:12:30.320 currently the consultant of um 0:12:27.360,0:12:33.279 noble that's from nilfgaard and it's 0:12:30.320,0:12:33.279 quite funny yes 0:12:33.360,0:12:42.000 he's a real attack though 0:12:38.320,0:12:42.880 so you you play a mage um is historical 0:12:42.000,0:12:45.360 accuracy 0:12:42.880,0:12:46.320 important in your larp sessions or is 0:12:45.360,0:12:47.920 that 0:12:46.320,0:12:49.680 are there different kinds like some that 0:12:47.920,0:12:52.399 are really historically accurate or some 0:12:49.680,0:12:55.120 that are just more fantasy 0:12:52.399,0:12:57.760 so we as a group we try to keep it as 0:12:55.120,0:12:59.600 historically accurate as possible 0:12:57.760,0:13:01.440 we get inspiration of course from the 0:12:59.600,0:13:03.200 sources that we have like the witcher 3 0:13:01.440,0:13:04.160 games for example those are great 0:13:03.200,0:13:06.320 examples 0:13:04.160,0:13:08.000 and we kind of make a mix out of 0:13:06.320,0:13:09.760 historical accurate things 0:13:08.000,0:13:11.120 things that actually work and serve a 0:13:09.760,0:13:14.000 purpose and 0:13:11.120,0:13:16.639 then try to incorporate certain elements 0:13:14.000,0:13:20.240 that just give this witcher feeling 0:13:16.639,0:13:23.360 for example i've got like my 0:13:20.240,0:13:25.839 housing for example are historically cut 0:13:23.360,0:13:29.200 but like the patterns of a decoration i 0:13:25.839,0:13:29.200 use are not historical 0:13:30.800,0:13:36.880 okay have you ever come into any like 0:13:34.639,0:13:38.399 really really weird situations while 0:13:36.880,0:13:40.240 laughing or has someone ever done 0:13:38.399,0:13:43.360 anything really really weird 0:13:40.240,0:13:45.360 what's going on okay um i i 0:13:43.360,0:13:47.120 just say it straight out larpers tend to 0:13:45.360,0:13:50.800 be weird folks 0:13:47.120,0:13:52.320 um i've seen like i've seen a lot of 0:13:50.800,0:13:55.600 stuff that's uh 0:13:52.320,0:13:58.079 not pg-16 at all so i'm not gonna dive 0:13:55.600,0:14:01.360 too deep into that but 0:13:58.079,0:14:03.760 i've seen people like 0:14:01.360,0:14:05.120 like exhibitionism oh no i'm talking 0:14:03.760,0:14:07.360 like straight up sex 0:14:05.120,0:14:08.959 but that's not a topic i think one 0:14:07.360,0:14:09.600 should talk about in the part that's 0:14:08.959,0:14:13.199 like 0:14:09.600,0:14:14.560 um people people people get freaky when 0:14:13.199,0:14:16.880 they're in costumes that's 0:14:14.560,0:14:18.399 just weird uh i don't want to talk about 0:14:16.880,0:14:19.839 that exhibitionism still seems 0:14:18.399,0:14:22.399 probably like the right word in this 0:14:19.839,0:14:23.279 situation but in a different context i 0:14:22.399,0:14:26.240 suppose um 0:14:23.279,0:14:27.920 yeah so yeah so there there's a certain 0:14:26.240,0:14:29.920 feeling to when you like go into a 0:14:27.920,0:14:31.440 forest and you're just walking your dog 0:14:29.920,0:14:32.240 and then there's suddenly like i don't 0:14:31.440,0:14:34.800 know like 0:14:32.240,0:14:36.480 15 guys around the campfire performing 0:14:34.800,0:14:37.680 some kind of blood ritual where there's 0:14:36.480,0:14:39.600 somebody like 0:14:37.680,0:14:41.760 bound onto your table and they like 0:14:39.600,0:14:45.600 reenact cutting them open 0:14:41.760,0:14:46.959 and um yeah well it could can be scary 0:14:45.600,0:14:48.880 sometimes so 0:14:46.959,0:14:50.880 um i may be wondering that'd be quite 0:14:48.880,0:14:52.880 scary for the building i i maybe 0:14:50.880,0:14:54.800 have been one of those people covered in 0:14:52.880,0:14:56.839 blood trying to explain to a person 0:14:54.800,0:14:59.360 walking their doctor 0:14:56.839,0:15:00.160 nothing that they should not call the 0:14:59.360,0:15:02.720 police 0:15:00.160,0:15:03.360 nothing to worry about no exactly yeah 0:15:02.720,0:15:06.959 please 0:15:03.360,0:15:10.240 please she wasn't just pretending 0:15:06.959,0:15:14.639 while we're at it your dog looks very 0:15:10.240,0:15:14.639 healthy how attached are you to it 0:15:15.360,0:15:19.920 wow we actually had like uh one of the 0:15:18.399,0:15:22.959 cults it was a talk 0:15:19.920,0:15:24.880 we actually were npcs for a campaign and 0:15:22.959,0:15:26.560 the players were supposed to find us 0:15:24.880,0:15:28.560 performing this ritual 0:15:26.560,0:15:30.639 and to stop us from sacrificing that 0:15:28.560,0:15:33.040 woman but they took too long so we 0:15:30.639,0:15:34.320 sacrificed a woman we had like all those 0:15:33.040,0:15:36.320 uh 0:15:34.320,0:15:38.079 silicone entrails hanging from hill 0:15:36.320,0:15:40.480 looked really gory it was really 0:15:38.079,0:15:43.519 realistic i loved every second of it 0:15:40.480,0:15:45.839 um well after 0:15:43.519,0:15:46.639 our our dead body stopped talking to her 0:15:45.839,0:15:48.720 and was like yeah 0:15:46.639,0:15:50.000 nothing to worry about just like fake 0:15:48.720,0:15:52.079 she was like 0:15:50.000,0:15:53.759 she wanted to snap a picture with us and 0:15:52.079,0:15:56.320 just go away again 0:15:53.759,0:15:57.040 but yeah that was really weird um 0:15:56.320,0:15:59.360 another time 0:15:57.040,0:16:00.560 somebody wanted to snap a a selfie with 0:15:59.360,0:16:02.240 the uh 0:16:00.560,0:16:05.680 the lady with the entrails hanging out 0:16:02.240,0:16:08.720 and yeah all over the place 0:16:05.680,0:16:11.839 um yeah stuff like that 0:16:08.720,0:16:14.079 yeah i guess so or germany right and 0:16:11.839,0:16:17.440 germany yes 0:16:14.079,0:16:17.759 okay well doesn't germany germany also 0:16:17.440,0:16:20.000 has 0:16:17.759,0:16:22.639 um they have a lot of different types of 0:16:20.000,0:16:24.480 things not just larp right it's um 0:16:22.639,0:16:26.560 i think oxy you brought up something 0:16:24.480,0:16:30.000 about germany right 0:16:26.560,0:16:31.839 uh well with germany there are so many 0:16:30.000,0:16:33.519 i mean everybody talks about oktoberfest 0:16:31.839,0:16:35.199 that's the popular generic one that 0:16:33.519,0:16:36.880 everybody's going to know about 0:16:35.199,0:16:38.399 but there are a bunch of different fests 0:16:36.880,0:16:40.079 you can prob probably go 0:16:38.399,0:16:42.480 any weekend and drive a certain amount 0:16:40.079,0:16:44.959 of time and you'll probably find one 0:16:42.480,0:16:46.160 um at least over the summer my parents 0:16:44.959,0:16:49.600 used to live in germany 0:16:46.160,0:16:51.759 uh that's where my brother was born so 0:16:49.600,0:16:52.639 so first of all thank you chris i mean 0:16:51.759,0:16:55.440 first of all 0:16:52.639,0:16:57.279 oktoberfest is bavarian we are indeed do 0:16:55.440,0:16:59.600 not wear lederhosen or 0:16:57.279,0:17:00.800 any of that type of stuff that's 0:16:59.600,0:17:02.800 bavarian however 0:17:00.800,0:17:04.959 like this german stereotype that people 0:17:02.800,0:17:06.720 get from wearing lederhosen drinking 0:17:04.959,0:17:09.360 beyond oktoberfest is 0:17:06.720,0:17:10.799 bavarian however bavarian kind of molded 0:17:09.360,0:17:13.199 with germany in the last 0:17:10.799,0:17:14.559 in the past 10 years i think and it's 0:17:13.199,0:17:16.640 not part of germany 0:17:14.559,0:17:19.520 it used to be its own country back in 0:17:16.640,0:17:21.839 the days um 0:17:19.520,0:17:24.079 still people still germans do not enjoy 0:17:21.839,0:17:24.720 being reduced on oktoberfest because 0:17:24.079,0:17:27.120 it's 0:17:24.720,0:17:27.760 really not that much part of our culture 0:17:27.120,0:17:30.080 and i think 0:17:27.760,0:17:31.840 oktoberfest is obnoxious oh my god the 0:17:30.080,0:17:34.640 stuff you see at oktoberfest is 0:17:31.840,0:17:36.799 just awful if if you ever been there 0:17:34.640,0:17:38.799 there's no need to go another time 0:17:36.799,0:17:41.840 it's i just want to be there for the 0:17:38.799,0:17:43.919 alcohol i don't even care about it 0:17:41.840,0:17:46.720 i'm just there so the beer the beer is 0:17:43.919,0:17:49.520 mostly stale and overpriced 0:17:46.720,0:17:51.120 the people are really damn drunk and if 0:17:49.520,0:17:52.160 you're gay you're actually not allowed 0:17:51.120,0:17:54.000 to hold hands 0:17:52.160,0:17:57.200 at least you weren't two day two years 0:17:54.000,0:17:59.120 ago they asked they asked gay couples to 0:17:57.200,0:18:00.400 maybe keep it to themselves they could 0:17:59.120,0:18:03.919 they could go into the 0:18:00.400,0:18:05.520 gay tent uh like in oktoberfest there 0:18:03.919,0:18:07.760 are a lot of tents with different 0:18:05.520,0:18:09.039 thematics and there was like an lgbtq 0:18:07.760,0:18:11.360 camp like a gay 0:18:09.039,0:18:12.720 tent and they were asked to like keep 0:18:11.360,0:18:17.200 keep their affection 0:18:12.720,0:18:18.799 to themselves in the camp to like 0:18:17.200,0:18:20.720 i mean there are a lot of conservative 0:18:18.799,0:18:22.640 old man there so 0:18:20.720,0:18:24.880 they probably yeah i mean that sounds 0:18:22.640,0:18:26.799 like a bit of a rosa park situation for 0:18:24.880,0:18:29.280 gay people but at the same time 0:18:26.799,0:18:30.160 i bet the gate ends pretty lit yes oh 0:18:29.280,0:18:32.480 yeah 0:18:30.160,0:18:33.520 i can i can i bet it's a part i can tell 0:18:32.480,0:18:36.799 you the gate 0:18:33.520,0:18:36.799 is quite the party yes 0:18:38.160,0:18:43.200 yes um good times good times it probably 0:18:41.520,0:18:47.360 works out fairly okay 0:18:43.200,0:18:48.960 yeah however the people there just 0:18:47.360,0:18:50.960 the bavarians don't even like 0:18:48.960,0:18:52.799 oktoberfest because all of the tourists 0:18:50.960,0:18:53.840 and all the people coming from germany 0:18:52.799,0:18:56.320 ruining it 0:18:53.840,0:18:58.000 it's um yes really however yeah there 0:18:56.320,0:18:59.360 are a lot of fast to come back to your 0:18:58.000,0:19:02.720 question sorry i kind of 0:18:59.360,0:19:05.039 kind of drifted off into oktoberfest um 0:19:02.720,0:19:06.880 well yeah there are a lot of festivities 0:19:05.039,0:19:07.840 actually in germany like if you do not 0:19:06.880,0:19:09.520 have 0:19:07.840,0:19:13.919 we always find it excuse to drink 0:19:09.520,0:19:18.240 alcohol really and to eat some bratwurst 0:19:13.919,0:19:20.960 so yeah you can just drive into the next 0:19:18.240,0:19:23.200 village and probably find in festivity 0:19:20.960,0:19:23.200 there 0:19:23.520,0:19:29.039 okay well speaking of trying sunday 0:19:26.559,0:19:30.559 speaking of lgbt um you brought up the 0:19:29.039,0:19:33.679 gay tent and i know that you're 0:19:30.559,0:19:34.720 in an lgbt organization um 0:19:33.679,0:19:36.880 talk to us a little bit about your 0:19:34.720,0:19:40.799 volunteer work and you know 0:19:36.880,0:19:45.039 what you guys do um what your mission is 0:19:40.799,0:19:48.080 all that kind of stuff so basically our 0:19:45.039,0:19:50.559 well our concept is uh we get invited by 0:19:48.080,0:19:52.880 groups that see the need of like a 0:19:50.559,0:19:56.080 little bit of education on the lgbtq 0:19:52.880,0:19:57.600 topics and we go to schools 0:19:56.080,0:19:59.360 maybe after somebody has ordered 0:19:57.600,0:20:01.679 themselves maybe after 0:19:59.360,0:20:02.400 some teachers said some homophobic stuff 0:20:01.679,0:20:05.039 and 0:20:02.400,0:20:06.400 well students ask for somebody to like 0:20:05.039,0:20:09.520 educate them 0:20:06.400,0:20:11.600 and we get ordered there 0:20:09.520,0:20:14.400 we actually funded by the state by our 0:20:11.600,0:20:17.039 ministry for education 0:20:14.400,0:20:20.000 and we go there and try to spread 0:20:17.039,0:20:23.760 awareness of lgbtq topics of trends 0:20:20.000,0:20:25.600 rights for example and we also 0:20:23.760,0:20:27.919 well just spread the knowledge that we 0:20:25.600,0:20:30.400 have to other people that may not have 0:20:27.919,0:20:31.520 any access to that lot to that knowledge 0:20:30.400,0:20:35.360 to begin with 0:20:31.520,0:20:37.280 and when it for example comes to 0:20:35.360,0:20:40.080 trans people for example so many people 0:20:37.280,0:20:42.320 do not know that trans people exist 0:20:40.080,0:20:43.919 straight people for example just do not 0:20:42.320,0:20:48.640 have the concept of 0:20:43.919,0:20:50.240 uh well transsexuality being a thing 0:20:48.640,0:20:52.320 at all because it's not in the middle of 0:20:50.240,0:20:54.640 our society it's nothing that has been 0:20:52.320,0:20:56.000 talked about quite actively in the last 0:20:54.640,0:20:59.200 years 0:20:56.000,0:20:59.760 and there's really no way that young 0:20:59.200,0:21:02.960 people 0:20:59.760,0:21:04.000 or people that are just not in the lgbtq 0:21:02.960,0:21:07.200 community 0:21:04.000,0:21:09.440 can actively know about that 0:21:07.200,0:21:11.760 specific topics and that's what we are 0:21:09.440,0:21:13.520 there for to educate them on certain 0:21:11.760,0:21:16.880 topics to 0:21:13.520,0:21:18.720 well sensitize them for them to 0:21:16.880,0:21:20.320 be like hey you see there are people 0:21:18.720,0:21:22.159 that are other and 0:21:20.320,0:21:23.919 different and you don't need to be 0:21:22.159,0:21:24.960 afraid of them they're not trying to be 0:21:23.919,0:21:27.039 like 0:21:24.960,0:21:30.559 snowflakes or something that's like 0:21:27.039,0:21:32.720 legit and their ways how you can 0:21:30.559,0:21:34.000 well make those people feel like they're 0:21:32.720,0:21:37.600 part of society because 0:21:34.000,0:21:39.200 they are and uh you can do this and that 0:21:37.600,0:21:42.400 to make sure that they feel as 0:21:39.200,0:21:45.679 they're part of the society and that's 0:21:42.400,0:21:47.200 basically what we try to do yeah 0:21:45.679,0:21:48.640 yes you're kind of just trying to bridge 0:21:47.200,0:21:49.200 the gap between the people that don't 0:21:48.640,0:21:52.159 understand 0:21:49.200,0:21:54.240 it um and then also helping the people 0:21:52.159,0:21:56.159 that are in those situations themselves 0:21:54.240,0:21:57.520 surrounded by people that also don't 0:21:56.159,0:22:01.039 understand exactly yeah 0:21:57.520,0:22:02.400 um is that just local to you or is that 0:22:01.039,0:22:05.440 like nation 0:22:02.400,0:22:06.400 it's all over germany actually um we are 0:22:05.440,0:22:08.880 organized in 0:22:06.400,0:22:10.000 certain groups we have coordinators for 0:22:08.880,0:22:12.080 the states 0:22:10.000,0:22:13.679 that we are living in but we also have 0:22:12.080,0:22:16.400 coronary natives for the 0:22:13.679,0:22:18.720 cities and also coordinated for the 0:22:16.400,0:22:21.679 country that we are currently in 0:22:18.720,0:22:21.679 germany for example 0:22:21.760,0:22:26.000 and since we're funded since we're 0:22:23.840,0:22:29.760 funded by their ministry we 0:22:26.000,0:22:31.520 well we get our for example if i have to 0:22:29.760,0:22:33.280 go there and i happen to have school at 0:22:31.520,0:22:35.360 that day i 0:22:33.280,0:22:36.400 i just can like go in there and be like 0:22:35.360,0:22:39.760 yeah i have to 0:22:36.400,0:22:42.320 go to state x epsilon 0:22:39.760,0:22:43.679 and uh you have to give me an absentee 0:22:42.320,0:22:47.360 letter 0:22:43.679,0:22:49.520 so i'm free for the day right 0:22:47.360,0:22:51.039 i mean it's an important role to have in 0:22:49.520,0:22:51.840 the world for sure especially in times 0:22:51.039,0:22:55.440 like these 0:22:51.840,0:22:56.799 um don't get me wrong me and james has 0:22:55.440,0:22:58.640 spoken about it and 0:22:56.799,0:23:00.240 like generally the past i think when me 0:22:58.640,0:23:02.640 and him were going through school and 0:23:00.240,0:23:05.120 things like that it was a lot harder 0:23:02.640,0:23:06.320 um we personally never had really anyone 0:23:05.120,0:23:08.000 like that there was like 0:23:06.320,0:23:09.600 social workers and things like that that 0:23:08.000,0:23:11.120 you could talk to but 0:23:09.600,0:23:13.679 to be honest with you the relevancy of 0:23:11.120,0:23:16.720 it is more or less non-existent 0:23:13.679,0:23:17.280 at least it was for me um so yeah i 0:23:16.720,0:23:19.679 think having 0:23:17.280,0:23:21.679 those people around now as much as it's 0:23:19.679,0:23:22.720 a bit more accepted nowadays than it was 0:23:21.679,0:23:25.760 then 0:23:22.720,0:23:29.039 um definitely is an even bigger step in 0:23:25.760,0:23:33.120 the right direction for the world 0:23:29.039,0:23:36.400 yeah certainly definitely 0:23:33.120,0:23:40.159 um uh sorry to cut into you 0:23:36.400,0:23:43.600 james um but on the point of 0:23:40.159,0:23:45.440 the time it's also 0:23:43.600,0:23:46.799 very important especially depending on 0:23:45.440,0:23:50.080 location 0:23:46.799,0:23:51.520 because even though obviously places 0:23:50.080,0:23:54.159 with high populations 0:23:51.520,0:23:54.159 new york 0:23:55.600,0:23:59.120 the specific cities of different 0:23:57.679,0:24:01.760 countries are going to have 0:23:59.120,0:24:03.520 probably a higher tolerance for the 0:24:01.760,0:24:07.440 different things that somebody may be 0:24:03.520,0:24:10.559 whether that's part of the lgbt 0:24:07.440,0:24:11.520 or better understanding of the equality 0:24:10.559,0:24:14.559 of races and better 0:24:11.520,0:24:17.120 appreciation of other races 0:24:14.559,0:24:18.000 specifically in places like the more 0:24:17.120,0:24:22.080 rural 0:24:18.000,0:24:24.320 areas of the world it is far more 0:24:22.080,0:24:25.600 difficult than it is in a city to 0:24:24.320,0:24:28.960 possibly feel like 0:24:25.600,0:24:31.440 you know what's going on for me i 0:24:28.960,0:24:32.159 grew up in a very rural town with a 0:24:31.440,0:24:35.600 population 0:24:32.159,0:24:38.080 less than 3 000 and 0:24:35.600,0:24:39.840 i knew pretty much nothing about the 0:24:38.080,0:24:41.520 lgbt community 0:24:39.840,0:24:43.440 basically even though there was really 0:24:41.520,0:24:45.840 much of an alternative to being 0:24:43.440,0:24:47.039 heterosexual and because of that for the 0:24:45.840,0:24:48.400 longest time 0:24:47.039,0:24:50.320 i didn't really consider that there was 0:24:48.400,0:24:53.919 an alternative for what i might be 0:24:50.320,0:24:58.880 as a person in my identity both sexually 0:24:53.919,0:25:02.000 and with my gender and so 0:24:58.880,0:25:04.159 basically it wasn't as if i 0:25:02.000,0:25:05.919 was repressing anything but i just never 0:25:04.159,0:25:06.400 had the thought that there was another 0:25:05.919,0:25:08.080 option 0:25:06.400,0:25:10.640 or another thing that somebody could 0:25:08.080,0:25:12.159 identify as and so being able to tell 0:25:10.640,0:25:15.360 people 0:25:12.159,0:25:17.120 in these smaller communities about 0:25:15.360,0:25:18.799 these differences in people and these 0:25:17.120,0:25:19.760 things that you can be is a super 0:25:18.799,0:25:21.600 important thing to 0:25:19.760,0:25:23.039 know about and learn about especially at 0:25:21.600,0:25:25.520 that age when 0:25:23.039,0:25:26.159 in health i learned about the male and 0:25:25.520,0:25:28.799 female 0:25:26.159,0:25:30.480 reproductive organs and that was it 0:25:28.799,0:25:33.679 there wasn't 0:25:30.480,0:25:35.840 anything beyond men have sex with women 0:25:33.679,0:25:38.000 and a condom is used for protection 0:25:35.840,0:25:39.360 although even me having that and my 0:25:38.000,0:25:40.640 school might have been a lucky thing you 0:25:39.360,0:25:43.679 think that's not always easy 0:25:40.640,0:25:45.440 a lot of things when i was growing up um 0:25:43.679,0:25:47.600 and i'm sure you and james will probably 0:25:45.440,0:25:51.200 agree with um 0:25:47.600,0:25:52.640 in terms of sort of figuring out what 0:25:51.200,0:25:53.200 you are and then once you have figured 0:25:52.640,0:25:55.679 it out 0:25:53.200,0:25:57.919 it's you end up kind of having to almost 0:25:55.679,0:26:01.440 teach yourself these things 0:25:57.919,0:26:02.640 um or just learn it from experience 0:26:01.440,0:26:05.760 almost 0:26:02.640,0:26:09.200 um so yeah it does suck 0:26:05.760,0:26:11.200 how little documentation 0:26:09.200,0:26:12.480 education's actually on the matter i 0:26:11.200,0:26:14.880 mean obviously yeah now there's the 0:26:12.480,0:26:16.720 internet that 0:26:14.880,0:26:18.960 necessarily should a kid of that age 0:26:16.720,0:26:23.440 really be looking into that stuff 0:26:18.960,0:26:25.120 um alone i would say definitely not 0:26:23.440,0:26:26.480 yeah i mean it's it's definitely an 0:26:25.120,0:26:29.679 issue um and that's 0:26:26.480,0:26:31.120 honestly uh chris uh lgbt family and 0:26:29.679,0:26:32.559 games or lfg 0:26:31.120,0:26:34.559 we talk about it all the time we're a 0:26:32.559,0:26:35.200 non-profit organization and we are on 0:26:34.559,0:26:36.960 the internet 0:26:35.200,0:26:38.400 uh i think thankfully in a lot of 0:26:36.960,0:26:40.240 situations because we 0:26:38.400,0:26:41.520 are a place where people can talk about 0:26:40.240,0:26:45.039 these topics 0:26:41.520,0:26:48.400 um without fear of being judged to ask 0:26:45.039,0:26:50.400 questions and certainly we take you know 0:26:48.400,0:26:52.000 security and appropriateness very 0:26:50.400,0:26:54.799 seriously in our communities 0:26:52.000,0:26:55.760 but um organizations like yours and like 0:26:54.799,0:26:57.440 lfg 0:26:55.760,0:26:59.279 um and like some of the organizations 0:26:57.440,0:27:01.039 we're associated with through centerlink 0:26:59.279,0:27:02.960 are really essential in spreading 0:27:01.039,0:27:04.720 education because when i was a kid it 0:27:02.960,0:27:06.960 was a completely different thing 0:27:04.720,0:27:08.400 there really weren't um a lot of 0:27:06.960,0:27:10.720 organizations out there 0:27:08.400,0:27:11.520 doing this work to help kind of bridge 0:27:10.720,0:27:13.679 the gap 0:27:11.520,0:27:15.679 uh in the general public so if you 0:27:13.679,0:27:18.880 identified as gay or 0:27:15.679,0:27:20.320 lesbian or even trans there 0:27:18.880,0:27:21.440 a lot there wasn't a lot of knowledge 0:27:20.320,0:27:22.399 especially through the public school 0:27:21.440,0:27:25.360 system like 0:27:22.399,0:27:25.360 alex was referring to 0:27:25.679,0:27:29.600 um when it comes to like sexual 0:27:28.000,0:27:32.960 education i think 0:27:29.600,0:27:34.960 there's been a lot of well how do you 0:27:32.960,0:27:36.080 say progress in the last years even here 0:27:34.960,0:27:39.360 in germany 0:27:36.080,0:27:41.200 uh when i was uh in when i was in 0:27:39.360,0:27:42.640 elementary school we had the first 0:27:41.200,0:27:46.000 sexual education in 0:27:42.640,0:27:47.760 first grade and back then i remember 0:27:46.000,0:27:49.679 that the parents were like a little bit 0:27:47.760,0:27:52.320 outraged for sometimes 0:27:49.679,0:27:54.399 like they didn't just saw why people 0:27:52.320,0:27:55.760 that young should be exposed to sexual 0:27:54.399,0:27:59.200 topics 0:27:55.760,0:28:01.520 and i for example i think you cannot 0:27:59.200,0:28:04.320 start with sexual education 0:28:01.520,0:28:05.200 well early enough actually actually i 0:28:04.320,0:28:07.120 had my first 0:28:05.200,0:28:08.880 sexual education in kindergarten and 0:28:07.120,0:28:11.520 there was like this guy 0:28:08.880,0:28:12.880 coming and like explaining to us how 0:28:11.520,0:28:15.200 mama and papa 0:28:12.880,0:28:16.480 were like baking a cake together and 0:28:15.200,0:28:19.039 then papa would 0:28:16.480,0:28:20.320 add the eggs and mama would add the 0:28:19.039,0:28:23.360 flour and they would like 0:28:20.320,0:28:24.559 stir the the dough together that's the 0:28:23.360,0:28:27.919 wrong way around 0:28:24.559,0:28:29.440 oh god um they would stir 0:28:27.919,0:28:31.279 the dough together and then they put it 0:28:29.440,0:28:32.720 into the oven for nine months and then 0:28:31.279,0:28:33.520 there's a baby coming out that they're 0:28:32.720,0:28:35.520 gonna name 0:28:33.520,0:28:38.080 and that's like a really cute story but 0:28:35.520,0:28:39.760 i think that's just like 0:28:38.080,0:28:41.760 not okay to teach people because it's 0:28:39.760,0:28:43.919 just straight up a lie like what if they 0:28:41.760,0:28:45.679 use that in school and they they'll get 0:28:43.919,0:28:47.679 bad grades for example 0:28:45.679,0:28:49.919 it's definitely pointless that i i'd 0:28:47.679,0:28:53.600 probably say as soon as people 0:28:49.919,0:28:55.520 um touch teens or even 0:28:53.600,0:28:57.039 as soon as they go into high school it 0:28:55.520,0:28:59.039 should definitely be 0:28:57.039,0:29:01.520 a pretty in-depth conversation because 0:28:59.039,0:29:04.640 that is to be honest with you 0:29:01.520,0:29:06.159 um to my experience in general obviously 0:29:04.640,0:29:08.080 there's the occasional case that that's 0:29:06.159,0:29:09.679 not always the situation but 0:29:08.080,0:29:12.000 generally that's when most people make 0:29:09.679,0:29:13.520 bad decisions well i will say this 0:29:12.000,0:29:15.360 um i actually heard a little bit of 0:29:13.520,0:29:17.200 research on this particular subject 0:29:15.360,0:29:18.880 um that i found fascinating because i 0:29:17.200,0:29:20.640 would i kind of think the same thing 0:29:18.880,0:29:23.200 that like the teenage years would 0:29:20.640,0:29:24.960 be one that would be most pertinent um 0:29:23.200,0:29:26.960 but a lot of experts will say that 0:29:24.960,0:29:29.840 sometimes um 0:29:26.960,0:29:30.880 educating at a younger age helps prevent 0:29:29.840,0:29:34.399 some 0:29:30.880,0:29:35.120 um you know issues of like sexual 0:29:34.399,0:29:38.399 predators 0:29:35.120,0:29:40.799 um it helps educate kids about things to 0:29:38.399,0:29:41.679 look out for um and they actually talk 0:29:40.799,0:29:43.679 about now 0:29:41.679,0:29:44.799 how it's important to use the correct 0:29:43.679,0:29:48.240 terminology 0:29:44.799,0:29:50.720 um while the baking the cake um 0:29:48.240,0:29:52.880 metaphor might be easier for somebody to 0:29:50.720,0:29:54.559 go into a classroom and talk about 0:29:52.880,0:29:56.240 um and i don't necessarily think that 0:29:54.559,0:29:57.760 that should all happen in a classroom i 0:29:56.240,0:29:59.279 think that's really more for parents 0:29:57.760,0:30:00.880 parents should take it upon themselves 0:29:59.279,0:30:02.480 to teach their kids and have an open 0:30:00.880,0:30:03.600 conversation because they should be the 0:30:02.480,0:30:05.679 adults 0:30:03.600,0:30:07.679 that kids feel comfortable coming to if 0:30:05.679,0:30:10.880 there's ever a question about sexual 0:30:07.679,0:30:11.600 you know sex or sexuality um but yeah 0:30:10.880,0:30:13.200 the 0:30:11.600,0:30:14.880 the experts are now saying like you know 0:30:13.200,0:30:16.720 if you're using a metaphor you should 0:30:14.880,0:30:18.559 really use the correct terms um 0:30:16.720,0:30:20.799 and you know in order to keep this kind 0:30:18.559,0:30:23.440 of pg-13 i'm not going to go 0:30:20.799,0:30:26.880 into further detail on that but um i 0:30:23.440,0:30:26.880 actually found that quite fascinating 0:30:27.360,0:30:29.919 and i don't know if that's your 0:30:28.320,0:30:30.559 experience in your organization if you 0:30:29.919,0:30:32.720 guys do 0:30:30.559,0:30:34.000 you know i'm not sure exactly what age 0:30:32.720,0:30:36.640 range you guys are working with 0:30:34.000,0:30:38.240 uh we are working with people from sixth 0:30:36.640,0:30:40.480 grade to 0:30:38.240,0:30:41.600 really no upper end so we've been to 0:30:40.480,0:30:45.279 universities 0:30:41.600,0:30:46.399 we've been to uh companies already we 0:30:45.279,0:30:50.559 gave briefings on 0:30:46.399,0:30:54.399 lgbtq topics when for example uh 0:30:50.559,0:30:57.840 one one guy uh was like actually 0:30:54.399,0:30:59.600 a ceo for small company and he outed 0:30:57.840,0:31:01.840 himself as homosexual 0:30:59.600,0:31:04.320 and there were like a lot of homophobic 0:31:01.840,0:31:07.360 things being said by their employees 0:31:04.320,0:31:08.000 and he wanted to have them actually 0:31:07.360,0:31:09.840 being 0:31:08.000,0:31:11.120 a little bit more educated on the topic 0:31:09.840,0:31:12.960 so 0:31:11.120,0:31:14.960 that there could be a little bit more 0:31:12.960,0:31:17.760 tolerant towards their boss 0:31:14.960,0:31:17.760 which i think is 0:31:18.399,0:31:24.159 i mean the things they said were like 0:31:21.519,0:31:24.960 they were borderline they were just like 0:31:24.159,0:31:28.080 really damn 0:31:24.960,0:31:30.399 straight up homophobic like we're 0:31:28.080,0:31:33.039 talking things like yeah but like 0:31:30.399,0:31:34.320 he's not wearing she's not wearing women 0:31:33.039,0:31:36.559 clothing 0:31:34.320,0:31:37.440 so i never thought he would be gay for 0:31:36.559,0:31:40.480 example 0:31:37.440,0:31:43.760 just to like say one of the less 0:31:40.480,0:31:44.480 yeah like it's such a ridiculous thing 0:31:43.760,0:31:47.440 to say 0:31:44.480,0:31:47.919 so like my um previous job before my 0:31:47.440,0:31:51.039 current 0:31:47.919,0:31:51.919 i so work wise i don't even really talk 0:31:51.039,0:31:52.960 about any of this 0:31:51.919,0:31:54.880 stuff with them because to be honest 0:31:52.960,0:31:56.000 with you i don't really care about their 0:31:54.880,0:31:57.279 opinions as long as they 0:31:56.000,0:32:00.640 kind of keep it to themselves on the 0:31:57.279,0:32:02.240 matter um 0:32:00.640,0:32:03.919 but i did have a lot of people 0:32:02.240,0:32:07.360 explicitly like saying 0:32:03.919,0:32:09.360 just terrible things um i 0:32:07.360,0:32:11.360 reported it to management and explained 0:32:09.360,0:32:12.960 why it kind of bothered me because 0:32:11.360,0:32:14.320 obviously i am in that situation as much 0:32:12.960,0:32:16.320 as i don't tell them about it and they 0:32:14.320,0:32:18.640 basically just said to me 0:32:16.320,0:32:19.919 they're ignorant people but they weren't 0:32:18.640,0:32:21.440 going to do anything about it and at 0:32:19.919,0:32:23.840 that point i was just like 0:32:21.440,0:32:25.039 what do we do what do we do but a lot of 0:32:23.840,0:32:25.760 companies probably will deal with it 0:32:25.039,0:32:27.679 like that 0:32:25.760,0:32:29.279 whether they're like-minded in that 0:32:27.679,0:32:30.960 sense or they just don't want to bring 0:32:29.279,0:32:33.519 up that conversation as a 0:32:30.960,0:32:35.039 situation um i think it's good 0:32:33.519,0:32:37.440 definitely that you are 0:32:35.039,0:32:39.919 um and the team that you work with 0:32:37.440,0:32:41.840 obviously do that 0:32:39.919,0:32:43.600 yeah no i mean seriously because the 0:32:41.840,0:32:46.720 company that i um 0:32:43.600,0:32:48.000 work for now um has come a long way i'm 0:32:46.720,0:32:48.880 actually in a private branch so it's a 0:32:48.000,0:32:51.840 little different but 0:32:48.880,0:32:53.440 you know back when i started it it was 0:32:51.840,0:32:56.559 in their handbook that 0:32:53.440,0:32:58.880 um you know their insurance 0:32:56.559,0:33:01.039 benefits could only go to married 0:32:58.880,0:33:01.760 couples and in parentheses a man and a 0:33:01.039,0:33:04.399 woman 0:33:01.760,0:33:05.200 so specifically excluding homosexual 0:33:04.399,0:33:08.399 couples 0:33:05.200,0:33:09.279 right so you know it's it's improved 0:33:08.399,0:33:11.679 over time 0:33:09.279,0:33:13.200 in the united states we've had some 0:33:11.679,0:33:15.440 legal battles that have 0:33:13.200,0:33:17.039 kind of turned and i think more people 0:33:15.440,0:33:17.600 have become a little bit more educated 0:33:17.039,0:33:19.039 but 0:33:17.600,0:33:20.880 certainly what jay is talking about you 0:33:19.039,0:33:22.480 know having experience where 0:33:20.880,0:33:24.240 you have an issue and trying to bring it 0:33:22.480,0:33:27.039 to an hr department 0:33:24.240,0:33:28.640 or higher up that's where there's still 0:33:27.039,0:33:29.120 going to be issues and people are going 0:33:28.640,0:33:30.880 to 0:33:29.120,0:33:32.320 usually kind of turn the other cheek but 0:33:30.880,0:33:33.840 i really appreciate the fact that your 0:33:32.320,0:33:35.679 organization's going in 0:33:33.840,0:33:37.440 and providing some of that education in 0:33:35.679,0:33:39.840 companies because i think that's missed 0:33:37.440,0:33:39.840 sometimes 0:33:40.559,0:33:44.240 when it comes to america for example you 0:33:43.120,0:33:46.880 guys uh 0:33:44.240,0:33:48.320 you guys had same-sex marriage before 0:33:46.880,0:33:50.159 germany had it 0:33:48.320,0:33:51.440 so you've been like a little bit faster 0:33:50.159,0:33:55.120 on that topic 0:33:51.440,0:33:56.240 and that's like i remember when there 0:33:55.120,0:33:58.320 was 0:33:56.240,0:34:00.000 well gay marriage incorporated here in 0:33:58.320,0:34:00.640 germany and they were like yeah but why 0:34:00.000,0:34:02.960 do they need 0:34:00.640,0:34:05.360 marriage oh my god like they're not 0:34:02.960,0:34:06.559 being discriminated against like why do 0:34:05.360,0:34:10.079 they 0:34:06.559,0:34:13.280 have marriage now like come on exactly 0:34:10.079,0:34:15.200 exactly betty why do you need marriage 0:34:13.280,0:34:16.399 and it just it just they don't they 0:34:15.200,0:34:18.560 don't see 0:34:16.399,0:34:20.480 people like that don't see how they are 0:34:18.560,0:34:22.079 discriminating against people 0:34:20.480,0:34:23.839 i just recently had to deal with a 0:34:22.079,0:34:26.159 person who said that 0:34:23.839,0:34:27.760 them seeing two guys kissing is like the 0:34:26.159,0:34:30.399 equivalent of getting an 0:34:27.760,0:34:32.639 unsolicified nude for example and that's 0:34:30.399,0:34:32.639 just 0:34:32.720,0:34:35.520 how the heck is me kissing everything 0:34:34.159,0:34:37.200 how the heck is the picture of me 0:34:35.520,0:34:40.040 kissing my boyfriend 0:34:37.200,0:34:42.240 just as as bad as getting a nurseless 0:34:40.040,0:34:45.839 unsolicified pick of your 0:34:42.240,0:34:47.839 wee-wee that's just not a thing like 0:34:45.839,0:34:49.679 come on that's that's on a completely 0:34:47.839,0:34:50.879 different level and it should be pointed 0:34:49.679,0:34:54.320 out that there certainly is 0:34:50.879,0:34:57.359 a lot of um heterosexual 0:34:54.320,0:35:00.560 um public displays of affection that 0:34:57.359,0:35:02.880 you know everybody in the lgbt community 0:35:00.560,0:35:04.320 gets to witness on a daily basis i'm 0:35:02.880,0:35:05.839 personally not a fan of public displays 0:35:04.320,0:35:08.160 of affection but 0:35:05.839,0:35:09.280 you know i certainly think that if we're 0:35:08.160,0:35:11.440 going to talk about 0:35:09.280,0:35:12.320 you know fairness that we should treat 0:35:11.440,0:35:15.680 everybody on 0:35:12.320,0:35:16.640 an equal footing i mean if that person 0:35:15.680,0:35:18.960 would be like i don't 0:35:16.640,0:35:21.200 enjoy seeing people kiss in general 0:35:18.960,0:35:23.119 because i think it's disgusting that's 0:35:21.200,0:35:24.160 you know completely other level 0:35:23.119,0:35:25.359 certainly that's that's that's 0:35:24.160,0:35:26.880 completely different 0:35:25.359,0:35:29.040 yeah but like it's a different setup 0:35:26.880,0:35:30.880 just uh two guys kissing so 0:35:29.040,0:35:34.320 it would be okay probably if it was two 0:35:30.880,0:35:34.320 women so here we are 0:35:35.200,0:35:38.480 so what else you got you do do the 0:35:36.880,0:35:40.960 educational portion of the 0:35:38.480,0:35:41.520 organization but um you know what what 0:35:40.960,0:35:44.000 other 0:35:41.520,0:35:45.440 um initiatives do you guys have oh we 0:35:44.000,0:35:48.079 actually guide people 0:35:45.440,0:35:49.520 to have context for example when people 0:35:48.079,0:35:51.680 out themselves and they 0:35:49.520,0:35:52.640 experience problems in their social 0:35:51.680,0:35:55.200 field 0:35:52.640,0:35:56.240 we actually guide them to the sources 0:35:55.200,0:35:59.520 they need to improve 0:35:56.240,0:36:01.119 those struggles we can lead them to 0:35:59.520,0:36:02.320 other organizations that help them with 0:36:01.119,0:36:04.079 certain struggles 0:36:02.320,0:36:06.320 for example we had people come to us 0:36:04.079,0:36:07.760 after they got thrown out of home 0:36:06.320,0:36:10.240 because they outed themselves to their 0:36:07.760,0:36:14.480 parents and they just seeked help 0:36:10.240,0:36:16.640 and we kind of forwarded them to another 0:36:14.480,0:36:18.240 organization that is actually taking on 0:36:16.640,0:36:19.839 to those 0:36:18.240,0:36:21.680 problems and helping them over 0:36:19.839,0:36:25.040 overcoming them 0:36:21.680,0:36:29.359 we also educate we also work 0:36:25.040,0:36:32.800 entice with the oh god with the hiv 0:36:29.359,0:36:37.440 health organization germany 0:36:32.800,0:36:40.000 of or of our city and 0:36:37.440,0:36:40.880 they're actually helping people who got 0:36:40.000,0:36:42.880 well 0:36:40.880,0:36:44.640 who are we are living with people that 0:36:42.880,0:36:46.720 are hiv positive 0:36:44.640,0:36:48.800 who think they could be hiv positive 0:36:46.720,0:36:50.160 they tell them where they can get tested 0:36:48.800,0:36:53.040 anonymously 0:36:50.160,0:36:53.599 um and people that are diagnosed with 0:36:53.040,0:36:57.119 hiv 0:36:53.599,0:36:59.359 how to get treatment how to overcome all 0:36:57.119,0:37:02.960 of this how to get mental health and 0:36:59.359,0:37:04.880 how to well get their 0:37:02.960,0:37:09.040 stuff basically together if they suffer 0:37:04.880,0:37:13.200 from it like mentally and physically 0:37:09.040,0:37:16.560 okay right point yeah 0:37:13.200,0:37:18.400 cool very very cool i mean you're doing 0:37:16.560,0:37:20.400 a lot of beneficial things um 0:37:18.400,0:37:23.280 obviously ranging from the biology stuff 0:37:20.400,0:37:24.400 um larping my boyfriend's the lgbt stop 0:37:23.280,0:37:28.320 saying 0:37:24.400,0:37:31.040 i mean laughing is 0:37:28.320,0:37:31.920 his free time that's a hobby yeah i mean 0:37:31.040,0:37:33.760 by all means 0:37:31.920,0:37:37.280 i mean all of the voluntary stuff is my 0:37:33.760,0:37:39.359 free time to you so 0:37:37.280,0:37:40.720 well yeah that you know you have a lot 0:37:39.359,0:37:43.119 of stuff in your shoulders 0:37:40.720,0:37:44.800 um so it's quite impressive that you 0:37:43.119,0:37:46.880 managed to balance it well i mean during 0:37:44.800,0:37:49.920 corona there's not really much i do 0:37:46.880,0:37:50.960 so yeah of course i kind of feel like i 0:37:49.920,0:37:53.200 don't understand that 0:37:50.960,0:37:54.880 nothing's up right now and so it's just 0:37:53.200,0:37:57.760 too much free time actually 0:37:54.880,0:37:58.079 speaking of speaking of which j j are 0:37:57.760,0:38:01.359 you 0:37:58.079,0:38:03.119 guys back on lockdown for 0:38:01.359,0:38:05.280 oh yeah yeah really we've been on 0:38:03.119,0:38:08.560 lockdown for the past 0:38:05.280,0:38:11.119 four days i think um 0:38:08.560,0:38:12.079 everything's slowly turning into a blur 0:38:11.119,0:38:13.680 uh 0:38:12.079,0:38:15.599 i'm forgetting how everything works 0:38:13.680,0:38:16.640 however there even is an outside at this 0:38:15.599,0:38:18.800 point 0:38:16.640,0:38:20.160 um the window right there buddy no i'm 0:38:18.800,0:38:23.200 kidding it's not so bad 0:38:20.160,0:38:26.160 it's not so bad um 0:38:23.200,0:38:27.119 there are still people working from uh 0:38:26.160,0:38:29.200 home 0:38:27.119,0:38:31.440 they have some people working in the 0:38:29.200,0:38:32.400 offices but very very far away from each 0:38:31.440,0:38:36.640 other 0:38:32.400,0:38:38.480 um like generally speaking 0:38:36.640,0:38:40.560 there's not really much going on anyway 0:38:38.480,0:38:43.599 because of it so 0:38:40.560,0:38:44.320 yeah it's uh it's a crazy time it's a 0:38:43.599,0:38:47.920 crazy time 0:38:44.320,0:38:49.440 this year has been uh insane 0:38:47.920,0:38:51.920 this will probably be one of the years 0:38:49.440,0:38:54.960 that kids will be uh studying about 0:38:51.920,0:38:57.520 in like 10 years time you know 0:38:54.960,0:38:59.040 so you know what i wonder about if 2020 0:38:57.520,0:39:01.760 will turn into like 0:38:59.040,0:39:03.280 something that you say like oh god this 0:39:01.760,0:39:06.560 is so 0:39:03.280,0:39:09.920 i worked 24 7. no this is so 0:39:06.560,0:39:11.440 this this is so 20 20 like when 0:39:09.920,0:39:13.520 something is bad people will probably 0:39:11.440,0:39:14.640 say oh so 20 20. 0:39:13.520,0:39:17.040 i don't know if that's a thing in 0:39:14.640,0:39:20.320 america 0:39:17.040,0:39:21.760 i don't know possibly i mean yeah it's 0:39:20.320,0:39:25.280 hard to say 0:39:21.760,0:39:27.040 like i'd yeah i don't know i don't know 0:39:25.280,0:39:28.000 if it will ever be like a reference to 0:39:27.040,0:39:32.320 maybe it could 0:39:28.000,0:39:37.280 be um but 0:39:32.320,0:39:40.960 it's just in it's just crazy um 0:39:37.280,0:39:44.240 just the dramatics of the election 0:39:40.960,0:39:46.480 the covered 0:39:44.240,0:39:48.800 scare pretty much from the start of the 0:39:46.480,0:39:50.640 year now coming up to the end of it 0:39:48.800,0:39:52.000 and i imagine it's going to flow into 0:39:50.640,0:39:55.440 next year as well 0:39:52.000,0:39:59.680 absolutely absolutely well just how much 0:39:55.440,0:40:01.920 everything has had to change now um 0:39:59.680,0:40:03.599 a lot of people i know um do like 0:40:01.920,0:40:04.880 exercise classes and things like that 0:40:03.599,0:40:06.000 they've now had to move all of that 0:40:04.880,0:40:08.640 online 0:40:06.000,0:40:10.880 um anyone that hangs out with their 0:40:08.640,0:40:14.400 friends has to kind of like double guess 0:40:10.880,0:40:14.880 um everyone's plans uh like my brother 0:40:14.400,0:40:16.960 was 0:40:14.880,0:40:18.480 intending to get married in june that 0:40:16.960,0:40:20.800 will have to be cancelled so that's push 0:40:18.480,0:40:24.160 now to june next year 0:40:20.800,0:40:27.440 um yeah 0:40:24.160,0:40:29.359 it's a whole crazy situation i have no 0:40:27.440,0:40:31.280 idea what christmas is gonna look like 0:40:29.359,0:40:35.359 for families 0:40:31.280,0:40:36.960 um yeah i don't even know if i'm gonna 0:40:35.359,0:40:40.079 see anyone on christmas 0:40:36.960,0:40:43.040 um so 0:40:40.079,0:40:43.040 yeah i don't know 0:40:43.119,0:40:46.800 uh the future's a hard thing to predict 0:40:44.960,0:40:49.920 yeah that is 0:40:46.800,0:40:52.640 the one constant thing um 0:40:49.920,0:40:53.920 but i will say if anybody pulls anything 0:40:52.640,0:40:56.880 from this year 0:40:53.920,0:40:58.880 i imagine it will be a combination of 0:40:56.880,0:41:02.079 the different art that has come out of 0:40:58.880,0:41:05.599 everything going on because of 0:41:02.079,0:41:08.640 how art is super 0:41:05.599,0:41:12.720 strong whenever there is uh sort of 0:41:08.640,0:41:16.240 so to speak boxed in and 0:41:12.720,0:41:20.000 um sad and just 0:41:16.240,0:41:21.839 in general isolated emotion and so 0:41:20.000,0:41:23.760 when we see everything that's come out 0:41:21.839,0:41:25.119 of it in the art world afterwards 0:41:23.760,0:41:27.839 it's going to be incredibly interesting 0:41:25.119,0:41:30.240 to psychoanalyze and just 0:41:27.839,0:41:32.160 look and see all the different things 0:41:30.240,0:41:34.240 that people have created 0:41:32.160,0:41:35.359 yeah i think there's that i think in a 0:41:34.240,0:41:37.599 work perspective 0:41:35.359,0:41:38.960 uh a lot of companies have realized that 0:41:37.599,0:41:40.560 they don't need to have people 0:41:38.960,0:41:44.160 physically at work 0:41:40.560,0:41:44.160 all of the time there's been a lot of 0:41:44.880,0:41:49.280 yeah yeah i imagine a lot of companies 0:41:47.680,0:41:50.160 will find they can save money by doing 0:41:49.280,0:41:52.640 so as well 0:41:50.160,0:41:54.240 um in certain places essentially because 0:41:52.640,0:41:55.760 they're going to require less equipment 0:41:54.240,0:41:59.760 essentially 0:41:55.760,0:42:01.680 um within their actual premises so 0:41:59.760,0:42:03.200 we'll see we'll see it will either be 0:42:01.680,0:42:04.960 beneficial or be negative 0:42:03.200,0:42:06.800 my only fear i think for people on a 0:42:04.960,0:42:08.480 day-to-day basis now 0:42:06.800,0:42:10.560 lockdowns and quarantines and such and 0:42:08.480,0:42:12.960 such is just mental health 0:42:10.560,0:42:13.920 um i think obviously a lot of people 0:42:12.960,0:42:17.119 have struggled 0:42:13.920,0:42:19.119 male suicides um have majorly gone up 0:42:17.119,0:42:22.640 during this whole thing 0:42:19.119,0:42:24.480 um so yeah yeah 0:42:22.640,0:42:25.920 i just don't like the idea living in a 0:42:24.480,0:42:31.040 time that 0:42:25.920,0:42:33.520 future historians will base their phd on 0:42:31.040,0:42:35.599 yeah it's one of those ones where you 0:42:33.520,0:42:38.640 can tell people like you know i was like 0:42:35.599,0:42:41.040 yes maybe we will be in the textbook 0:42:38.640,0:42:41.040 i don't know 0:42:42.560,0:42:45.680 you know i i think so many things have 0:42:44.800,0:42:49.040 been a first 0:42:45.680,0:42:50.800 within the last um you know 0:42:49.040,0:42:52.480 i mean couple of years that we will 0:42:50.800,0:42:54.800 certainly see 0:42:52.480,0:42:57.359 yet the first month alone we had forest 0:42:54.800,0:42:59.680 fires in australia 0:42:57.359,0:43:00.480 all of that happens and there's a global 0:42:59.680,0:43:02.720 pandemic 0:43:00.480,0:43:03.599 then there's elections then there's some 0:43:02.720,0:43:06.720 a lot of other 0:43:03.599,0:43:07.440 happening like this this year's wild oh 0:43:06.720,0:43:10.880 god 0:43:07.440,0:43:13.200 2019 was was was wild again but 0:43:10.880,0:43:15.599 i bet you nobody really knows what has 0:43:13.200,0:43:18.160 gone down in 2019 sorry for saying the 0:43:15.599,0:43:18.160 bad words 0:43:20.160,0:43:25.280 you're good um but i think 0:43:23.440,0:43:26.480 we've covered pretty much everything we 0:43:25.280,0:43:28.079 we're going to cover 0:43:26.480,0:43:30.160 we may actually end up bringing chris 0:43:28.079,0:43:31.680 back for another podcast in the 0:43:30.160,0:43:33.440 future he's quite a good friend of mine 0:43:31.680,0:43:36.160 in general so thank you 0:43:33.440,0:43:37.599 um we've always got good stuff to talk 0:43:36.160,0:43:38.960 about generally speaking can i still 0:43:37.599,0:43:40.560 come back 0:43:38.960,0:43:42.560 i think next yeah you can call me 0:43:40.560,0:43:46.319 simon's summer right 0:43:42.560,0:43:49.280 okay i mean yeah i'm sure but i 0:43:46.319,0:43:51.760 obviously following weeks um we should 0:43:49.280,0:43:54.000 have different guests 0:43:51.760,0:43:55.280 um i think we've still got a few people 0:43:54.000,0:43:57.839 lined up from 0:43:55.280,0:43:58.640 all over the place essentially um but 0:43:57.839,0:44:02.319 yeah i said if 0:43:58.640,0:44:03.839 you well james sorry close it out end it 0:44:02.319,0:44:07.040 i don't finish it i thought that was an 0:44:03.839,0:44:10.160 artist actually uh 0:44:07.040,0:44:13.280 no alex is different job okay 0:44:10.160,0:44:15.119 uh but yeah check us out on 0:44:13.280,0:44:18.319 for information on lfg 0:44:15.119,0:44:20.240 uh the podcast is on lgbt fam dot 0:44:18.319,0:44:22.839 fm if you'd like to join us here as a 0:44:20.240,0:44:25.440 guest send us an email at podcast 0:44:22.839,0:44:26.800 and all our other social 0:44:25.440,0:44:28.000 stuff is going to be up on the screen so 0:44:26.800,0:44:30.800 you can see it 0:44:28.000,0:44:32.319 if you're joining us on a podcast uh you 0:44:30.800,0:44:34.640 can check us out in the description 0:44:32.319,0:44:36.960 we'll have all the information in there 0:44:34.640,0:44:37.760 so you can visit our links and join in 0:44:36.960,0:44:40.160 the community 0:44:37.760,0:44:41.200 we are on discord quite a bit um we hang 0:44:40.160,0:44:42.800 out in the voice channel 0:44:41.200,0:44:44.560 and you can give us feedback on there as 0:44:42.800,0:44:49.760 well so you can join us at discord 0:44:44.560,0:44:51.680 gg lgbt fam i think that's all i got 0:44:49.760,0:44:55.599 let's just fight in my time 0:44:51.680,0:44:58.800 i've been planning to harass you but uh 0:44:55.599,0:45:02.079 couldn't find my trump card today so 0:44:58.800,0:45:02.079 we'll have to leave without anything 0:45:02.839,0:45:05.839 sorry 0:45:10.480,0:45:19.839 well our guest is left i guess this is 0:45:21.520,0:45:

23.599 you