LGBT+ Family & Games Community Podcast

LGBT+ Family & Games [EP 4] - Edible Shampoo, D&D, and Warhammer 40k

LGBT+ Family & Games Season 1 Episode 4

Twitch streamer, DeiceFenrir, joins the LGBT+ Family & Games Content Creator team and talks about how his community enjoys eating shampoo? Listen to us talk about Deice's community, Twitch, Mixer, D&D and more.




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What happens when you put 3 LGBT+ people in a remote recording session? We talk about everything under the sun including tv, movies, music, current events, drama, LGBT+ topics, gaming, and more!  LGBT+ Family & Games is a nonprofit organization here to create safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals online. So join the fam and enjoy the podcast!

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LGBT+ Family & Games is an LGBT+ nonprofit organization that creates safe spaces for LGBT+ individuals to be themselves. We have a very active and growing community on Discord and continue our efforts to grow elsewhere online.

We record our podcast episode live SATURDAYS at 7 PM EASTERN

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[Music] hello and welcome to episode 4 of the lgbt family and games podcast my name is james i am joined by jay and we have a special guest today uh disa or i'm sorry it's um is it or do you wanna be called dan uh it's dice my my first name is dan and if you're andrew you're allowed to call me dc but only him only only andrew okay so my husband's the only person that can call you dc yeah well we'll just clarify good to know okay good to know so uh what's special about uh dan is that he actually just joined our lfg content creation team uh that's actually a new program that we started in lfg uh thanks to jay jay helped us get it kind of reworked and off the ground again but basically the program is designed for anybody creating content on youtube twitch tick tock i mean we're kind of working on tick tock it's a little new ground for us um but it's it's for lgbt content creators to work together collaborate improve their own channels and streams and and you know their own content as well as um help boost others and and really grow and learn together um jay do you have anything else yeah i mean 100 so that is what it is we will essentially bring on uh more or less anyone relying they want to be part of the program in um but i think what we would ask for if you are going to look at this and think i want to try this out we would probably want to see some sort of content we're not going to take you under the basis if you just upload random videos of just blah blah blah blah blah yeah to be clear yeah i i think that's important to be clear the content creation team is really about people that are looking at this as kind of a method of potentially either supplementing their existing income or possibly using content creation as a you know a livelihood in the future or something that they're really invested in it's not really for just casual um you know i'm gonna stream for an hour here and there or on twitch um we're looking for people that want to see growth and have goals with um their content creation yeah 100 um and we've got experienced people behind the wheel um and we've got a few streamers as well that are already in the mix that are gradually getting pretty popular to be completely honest um it's working in a platform of we have the whole community of lfg and the fact of the streamers themselves or youtubes or whatever it may be that can then also boost you up that extra level as well so dice kind of getting into it or dan getting into it it was really funny and i felt bad because i responded to your application pretty late but i know that you were very interested in joining the content creation team um to the point where you know you followed up with me you know later on and you know we had further conversations i'm just curious from your perspective you know what made you so interested what what made you kind of seek this out with lfg so the first thing that really caught my attention um i met navi through streaming um who's part of the content creation team and he said hey i think you'd be a really good fit for this and i had been part of some content creation teams before but they all had this very like lone wolf kind of style to them where everybody just kind of did their own thing um looking into lfg and finding out that you know it was a non-profit organization that you guys started that was based off of creating these these bubbles these safe spaces on the internet for for people of the lgbt community really struck a chord with me and i was like you know what i think that's something i can really get behind being a pan individual being a pan male uh it's very very um you don't see that a lot so i think me being that way gives me the opportunity to have a lot of um impacts with it within the community as a representative to say you know hey look it's okay to be this way um if you have questions you can come to me and ask and having that lfg badge um i think allows me to to be able to talk about it a little bit more openly and help people maybe where um i didn't have that growing up so it kind of makes me want to be a role model which is which is why i i was really into the idea of it yeah i think you're you and i are of this i think the same age actually or very very very very close um so we both probably had a very similar upbringing where things were just not not even spoken about it just wasn't a thing um so i can i can definitely appreciate that and and knowing that you kind of have a group behind you to help support that certainly can help too yeah i mean i'm of the same orientation as yourself um me and james have spoken about it before in previous podcasts about the whole growing up that sort of stuff so yeah no 100 um lfg has kind of given i think a lot of people a lot more freedom um with people to talk to and be a bit more relatable to themselves as well so yeah 100 so let's talk about your content um so what are the games that you play i mean what what do you do on stream so uh i consider myself um a variety streamer i know a lot of people use that term but what it basically means is i just i play pretty much whatever um lately it's been a lot of shooters because like you know apex um big fan apex uh cod not playing the new one haven't picked it up but is that a game about fish or yeah yeah it's a big big fishing big fishing game it's really popular in the esports universe or whatever i don't get it but i like indie titles too as well i like um indie titles because a lot of indie titles push the boundaries when it comes to um like sexual content or gender content you know like celeste the developer just came out and said hey celeste is uh is a trans character um and you don't see that in a lot of mainstay titles so whenever paul's about like to mix it up with with indie games um but yeah uh and then saturdays we do community day which is where we try to play exactly like we do with lfg we try to get as many people into a game just to hang out and get to know everybody and and just have a good old time because um i like community first game play second and that's how it's been since day one for me okay awesome so what is this um what is this about shampoo okay so so the whole shampoo thing um is a tangent taken i would say out of context but it really wasn't uh we were discussing shampoos and somebody confused scent with flavor we were talking about like a green apple scented shampoo and somebody was like oh you mean you know green apple flavor and i was like well no you don't eat shampoo um and then everyone started talking about oh yeah chug shampoo eat shampoo it's delicious and somebody clipped me saying listen i don't want to be the guy who gets known for his community eating shampoo and now it's just become a meme and it's completely out of control and somebody just coming into the community being like oh they're shampoo eaters you know now you're going to be known as i know yeah the guy who has the community that that talks about eating shampoo yeah so does that mean about eating shampoo i'm okay with actually eating shampoo don't do that that's bad well see if i were you so what i would do is i would try to make an edible shampoo and and i would merge merchant there we go hey uh who's shampoo like procter and gamble make shampoo or hey head and shoulders go for the two in one edible let's talk yeah now three and one shampoo conditioner i was just gonna go there that's what i mean yeah two and one so so is the conditioner like does it go down smoother yeah it really you know helps uh lubricate the uh i mean i'm sure it is because there's probably like a bunch of natural things that you can use to technically wash your hair the same way that you could with water but i mean technically you could probably fill like a shampoo bottle up with gelatin and squirt that on your head and i'm sure it wouldn't be the best thing in the world but technically it would clean your hair so what would it do that and taste good that's uh depends would put in a green apple maybe yeah yeah green apple yeah um it actually reminds me of the i can't remember what youtuber did this i i know it's probably some big name uh but the person who sold their bath water oh belle dope that would be al delphine yeah but then i think there was another one because um when lsg created our first minecraft server i started watching some minecraft youtubers and and for some reason i started watching jack sucks at life who's not like the most popular one but he bought some other youtubers bathwater and then resold it there's some weird people on the internet is basically what i was saying like i i saw a youtuber kind of mock the whole beldell theme thing and then go out in public and sell his own bath water and it went for like 500 pounds per thing that's a lot of money yeah it's ridiculous people are just crazy see and here here's the problem with that how do you actually know it's their bath water and not just tap water like how do you how do you know how do you know you're getting the authentic product why would they lie though i don't know i don't know what the aside from just making more money because you could sell more bottles if it was just yeah i mean maybe someone's like insecure what their bath water might taste like so maybe they get some flavored water or something and put that in there supposed to drink it i don't think people have drunk it that's a thing oh no yeah that's a thing so i mean i guess you're not not necessarily trail blazing on the whole shampoo see see what i gotta do though is i gotta make shampoo and then i gotta put my own one lock of my hair in every bottle and then there you go there's a unique product right so i actually um watching your stream earlier i i do have one question um i did see the horns earlier but you're never wearing them now yeah the horns um is the thing for every stream i'm not wearing it right now because this is supposed to be more more professional dice you know but yeah no the horns is is uh is in every stream thing it's become part of my brand uh the horns in the blue hair um i've realized i don't currently have blue hair it's you can see it a little bit yeah it's gotta get re-dyed but yeah the the blue hair and the horns is just is part of the brand and that's like my my character i guess i honestly wish i could pull off the beard um but for me it just like this is as far as i can i can only take it to here because otherwise it will start itching so bad that i will want to scratch my face off oh it is definitely itchy and actually there's um so i'm sure your gentleman know it movember is yeah i'm actually doing a reverse movember right now which is if we hit our donation goal i'm actually going to shave it all off and go completely clean shaven um because i've always had the beard uh basically since i could grow one i'm like yeah let's be a viking let's let's have so um yeah i would look 12 like i wouldn't look old enough to stream on twitch without facial hair so it uh it'll be interesting if we get rid of it to say the least so what are your goals was your stream like where do you want to take it um i know you talked about community first or you're trying to grow a big community or well i ideally i would um in the long run i'm talking a couple years from now we'll see what happens but i would like to make it something that i can do um either full time or supplement the majority of my income um i i'm 30 i work in a factory i don't want to be doing that the rest of my life um if i could supplement and pay my bills and you know be able to live comfortably off of content creation um that would be ideally where i would like to go that and i um when it comes to the community focuses i want to create a community that will outlast me and what my what i mean by that is if i stop streaming let's say a year from now i want that community to to still be thriving all those people supporting each other all those people still hanging out you know without me needing to be the driving force for that oh yeah yeah i mean that's a good enough reason i'm curious so at what point was there anything like major that happened that caused like a spike in your channel or has it all just always been like a gradual process to where you are now so my channel growth um i actually started over on mixer originally we were on mixer for about a year um i moved off that channel to twitch right at the beginning of june which coincidentally is right before the platinum forum shut down yeah so since we've come over to twitch i already had that built-in community so it's it's kind of like cheating a little bit like don't look at my numbers on twitch and be like wow he's doing so great i we are we're doing very very well on twitch um but i did already have that community over on mixer no it's been very very uh steady growth like i haven't had any crazy viral moments where we just blew up overnight um no huge hosts no nothing like that it's just been talking to people getting to know people yeah just consistency i'd probably save a lot yeah exactly yeah cons consistency is like number one rule when it comes to any kind of content creation did the whole obviously you said you did it just beforehand but did the actual mixer move in itself actually damage your um channel overall or did it not really affect you just based on the time so it did affect in a sense um a lot of people have platform loyalty yeah um so i know like if you talked about beforehand if you were on mixer talking about moving to twitch or being on twitch and moving to mixer uh that was almost a death sentence for your content creation a lot of people would drop off so because i basically took my core base from mixer to twitch so it didn't hurt too much it wasn't too bad a lot of what we lost were people that um never really showed up to the stream anyway or came in followed once and disappeared you know we're we're never there we're just a number so it didn't hurt i think actually we've been doing better since moving that's good to twitch that then on mixer so yeah i'm quite proud of what we've grown so what do you feel the biggest differences between the two platforms as far as like being able to grow your community um do you feel like it was easier on mixer or easier on twitch like what are you doing the same or different so mixer was very much mixer had a feeling of like high school um everybody was kind of really friendly um everyone was really positive and yeah let's go team twitch is a lot more it's not how my high school was wow okay i mean thinking in high school or something no no i just had a very large best friend growing up uh i mean there you go but no i grew up in a small town so like i had a high school of only 300 people so we kind of all knew each other um and then moving to twitch people take it a lot more seriously um like on mixer you could kind of get away with just being like a no cam streamer and just playing you know fortnight or whatever and you would still have people come through on twitch if you're streaming without a cam and you're not really talking to chad you're basically going to be dead in the water yeah um and i know there's a lot of people that do that um like for example if you look at my analytics and i'm okay talking about numbers i'm always open about my stuff um i'm technically top 1.65 of twitch uh and i'm a small channel so you got to think about all the people that are doing less than i am and think about how competitive it is to break out of that circle like you gotta you gotta do something to be able to to make yourself stand out so it's a lot more difficult to grow i think on twitch but if you've already got somewhat established i think it's easier than it was on mixer to grow once you're established yeah so it's a weird throw up they're two completely different entities i'd say um yeah like a lot of people tried convincing me um when i was doing content to try and do stuff on mixer and i just didn't want to purely for the fact that i just knew there was more people generally on twitch um and i was okay with the whole competitive side of it um but the people that were there to my understanding there was a lot more interactability with um the viewers and things like that um so now twitch has brought in that whole point system you know when you go into a channel and it would be like you can pick a new sub emote and things like that and blah blah that was kind of similar to what mixer had but a bit more in depth um there was a lot more things you could add on and so on and so on and mixer also did this like random thing every now and then where it was like we'll put the spotlight on you and then you'd end up for no reason just having like thousands of people watching you for about 15 minutes or something um they just had random moments like that and they were beneficial for a lot of people yeah you're talking about the um what was it the the hype hype channel or something something like that i don't remember what it was called it was for very specific things so like if you were playing apex for example if you were the like top like three team in your match you would randomly have like a thousand people come in but the problem with that is most of those people were lurkers too yeah like most of those people just did not get any kind of retention sure well well and that's kind of one of those things that um you know when we started talking about doing a content team um obviously a lot of the content creators are going to be on twitch because it's kind of the most popular um streaming platform i'd say youtube obviously being the most popular overall video platform but a lot of people you know when they think about one of these kind of like creator teams they're thinking oh well i'll get hosts all the time or you know follow for follow or things like that um it just doesn't work you know if you have a thousand people jump into a channel you might get one or two followers from that your retention rate it depends on the channel yeah certainly but for the most part people that watch a certain channel are there for that content and if you shift gears it's going to be a different creator with a different voice and a different style even different games some people only watch certain games on twitch um so you know the thing that we're doing here isn't going to be that um we're just trying to it's tough twitch is a tough platform i think i personally if i mean we have the lfg channel on on twitch but if i'm going to invest time in anything me personally i'm probably going to invest it more in youtube even youtube not streaming like the thing is like when you're watching videos i imagine most people probably do the same sort of thing where if they want to find a video to watch they'll go through their recommended list pick one and then maybe they'll see a video that's coming up next and think oh i like the title or the name of that or the thumbnail go to that one when does that video ever have like 500 views or a hundred views or something like that it never does you'd have to be so specific to be looking for that video to ever find it um youtube really doesn't do many favors for like low upcoming youtubers i think that's a challenge for any any platform they're going to focus on where they get their ad revenue is and and trying to keep people on the site longer it's true um i think mixer was a bit more forgiving to the people that probably wouldn't have had as much of a following on those places but correct twitch it's much easier i think to find the smaller channels if you wanted to go looking for that sort of thing because it's more so what game do i want to watch i'll pick this one scroll through i like the look of this one you can make yourself a bit more appealable just naturally from the general screen that you're portraying um yeah it's it's one of those things where you've got the option of at least being seen or as youtube it's hard to even get to that point so i could talk about this for hours but i do know that you also um have i guess a bunch of interest in d d yeah um so i have been playing dnd since high school so 10 plus years something like that um started in 3.5 um actually as a joke uh and it turned out to be one of my my favorite pastimes uh buddy of mine went out and bought the the box set which was you know the the dungeon masters guide the monster manual the player's sandbox and he's like oh look i picked up some dnd books like look how big of nerds we are and then we sat down and actually started playing it uh and it's become easily my my favorite pastime like if i had the option to go out for a night at the movies or you know sit home and play video games or play d d i'm i'm gonna pick d d every time really yes so so my visual um and and this is kind of like when when we talked to chris in our last uh episode about larping right my visual came from a movie that i watched that included a bunch of larping we we were talking about role models and the and every time it's that dude that kept saying lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt light bulb yep i love role models that is a fantastic actually i think i quoted that today i saw somebody draw a lightning bolt and i was like um but anyway so my visual for dnd right it comes from stranger things okay i yeah um no no what are you doing that's the visual that i get stop it what what do you mean i've been in groups where that has not been far off okay i've seen the moments where everybody stands up from the table and and loses their mind because oh we we slayed the the mind flyer or whatever and then i've also been in very subdued games where everybody's just hanging around having a beer or their drink of choice and just you know rolling dice and and talking so it depends how your party dynamic is how i've also had people dress up like we've had somebody who played a wizard who who legit came in wizard robes and the hats and had his own spell book that was leather bound and had all this so it all depends on how invested you want to get into the game and that's why i like it is because it's one of the few mediums where as invested as you want to get into it um you can i've said since i started playing i think they should have after school clubs for dungeons and dragons and 100 dead seriousness and like this was something i would love to to get behind and try to put it it's so great i mean it could be like a chess club i mean there's obviously you know some type of strategy and and thought to it because i i was joking when i said the stranger things comment um it is the visual that comes to mind initially when somebody says d d you know a bunch of nerds around a table um dressed up and uh you know i mean you're not wrong you're not wrong it is a little bit of that but actually lfg started a tabletop group um and i think we're kind of on a sabbatical with it because everybody's got a little bit of um uh kind of covered um hangover worn out you know just kind of done with it um but we use the um uh fantasy grounds and i'm actually really interested in trying and like getting into the fantasy grounds like unity um update because it has like the shadows and stuff like to me that seems more my speed because it's a little bit more visual and yeah visual because i have a hard time with like the like choose your own path fantasy kind of things but i think if it's more inner like more like you're actually playing a game like a video game yes yeah almost like a video game okay i think the good part about dnd you feel like um people that play on like the tabletop and probably more so what you're talking about with the whole school um situations like it can bring a lot of creativity into it um because you can essentially be more or less whatever you want to be to a certain extent like there's no major limitations and the person who's running the game can kind of just mess around with you for essentially like three hours if they really want to um like it it's it's basically just anything goes for the most part is just roll the dice and wish yourself like you could do that you could pretend to be a goose yep you could turn into a snake you could turn into a snake yeah you could turn into a snake that can somehow wield a both you could do that that could be you right and your g that can be you crossbow make building crossbow i love it okay today was leg day i should not have done that um the best way i always try to get people into dnd when they're like oh it's just a giant nerd game i'm like yeah dude have you ever played like let's say skyrim for example and you're like oh i wanna i wanna punch that npc but the game says no you can't do that in d you can do that you you could walk up and just randomly assault a villager in the street if you wanted to i mean usually there's yeah if you have a good dm you're gonna have consequences for that but the the fact is you can do that the game allows for you to do that which i think is is really neat so now i really want to make like an lfg specific dnd campaign i'd be down that'd be like okay like like completely i got so my understanding is there's actually like licensed content right like there's there's certain um because we actually pay for the licenses uh for lfg um i don't know all the the specif i'm sure you could rattle off a bunch of names of different things like for monsters and things like that where they basically build out all this the specs uh for everything for the dm um but i would want to do it from the ground up a completely new artwork like i if i'm going to do something i want to do it like all out i'm crazy when it comes to things like that i mean i would not suggest your first foray completely building a system by yourself i would i would say try it with like the actual content first see how much work yeah i got a feeling we're all gonna burn down the village to begin with anyway like level one everyone's dead so it won't be long before you can create your own content um i lost my train of thought you're too busy getting over yourself getting over myself getting into the idea of doing something that's just see how much work it would be remodeling everything i like that he says i would love to do it without the visuals but then turns himself into a crossbow using snake it would probably take you like i didn't say crossbow using no actually uh that was from a meme that somebody posted in lfg they talked about you know the i think it was what the druid um would turn into a snake and was anyway so i digress um and then what is this about uh uh warhammer miniatures oh okay uh yeah warhammer 40k the most expensive hobby in existence uh really don't yeah no it's it's very expensive so for those who don't know warhammer is a tactical tabletop rpg but the problem with warhammer is if you want a specific army you have to go out and buy it you have to build it and then you have to paint it so if you want for example let's say i play orcs in warhammer if you want a specific orc unit which let's say i want a jet i've got to go out and buy that sometimes hundred and fifty dollar model put it together paint it before i can even use it in the game yeah so it is like that and that's excluding the paint costs that's just for the general figurine itself and then when you're painting that's this big is like eight nine dollars yeah um and then excluding that like it goes above and beyond you have to put the piece together the way that you want it to be like glue it literally you essentially like more or less hand craft this thing except for the part they've given you the arms and legs for it um yeah so what's to stop me from going out to hobby lobby and grabbing a bunch of little like random like i don't know toy soldier figurines oh you can yeah people do that people do that to save money people will just buy like you can go on ebay and stuff and buy like job lots of just random parts and then put them together and make your quote characters they may look a little bit different but it's generally the same context yeah the term is called kit bashing yeah which is basically you take all your leftover parts and you go oh this is this thing and and hope somebody's like okay but um so there's like a a casual side to it and then there's like an actual like mandated uh like competitive site i guess yeah and the competitive serious side will be like sometimes we'll be like no no kip ash like if your unit has that gun and that weapon that is specifically what it has because that's what the model has yeah and then there's the casual side of it which is like yeah if you want to throw some army men on the table and make up rules for like have the rules from there you go yeah have fun so this is like d and d with more of an investment uh it's d d with more math and way more investment yeah like d d you throw like a dice sometimes more like warhammer you could be throwing literally like 20 dice at once with 20 sides especially with orcs yeah yep or whatever it works differently they have bad aim yeah uh you know they have bad aim all their guns are like junk that they stole from other people so when they fire it's like a hundred rounds like it's a full volley of ammunition and maybe like two of those shots will hit and you you have to roll dice for every single one of those shots so you're just a glutton for punishment if yeah um okay yeah like the orcs are basically like a gambling game whenever you're playing warhammer like you literally don't know what's going to happen but you either basically just completely ruined someone or just watch and cry essentially so in warhammer does somebody take like a rubber mallet and just destroy your fingers if you lose no no if that happened people stopped screaming oh my goodness like you want to see a nerd riot that is i think that would make a really really funny like tv show what breaking just breaks just get some people that are like get the people that are like i don't know the the top people in in warhammer like i'm sure there's some fans yes you know famous figures and warhammer get them all in the same same room and make them agree that if you lose or if your character dies and just watch them melt down i mean it would be good for a youtube series it'd be funny but the thing is i don't think a lot of the professionals actually do the pieces themselves oh that's kind of cheap well they're pro players so it's kind of the same as anything they kind of get given parts by people that want to have their things shown off in a way if you know what i mean so there's a lot of people that do warhammer just for the artistic side and can make like the craziest pieces you could physically imagine but they aren't very good at actually playing the game or have no actual interest in playing the game they just like the artistic side of it so instead of getting like the really good people that you know people are just handing them stuff you get somebody who's just mediocre and generally the way competitive they're really into it anyway there's like a youtube channel that basically does a lot of the competitive stuff themselves um they already have all the pieces already done in house you just choose what you want essentially yeah so this seems so complicated it is yeah it's very complicated yeah it is okay yeah it takes a lot to try and learn that it's not an easy task i'll be honest like d d is like a stepping stone to then um potentially warhammer um d d is a gateway drug to warhammer yeah but is there anything digital for warhammer yeah there is a bunch of software set within the universe um like uh i don't know if you know vermintide for example yes that's i don't like the fantasy fantasy yeah yeah so there's warhammer and then there's 40k 40k is like futuristic gothic warhammer original is like uh medieval times kind of stuff because i think i've seen all this stuff on like humble bundle like oh yeah yeah anytime you see a reference to it's like a space marine space marines is basically warhammer's bread and butter yeah okay it's cool stuff um they've got tons of books on it i've read a fair amount of them um there's definitely a lot of interest even if you don't want to do the miniature stuff and any of that kind of thing well i'm certainly watching a couple of youtube videos on this like once we once like i said i still want to see somebody just figurines get crushed ones that they have like hours so you know when people go out and buy brand new systems and then like burn them in the parking lot in front of people it would be like that but like times like a thousand yeah that's an old channel i forgot even existed until you said that i feel like my head's just broken hang on oh will it blend will it blend warhammer edition yeah there you go jesus don't bring stuff like that it's my job probably like 13 years ago i don't want to think about that it was a long time ago it was a very successful um yeah it was just it was like do you remember i just love destruction there was that hydraulic press type at one point oh andrew still watches yeah it's like a massive thing now and it's like the hydra so there's a hydraulic press and then there's like the the piping hot hydraulic press or like a hot knife through a hot knife or like the satisfying uh feeling stuff remember the foil thing where people would hammer it so many times it would make literally what looked like a pure metal like perfectly shiny ball but you'd have to like literally hammer it down like thousands and thousands of times till it was like perfect it was insane i have never seen this the the meme came out about that that's actually why people were putting tin foil balls in the microwave they're like yeah if you microwave a tin foil ball it comes out looking perfectly shiny like this yeah but the one i i remember growing up with was uh can you microwave this that was my jam back in the day and thank you wow you just sent me that and that's amazing i want to try that now too yeah it's a lot of commitment how long does it take i don't know like years uh no no people were like just busting them out i think it's more so like probably tens of hours rather than weeks or days but i'm gonna throw up an image of a group on the screen sorry yeah it's it's crazy though um there's been a lot of that's all we got are we ending going i think we're ending i think that's all we got um uh obviously our socials are on the side uh what was that a spin why because it's like two in the morning for you and you're ready to go to bed yeah it's twenty to three i'm not ready to go through oh wow okay um but uh dice before we go is there anything uh you want to throw out there in the universe um we'll obviously plug your channel for you yeah i mean ice vendor uh five days a week mondays and fridays we have off nine to noonish eastern standard time uh come hang out it's a good time i want to get to know the community so anyone who hasn't stopped by yet uh feel free all right well thank you for joining us uh we don't have the pun guy here no[ __ ] now so let's think of something some terrible pun to leave on my brain wasn't made for this there's a reason i hate when alex does it i don't want to think about them no i got nothing yep not right now all right all right see you guys next time shampoo that's good enough yeah bye guys you